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TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
on: 2014 December 02, 08:27:57
Yeah, I've decided not to jump on the early-adoption bandwagon this time around, and instead use the relative peace and quiet granted by not having to worry about being hammered by another update to finally go to town on TS3 instead.
This is what I was hoping to hear. In the early days of TS3, you said there were a lot of things that you could do, but wouldn't bother trying until the game was final. TS4 isn't for me. The non-open neighborhood and no Puppet Master mode are dealbreakers. I'd be happy to wait until TS4 matured, if those two things existed. I'd like to think that the best days for TS3 are still to come - and moar awesomeness is worth Showing Up for.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Maxis releases documentation re: Sims 4 mods
on: 2014 September 07, 13:31:08
SimGuruModSquad September 5 in Mods & CC Technical Discussions Hi everyone! We've been busy working on technical documentation to share with you on best practices for Custom Content and Mods and details about how the game works. We're happy to announce that this can now be found here: Sims 4 is a large game, so we can't document everything about it, but we've included information about a few key things we thought you'd appreciate. IMPORTANT! The two example mods, and simsmodsquad-novelist.package will not work out of the box because of a couple bugs we recently discovered. So you will need to massage them a bit to get them to work, as follows: - The game will not currently execute NEW scripts out of the Mods directory when python is initialized. You can work around this by replacing Maxis-authored scripts via the Mods directory to inject your code. - The game will not currently load tuning files from inside a package file in the Mods dir. You can work around this by as follows: Add the following to the Resource.cfg in the Mods directory: DirectoryFiles unpackedmod autoupdate What this will do is allow loading of loose resource files out of the directory called "unpackedmod". Extract all the records in simsmodsquad-novelist.package to this new directory with the names of the format 0x<group>!0x<instance>.0x<type>, i.e. "0x005fdd0c!0xed7000a97ea8f032.0x545ac67a". The game will now recognize the files. A patch will be released in the near future that will correct both of these issues, at which time the mods will work out of the box. I will let you know when those fixes have been released. We hope this accelerates your progress. Please continue to ask questions in the forums, and we will do our best to answer them. Thanks again for all your hard work and awesome creations.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD 1.2.7/2.7.7/3.3.11 TEST THREAD
on: 2010 June 09, 21:48:49
Is it possible to even reserve spaces? My thinking is you can't "reserve" spaces, but spaces can "belong" to sims. Example: Your driveway is reserved for the sims who live there. EAxis logic? My question would be under what circumstances would non-home spaces be considered "reserved" by the game engine? When you leave your house in a car, with a destination picked, does the game pick where you're going to park before you get there? THAT would definitely be a case of a "reserved" vs. "non-reserved" (i.e. not currently earmarked for a player character to arrive to) space.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 1.8/2.3 plus Create a World Released
on: 2009 December 17, 07:45:39
Attempting a clean reinstall. When trying to patch to 1.8, I get this:  This is after installing the base, and then running each patch up to 1.7. Any clue? All my region codes match, no mods, no altered files, RZR version. edit: nevermind. EADM indeed works on arr'd game. 1.8 patch from Pescado's link is no good for me.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Moodlets + Six Bars vs. Eight Bars
on: 2009 July 18, 03:47:11
SupCom seems to think that 2 hours before work starts is a better time to wake up, and will send sims back to bed if they get up 3 hours before work starts - but first it sends them off to the library or gym (depending on which skill was queued), then when they get there it decides to send them back home to bed.
There, Pes. Now someone with way more posts than me has alerted you that SC is way overzealous about sleeping.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 July 13, 10:34:08
Sims don't really benefit in any way from having cash on hand. Without the player to SPEND it, they have no means of using it for anything, since sims cannot buy or place their own furniture. Even if they were allowed to do so, they'd have no idea how to arrange it and would probably wall themselves in with it. So all they can really use is the lot, and unless you put them on macro control, they don't even benefit from that, really.
Then is there a way to stop them from autonomously "Going Shopping"? They don't buy anything, they can't use anything, so what the fuck?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apocalypse! How many are left?
on: 2009 July 08, 07:34:12
The only thing that attracts me to TS3 at all is the constant time/living neighborhood aspect, which EAXIS fucked up completely. Awesomemod is making great strides, but in the end, I'd just love to see some miracle programming that would add those things to TS2. Eventually what little novelty remains in playing/modding/fixing TS3 is going to wear off and Everyone will be back at home at TS2.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 July 06, 18:42:28
This is probably just graphical corruption from the "serialization" process that can result when you change mods or update mods. If it goes away, the problem is harmless, but depending on what you yank out, it can explode your game unless you revert and "park". It is unlikely that AwesomeMod upgrades will do this since it doesn't blow up my game, which constantly version-changes, but you never know. It's a risk you take when playing with mods.
Aha, but I have not removed (or added) anything new. I run Awesomemod, HP's default skins, dontpickupfirepits and cyberops steal xml, and the only thing that's changed is every new build of Awesomemod. I have a theory that I can't check until later. This is a new neighborhood, not a new install. I turned on tracking and sacred for the house in my above screens, and then I went into the house and attempted to turn on SC for one of the people. Does one have anything to do with the other? Folks have mentioned a link between SC and Tracking before, or am I thinking completely sideways?