Marhis isn't "total fail," but that installer is outdated. The old method works on Windows, but I switched to Boot Camp pre-LN, so I haven't tried it on OS X since. I wasn't aware there was another framework installer out there for Mac folk. Where is the other framework installer you're referring to?
There's another updated one on MTS. Too lazy to link. It's relatively new. But Marhis' framework installer still works for Macs. After reinstalling LN and Gen for the third time I managed to get .packages to work again, briefly afterwards.
And I discovered the reason behind my extreme bork of failure. Somewhere along the line, the install redirected the Documents folder into my root. I had a folder hanging out that was "%Username%\Documents\..." and drilled down all the way you'd expect with all the saves I'd managed when playing Generations. No clue as to how that happened. Working on total clean install as we speak, so I pretty much know what I'm doing for the rest of my day. So far so good, though.
Adding in case anyone encounters a similar problem and actually bothers to search: Having a "%Username%\Documents\..." folder installed into my root drive appears to have been caused by updating HELS to the most recent patch available. Patching HELS to 3.10 consistently produced this effect for me three times, one of which corrupted my entire install which could not be remedied by uninstalling HELS, though on the other tries, uninstalling HELS did resolve problem. As far as I can tell, it was the 3.10 patch that was causing the majority of my issues (including properly installed framework Mods folders to be ignored [primarily because the game was referencing the root folder]).