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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Last ditch effort on cc in Generations on: 2011 June 16, 01:16:10
Marhis isn't "total fail," but that installer is outdated. The old method works on Windows, but I switched to Boot Camp pre-LN, so I haven't tried it on OS X since. I wasn't aware there was another framework installer out there for Mac folk. Where is the other framework installer you're referring to?

There's another updated one on MTS. Too lazy to link. It's relatively new. But Marhis' framework installer still works for Macs. After reinstalling LN and Gen for the third time I managed to get .packages to work again, briefly afterwards.

And I discovered the reason behind my extreme bork of failure. Somewhere along the line, the install redirected the Documents folder into my root. I had a folder hanging out that was "%Username%\Documents\..." and drilled down all the way you'd expect with all the saves I'd managed when playing Generations. No clue as to how that happened. Working on total clean install as we speak, so I pretty much know what I'm doing for the rest of my day. So far so good, though.

Adding in case anyone encounters a similar problem and actually bothers to search: Having a "%Username%\Documents\..." folder installed into my root drive appears to have been caused by updating HELS to the most recent patch available. Patching HELS to 3.10 consistently produced this effect for me three times, one of which corrupted my entire install which could not be remedied by uninstalling HELS, though on the other tries, uninstalling HELS did resolve problem. As far as I can tell, it was the 3.10 patch that was causing the majority of my issues (including properly installed framework Mods folders to be ignored [primarily because the game was referencing the root folder]).
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Last ditch effort on cc in Generations on: 2011 June 15, 00:30:58
How you can mess this up is beyond me. Instructions

Actually, I'm pretty sure I did do everything right, even from using those very instructions. Particularly since after all of my own attempts didn't work, I deleted everything I'd done and went with the Mac Framework Installer (both of them, actually). Where it continued not to work. And that didn't make a damn difference either. So unless you're insistent that Marhis is a total fail, well, there you are.

How don't even want to know how you've done this. Sim3packs that are in your downloads folder automatically show up in the launcher. You might just want to reinstall the games completely.

Yeah, I know they're supposed to automatically show up in the launcher. They aren't. This was actually primarily where I was trying to suss out what course of action I have might have missed while trying to sort out what my options were.  I think the whole thing is borked though, considering the whole game appears to be ignoring my documents folder. Saved sims and saved games that loaded pre-new EPs aren't around in the game either. I was hoping to avoid a total reinstall.

Decrapify won't run on a Mac by itself. Mac users need to use boot camp or something like Parallels. Decrapifying fixes a lot of borked crap, but the OP didn't indicate if they have access to a copy of Windows. I'd guess probably not, since the gameplay on Windows tends to be better than the one on OS X (coming from a Mac user who's tried both).

Actually, all of my items are decrapified. I've got an ancient win machine from 2002 that I ferry files too and from.

I'm thinking that Macs having trouble patching is a known problem, even with legit games. Are you doing it manually or through the launcher?

Through the launcher, it refuses. Cries about my .exe being modified, and some random text file and quits. Manually insists I don't actually have the game installed. Not sure where it's trying to look, and considering what direct manual links I've found are .exe's that must be wine wrapped (even shit that's meant just for Macs), I can't exactly smack it on the head and make it comply.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Last ditch effort on cc in Generations on: 2011 June 14, 05:34:14
Wharrrgarrrbl!! So I stopped playing a year ago and for some unholy reason I thought I'd pick it up again.

Arrr'd LN, OL, and Generations, and like an idiot, installed them all in one gleeful go. And while it works, the CC is gone. Oh gawd, I know, I need to SEARCH MOAR and pay attention.

Searched moar. Searched everywhere. Here, google, MTS. Followed every tutorial I could find. Started over. Killed the old cc method, tried the new one. Tried the new one five times each with two different approaches. Went back to the old method. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

It is all gone. Even shit that was in my SuperOfficialKosher downloads folder that was gainfully gotten isn't showing up in the launcher (I know. I'm on a mac though, so not many options). Seriously. Nothing is showing up. Not even riverview (and I actually purchased the base game and I downloaded and installed that with a reg code and everything, so if nothing else, Riverview should show up).

I'm really annoyed. Is there anything I have possibly missed before I go all scorched earth on this?  The only thing I have not been able to do is patch up to 1.22, which seems to be problem combo of a) not being legit and b) having a mac. Searched for a workaround on that one, too. Fail whale on that end.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD 4.0.87 (AMB) TEST THREAD on: 2010 June 23, 17:49:32
All right. Here to cry. I'm getting that obnoxious Game-Wont-Even-Load-A-Little-Bit hang on the load screen that others were getting in earlier versions. I'm not sure what gives. I redownloaded the newest release twice and recopied it into the Package folder twice and my game is still all "fuck you" with it. What gives? I tried removing everything else from the folder too, and it still won't play nice, so it shouldn't be a conflict. Mac-ness shouldn't be a factor either, eh?

This has been discussed many times.  Did even try searching the problem to find the solution?

I did, actually. Nothing I found resolved my issue. But I figured it out anyway. I had a typo in my framework. Fail whale.
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD 4.0.87 (AMB) TEST THREAD on: 2010 June 23, 03:41:23
All right. Here to cry. I'm getting that obnoxious Game-Wont-Even-Load-A-Little-Bit hang on the load screen that others were getting in earlier versions. I'm not sure what gives. I redownloaded the newest release twice and recopied it into the Package folder twice and my game is still all "fuck you" with it. What gives? I tried removing everything else from the folder too, and it still won't play nice, so it shouldn't be a conflict. Mac-ness shouldn't be a factor either, eh?
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AM, WA, and OS X Snow Leopard on: 2009 December 29, 01:26:42
Thanks, but I followed coconnor's instructions. And they got me to nowheresville. I followed them twice, to the T and got nothing to show for it besides a couple of hours of wasted time.
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / AM, WA, and OS X Snow Leopard on: 2009 December 29, 00:43:26
Can you tell by the date how much I've been putting off this foolery?

At this point, I've completely uninstalled the entire game and am fresh installing both base game and expansion for the second time today. Searched around the forum and the google to see what I could find and....still unsolved. Somewhere down the line in trying to get AM installed in a workable fashion, I managed to bork the entire production and made the game completely unopenable. Not happy...

Okay, problem: I can't get the game to load with AM in the Mods folder. Run up to splash screen then freeze on 0% load. Someone else had this problem but it was different issue. Framework installed properly. Everything installed properly as far as I can see (cleared out all other mods just to ensure it wasn't that). Attempt to install framework into WA directory is what borked it the last time. Thinking that's not the solution.  Patched all the way up last time. Tried both versions of AM, same problem with both. Game loads fine with just framework, without framework, and framework + everything but AM.

Again, I am operating under OS X Snow Leopard. I'm aware that makes me pretty much fucked and out in the middle of nowhere. But does anyone have a suggestion for a course of action so that by the time all this crap is reinstalled in an hour I might have better luck? Coolio.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Objects I miss on: 2009 June 10, 22:11:57
All of the above, plus windows with shutters.

There are shutters, just not stuck onto the windows themselves.  They're in there somewhere with the decorations in buy mode.  I forget which subcategory and I is too lazy to look.
9  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 07, 20:51:20
Mac report - retail version

The new awesome (+ aweconf) crashes on loadscreen, just before the dice icon appears. Purging all the caches doesn't help. Without aweconf, same crash. Crash 4/4 tries.

enablescripterror.package fixes and the game loads flawlessy.

Now testing the gameplay.

I had this exact issue with a retail verison on a Mac and solved it in the exact same way.  I don't know if this consistency is valuable or purely coincidence.
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