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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemode and Indi = no fast reading? on: 2009 July 31, 14:21:11
Have reinstalled TS3(payed version)= 20 x could only patch with french patch.(on u.S version)
all others phail, Indie will not show up with latest awesomemod
latest awesome mod will cause the game to crash.
previous version of awesomemod will work but no indiestone shows up.
game does not crash.
Removing all awesomemod alows indiestone to work with
its core mod installed and then only after deleteing script cache in  electronic arts /mydocuments.
Would love to have both mods going, but will continue to use previous awsomemod.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 1.3 Released on: 2009 July 30, 06:59:12
Finally! after reinstalling Sims 3 payed version 10x, I got it to patch U.S version with french patch? but cannot install awesomemod and indiestone, when I try Awesomemod it says unknown file type ( I have delphy monkey installed) any ideas?
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Things you DO like... on: 2009 June 21, 10:22:29
-The sun and the stars revolving above the town.That  reminds me of spore, perhaps there will be an expansion where spore creatures can invade and attack sims?
-water effects,sunlight beams through windows.
-Pescado's Awesomemod
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Playing The Horror with a dual core processor on: 2009 June 20, 09:58:34
Ahh maybe that is why my sims wife can go out and find her husbands exact clone ( same name) hanging in the park? Dual clones dual processor Smiley
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 12, 01:52:05
See, he gets us all hooked, gives us some half-assed excuses about older versions being evil, and then screws up one update and leaves us in the lurch like this. One is almost tempted to wonder if he enjoys causing anguish...

Yeah mine crashes also.
Mine also CTD -during loading on the second time going to play using AwsomeMod?
I haven't yet tried by deleting caches.But I did take Awemod out and game loads ok,there is still a lone sim in that world,but can start a new game
which has all the population ungassed?
Im thankful and don't care how much änguish is caused.
 Pescado ïs a genius getting this far,so soon!
Heed the warning "Your computer may blow up" we are only the pesantry in the grand scheme to Mod Awesomeness.
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 09, 03:19:15
Installed Awesome mod with Delphy's Framework Install Monkey For Dummies.
It is working great- thankyou
After reading the thread dozens of times, the Delphy monkey made it so easy!
Gassed all humans,now it is like "I am legend" (Pescado is)
Taxi driver NPC survives the gassing, also a ghost girl in the graveyard? The wind blowimg through the town adds to the awesomeness!
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The really real system requirements... on: 2009 June 06, 20:06:03
For some reason TS3 manages to use less resources than TS2, probably because there is nothing in it.
Quite true.
Last night,decided to install it on my Medion MSI wind clone netbook (Mobile Intel® 945GM Express Chipset ) Sims3 runs fine.
If you don't mind having to sort of scroll down to use the sims control bar,windowed mode is better but smaller,but other than that with less than 1GB ram it is running well?
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Store & Exchange Open for viewing on: 2009 May 31, 01:26:45
How any of use
Don't make a ewe out of me!
Use that bleach on the wool!
How any of you sheeple wil buy items is beyond me?
Use some shears to get it out of your eyes!
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 30, 12:16:48
That's another thing I just don't get.  With the glutinous success the Sims franchise has had, there should be more clones.  I know of the crappy attempts at clones so far, but no one really goes much further than that. You'd think Blizzard would give it a go in a more extreme way with all the cashola they have.  Or maybe Sony (eek). 
After Sims 3 is released and many see what EA has done', no one will attempt to clone it, there won't be a sims 4.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 29, 16:19:48
So, if I'm figuring correctly, it would cost $80 ($79.75) to buy everything up on the Sims 3 Store right now.  For the cost of 2 regular Sims 2 EP's you get 142 items, 16 outfits and 11 hairs and 0 new features. Fuck EA.

    I did some figuring and I get a total of $241.00 if you were to buy all the sets, clothing and hair.
So glad the RLD version will compensate for that and has the built in recolour the boring items feature.
To buy the game here is $99.00 AUD ,with all the items at that price above
you would be up for a whopping $581.00 AUD !
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Store & Exchange Open for viewing on: 2009 May 29, 16:00:28
Who comes up with this crap?  The only thing I want from that site, is the new town.
The creators camp?
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Store & Exchange Open for viewing on: 2009 May 29, 14:30:28
The Store and The Exchange is now open, if you can register your game with serial you can download Riverview and objects etc..
Just thought I would let you know.
Lousy EA mongrels! Liars!
 Quote:"The aaar'd version is missing half the world and another town and more content":end quote
Then they also have the hide to sell TSR style, with sims2 objects!
Deliberately omitted from the game.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 29, 09:47:27
A few have reported that the cheats listed at SnootySims aren't working for them; such as "shazaam" to give lifetime happiness points to the active sim. I wonder if they aren't typing the cheat correctly or just misunderstand the cheat, i.e. it might only apply to the active sim rather than the whole household. It might be nice to confirm if the cheats are all working or if there are problems with certain versions or systems.
Snooty sims, there is your source for problems, this is the only authoritive site reguarding sims 3
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 28, 11:28:49
Quote from another forum-

Just a heads-up for those planning to buy from EB Games in case they don't like Sims 3, to take advantage of their 7 day return policy (like me), EB Games are NOT offering their 7 day return policy for The Sims 3.

I tried to pre-order the Collectors Edition at my local store today, and was told that there was no return on the game because it had on-line activation.

I pointed out that EA have very publicly and very specifically stated that there is no on-line activation for the Sims 3, and I just got a shrug and an "I'm just doing what I'm told" as a response.

To the assistance credit, she did check with her manager first, but they are adement that there is no 7 days return for this game.
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 26, 19:35:26
Yes, I have noticed the blush go from pink to black even in strong light.
looks gross!
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 26, 11:08:21
You seriously can't play more than 1 sim family per 'hood?

Why do people keep saying that.  I'm playing 3 families in my game
CRAP! it is one house household or forfiet any acheivements by starting another visit others yes but not more than one fambly
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 26, 10:44:58
I have to say I agree with PES and INGE,the seammily wander around nieghbourhood seems a plus, but detracts from the siming- a forced get out and interact with legacy bots...collect/ search etc like spore....
I waited for so long for this hyper sims3 not a sims 2 with seamelss enforced neighbourhood interaction.
I want more of my content from wonderful creaters that made tS2 great, not a limited EAxis shitful take this  shit or pay$$$...
Pes and Inge really made the game special
simologiical was my fave sim site as was MATY and insim... I guess i have to wai untill these geniuses make it playable as they did with sims 2, but that shouldnt be up to them
or the brains like Crazetex,,
ALL i can say is thankyou so much for your efort and love for sims to make it a game above what we are given,or have to pay $100  for after the hype abortion of spore= you guys make sims2/3 AWESOME!
now bash me for being a smoocher kiss kiss xxxx
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 25, 07:54:55

Edit: Either this is a full version and like said many times before, they are covering their asses, because the game is crap... or it is infact, a pre-release of the final game, which would hopefully make sence as to why there are alot of issues with it.. and barely any content.

Build 1.0.631.00107 is the release that is coming next week. The pirate version is 1.0.615.00107.
EA has the first patch ready for the release game (x.x.631.x to x.x.632.x).

Now doesn't that say something,They already have a patch for the new superior release,
So to fix the crap June release (exact what we have now?) to cover their lie,they patch the new one with some bug fixes a bit more content and "maybe an extra town"
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: What would you call a Sims3Pack editor? on: 2009 May 25, 03:08:27
Simpaketor or EAxisEradicator.

Does this mean I can put sims2 object package files into sims3 with this?
or is it only for recolored items within the game?
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 24, 11:12:24
Don't know if any one here knows about this yet:

Someone pointed me to this. EA has generated a patch for the release game already.

The release version number is 1.0.631.00107, and the patch is designed to update this to 1.0.632.00107.

The pirated version is 1.0.615.00107, proving it is an old prerelease version.

And this link:
Why does the superior "bug free" full world/content and extra town, June 2 release, need patching?
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 24, 03:08:42
Does anyone know how to delete all the sims in the town? Bar say 1 or 2,
Or will they respawn? thought I could do an "I am legend sim "senario....
Also I have read of a cheat called "fisheye" (which doesn't work) supposed to enable you to see through your sims eyes viewpoint,which would be cool driving around in a car!
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 24, 01:52:27
I've been playing since the second day this was out.  My husband came home on the second full day of play, took one look at the house (laundry strewn about everywhere, kids running amok, etc) and said, "Well, I see you've been simming."  LOL
LOL I thought you meant inside the sims house, but they wouldn't leave laundry everywhere!
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 24, 00:44:56
IGN just did a preview and they had this to say about the amount of objects in the game.

Either this "review build" contains more objects than the final game, or what we've downloaded really is a buggy pre-release version. Then again, who knows what "a wealth of content" means by IGN's standards...

Why leave content out of a "pre-release build"? Sorry, just can't see EA deciding later to throw in more showers, counters etc or "oh we forgot to put in a spa,spiral stairs or even elevators."
Its more logical if they have a shop set up to buy items for frustrated users wanting better game content.
I wonder also what that creator camp was all about? Because I cannot see many new objects that weren't already in the base sims 2 game?
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 23, 15:40:05
EA claiming to have lost $9million due to "pirates"

"The current number of illegal downloads of "The Sims 3" suggests lost retail sales of $9 million to date, based on the $49.99 starting price."
A meaningless figure when you consider that it is not possible to buy it anyway. The numbers are obviously inflated because everyone is download the Unauthorized Demo.
That is so right! If as EA says this is only a buggy pre release with "cough"half the world missing, then their superior Final release will sell itself.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 23, 09:14:19
Uncheck fullscreen.
thankyou that worked!
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