Well, I was making an orphanage of sorts.. I never plan for them to breed OR age, so I just wanted them to look cute whenever I feel like playing. Don't worry, I'm aware that the "pretty genes" don't stick. ~_^
I got a family who has the plastic surgery machine, and I wanted to make a habit of adopting all those ugly sim children and making them pretty. However, it seems it only works for adults and elders! Is there a hack somewhere or would you consider making one that allows the object to be used by more ages?
My eyes are.. err... odd. One is golden green, kind of "army" green I guess. The other one is that same color, but with a patch of very dark brown. My eyes are like camo!
I only joined various simmers because I was stalking you - now I have another membership to a site which will remain unused! Oh well. *returns to lurking*