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1  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game? on: 2018 July 11, 04:49:17

I never bought Sims 4. I am holding out for Sims 5. I hear it's going to be a great deal better, and they will be announcing it this year.

G'day Tiger! I played TS4 for an hour or so once. It's a mobile game for your phone. I still play TS3.
ETA: Tsen wants to know if there is not enough squid for you.

And g'day Aggie!

Oh look who we have here. It's the one who made MATY boring. Proud of yourself?
2  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Nothing inside the Sims 2 folder? on: 2011 March 21, 16:26:03
Recently, I installed the Sims 2 on my PC that runs Windows 7, and when I went to install the custom content I wanted to install, there was nothing inside the Sims 2 folder? Anyone know how to fix this? The game runs fine, the only problem is that there's nothing inside the Sims 2 folder. Is it because I'm running Windows 7? Or is there anyone else that has had a similar problem?

I don't have Windows 7, but I did hear from others who have it that for some reason with Windows 7 two Sims 2 folders are created in the Documents folder. One will be empty and the other should have all the files in it. In any case, there would have to be a folder located somewhere on your hard drive for the game to run.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: IMPORTANT DESIGN POLL on: 2009 June 18, 00:06:47
Yes, I actually play without a scrolly wheel.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Oddly fluctuating money, disappearing cars on: 2009 June 14, 18:13:56
Did any of you with a missing car not have a maid?  I was wondering because, I have had a missing car problem. I assumed that one of the klepto maids must have taken it. I have noticed that every single one of those maids has the klepto trait. There wasn't any announcement of the car being taken so I can't be certain what happened to it. This is one reason why I miss the memories where if something like that happened a sim would have a memory of what exactly happened.  EA could at least have put in something to let us know if a klepto takes something. Part of me thinks that the cars are just disappearing into thin air.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Sims 3 Exchange Greasemonkey Script on: 2009 June 13, 12:54:01
You don't need that script to download from the exchange without logging in or using the launcher.  It's actually very simple.  If you click on the picture of the item you want to download, another page loads that has a direct link to the Sims3Pack file and you right lick on it and can just save it to your desktop. 
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: How can we zone new residential lots in TS3? on: 2009 June 10, 12:59:40
At least you can still change a community lot to a residental and vice versa.

How do you change the lot zoning?  Does it work the same way as with Sims 2?
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: TS3 Store - this thread is for DOWNLOADS ONLY. Your inane comments go elsewhere! on: 2009 June 05, 14:41:08
For anyone who might be interested, this is the Sims 3 Sreensavers and wall paper that were on the 2 gig USB drive that came with the Collector's Edition.

Hope it's ok to put these here, but this seemed the most appropriate place for it rather than starting a whole new thread. 
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: REAL Final Version on: 2009 June 03, 12:31:44
The demonoid thread says there's no crack yet, and (very big) it does not include securom.

I found a no cd crack for the retail version at gamecopyworld.
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