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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: All Game Sound Shuts Off
on: 2010 August 12, 02:14:31
I've also had this problem more often lately. I'll just be playing randomly and all of a sudden the sound goes off. It'll go on for less than 5 minutes, then come blaring back on again. It seems to happen more often to me when I play large houses with big families. I'm playing a single-person family now and I haven't had any problems so far.
Seems like a random EA bug to me - people have been complaining about sound issues since Ambitions came out.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Death AND Destruction! Meteor Strike
on: 2010 June 06, 18:36:33
According to the Prima guide:
"Sims who spend time in the outdoors or look through the telescopes at the stars run the risk - however miniscule - of being flattened by a falling meteor. Fortunately, you get a moment of warning before this actually happens. A shadow appears on the ground around the Sim and foreboding music lilts through the air (<i>I have yet to hear ANY music in my game, from the stereo or in Buy/Build mode</i>) But the warning lasts only a few moments and any Sim still in that shadow when the meteor strikes is instantly killed. If the dead Sim is turned into a playable ghost, the ghost is orange. Babies and children cannot be squished by a meteor."
I'm guessing since you get the warning, you can get out of the way.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Spoiled Food Stuck In Inventory
on: 2010 February 17, 03:54:55
"for some reason", eh?
Some reason like you didn't read the how to set up Awesomemod thread, and failed to install the framework correctly?
Arrogance FAIL - I'm fully aware of how to set up AM and install the framework, since I'm not a complete noob. It's been working fine until I installed HELS - all of my other mods work except for AM. But since that wasn't my question...thanks for playing. Nope. No way. You're stuck with that disgusted moodlet forever. * J. M. Pescado P&L Dammit, that's what I was afraid of. Screw it - it's only a -5 on her mood.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Spoiled Food Stuck In Inventory
on: 2010 February 14, 15:36:12
My Sim has 3 spoiled food items in her inventory that I can't drag out. When I hold my mouse pointer over it, there's just an arrow - no hand, asterisk, or anything. I was just wondering if there's any way to delete everything in a Sim's inventory and get rid of the "Disgusted" moodlet.
And no, I don't have AM installed - it doesn't seem to be working with my game for some reason.
Thanks for any help.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / "Buy debug" Plants Aren't Working Properly
on: 2009 November 24, 04:07:23
I tried using the "buy debug" cheat to get some of the WA plants and put them in my Sim's garden. I'll see the mounds of dirt, but if I mouse over them, it says "No Interactions Available" - I can't even see what kind of plant it is. If I leave the lot and come back, the plants have mysteriously disappeared. If I just hang around the lot, the plants don't do anything - no growth, no weeds, etc.
The base game plants show up (with the "buy debug" cheat) and work perfectly. I'm currently running on Patch 2.2.
Anyone have any ideas?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Error Code 16 on Patched Game
on: 2009 November 24, 03:31:16
No, they were at home. Not only all of that, but then I found out my saved game files were corrupted. I ended up having to start all over.
Now, I'm saving the game at regular intervals, and putting copies into a separate backup file. It's kind of a pain in the ass, but not nearly as much as redoing everything. So far, I haven't had the error code come up since then.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: WA Bug?
on: 2009 November 23, 00:02:18
I'm going to post this here, since others are having bugs with WA as well. ALL skills on every Sim are gone, apart from cooking skill. Kids have no skills whatsoever. My Sims have their high rank jobs and stuff, but no skills to go with them. Dunno if this is caused by the removal of AM or the game itself, but I have a feeling it's AM. They can learn the skills again normally, some can take classes too. This seems random, maybe those who previously had a maxed out skill cannot take classes? It's a real pain in the ass to learn them all again. Tried googling this, someone had reported similar problems at MTS. If anyone knows a quick fix for this, do tell. Otherwise I'll just have to survive until AM gets updated.  This exact same thing happened to me. Then I found this nifty little mod over at Crazy Town: You'll get your skills just about instantly.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Error Code 16 on Patched Game
on: 2009 November 22, 20:09:20
Tried to save my game a few minutes ago and got the "error code 16" message pop up. I had saved my game earlier (just after moving a Sim into her new house), but A LOT happened in between there. I've updated to the 1.7/2.2 patch, but still getting this message.
Any ideas? Or is EA just still staffed by douchetards?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Buyable Training Dummy For WA
on: 2009 November 21, 16:32:17
thanks. I wonder why they just didn't put them in buy mode for real.
You'd think so, wouldn't you? To hide them away like that is simply dumb, to say the least. I was totally expecting those dojo boards to be next to the treadmills.....they just don't seem to get it ...  Be careful - if you dwell on EA's "logic" for too long, your brain will shut down from too much exposure to stupidity.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Gain Skills Faster for World Adentures
on: 2009 November 21, 16:25:03
| what do you do when your sim is entirely maxed out on skills in 2 days? Boring.  I'll pass. Ever tried clearing rubble in a tomb without any Athletic skill? Your Sim would be there for DAYS. I wish I would have seen this before I just had one of my Sims max a couple of skills by actually DOING them on x3 speed and adjusting her moods. At least she can finish the rest of them - thanks man.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: World Adventures Mods folder setup, and What works and what does not
on: 2009 November 21, 05:06:44
I've checked these mods and they all work fine:
AutoToiletWashHands Twoftmama Teens Can Cuddle Kiss and Makeout Explore_Catacombs_Anytime floorthickness hryniuk-NoFootTappingOnWaitForClearRoute HUDNaviSwapInvenPanel SolaceInSound's 10X LifetimeHappinessElatedGain SolaceInSound's Money Cheat Mod 10000, 100000 NoAutononomousBrowseWeb NoAutononomousComputerChat NoAutononomousComputerGames NoAutononomousDance NoAutononomous-Go-Home NoAutononomousSprinkler NoAutononomousStereoDance NoAutononomousVideoGames NoAutononomousWatchChess NoAutononomousWatchTV noautoputawayfirepit NoBuildSparkles NoEmptyPotty NoMusicalNotes NoPartyGuestMax NoWrenchTossing NoZzzs slowerfoodspoil Kolipoki_Buyable OPS, MTS, DF + MG QueueFits15Interactions SLAM
These mods did NOT work in my game: cessil_BuyAllFish (this made it so none of the fish showed up in the grocery store) Chaavik-ChildrenCanPostTrollCheckForResponsesMoreFun Fruithack (this made it so none of the fruits & veggies showed up in the grocery store) gaininstantskills (this one locked up my game) JTP_childMirrorSpeech
I've got more in my file, but I can't test them out yet - will update when I can.
(Edited to add the non-working mods)
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Mods and CC no longer working
on: 2009 October 12, 12:19:25
I've got a problem, which was probably a result of my own stupidity...
I updated to the latest patch (1.4.6) without taking my mods folder out first (didn't even think about it - now I'm paying the price). The game started up fine, but now NONE of my mods/cc are working. The only things that show up in the catalogue are the Store downloads.
I tried a complete reinstall (after backing up my stuff), then re-patching, but it's still not working. I found links to the old patches at MTS, but when I patched it with the first one (they're saying to go in order), it automatically patched me to 1.4.6.
I'm about ready to kill someone from sheer frustration - any ideas? The game DOES NOT crash - the mods and cc just aren't working.
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / For GOD'S SAKE can someone fix my fail?
on: 2009 May 25, 00:21:56
Hey all - glad to join your merry band here. I'm hoping someone can help me get out of Retard Land...
I downloaded some new hacks over the past 3 days, but noticed there weren't any townies showing up on my community lots. I went through and deleted the ones I thought had to do with townies (mainly the ones that have YAs show up elsewhere other than the college lots). I went to a community lot after leaving "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" and this error message came up: An error occured with object "Controller - CLP - Community Lot - Populator" #555. Error: Bad gosub tree number.
Anyone have a clue as to what this means and how I can fix it? The short bus rider will be eternally grateful.