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TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Collections
on: 2015 March 03, 13:17:56
Alot of people are experiencing problems with collecting because after playing for awhile the stuff doesn't spawn anymore in the other neighbourhoods, just another thing that is broken in this bitched up game!
Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control
on: 2009 April 05, 11:24:16
I have downloaded this a couple of times and each time I have it in my game my lots reset with some motives down almost to nothing it's the same ones everytime I go back into the lot, I just downloaded this within the past couple of days and have read all the posts in here which states that this problem was fixed but it is still happening, any ideas why??