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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why do so many people's male sims look like women? on: 2006 November 21, 04:44:10
I'm guessing it's that whole anime/bishounen thing, and making sims look proper many rugged sometimes results in fugly genetics...

I fully agree with Navaya.

In Korea, most of the skin creators, like Louis at Sim Scribbling, are big fans of anime, manga and fantasy-based games.
They have practiced to draw those girly male characters since they were kids and they like the school uniforms, long-haired men, thin lips, sharp noses, etc.
I can see the result on their Self Make-up skintones and male sim hair meshes.
Do you guys remember the japanese site of The Sims, BNJ x LVR? (I don't remember the exact name of the site, but it was something like that.)
The beautiful male head skins of that site looked like girly males from anime, too.

I think this "anime & manga phenomenon" is all over Asia.
You can see it from Peggy Sims' models, Sim Scribbling's skintones, and so on.

As I don't really like japanese manga, I prefer to realistic male sims, not a pretty one.  Tongue
I hope somebody will make awesome male hairs or skintones which look more real.  Lips sealed

Sorry for my poor English.
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Deleting character files of dead sims on: 2006 July 24, 04:49:57
Thank you for detailed informations about deleting sims.
I already got Inge's teleporter shrub plus but couldn't think of making townies with it.  Embarrassed
Maybe I shouldn't kill sims anymore.

I never have used TS2 Enhancer and now I'm gonna try it.
Many thanks!!  Wink
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Deleting character files of dead sims on: 2006 July 23, 18:39:54
I decided to make my downtown be like more 'real downtown.'
Then I installed the CAS default face replacement and killed dozens of ugly townies  Shocked
so that there are new townies around my town. Yeah, I know I'm evil.  Cry

But dead sim's character file isn't got rid of after they're dead,
and there are about 1,000 character files in my neighborhood folder.

I want to delete the dead townies' files with SimPE because they are making my game load slowly.
Anybody know any good way to get rid of those useless character files?
SimPE Sim Browser doesn't seem to let me know which one is dead.

Sorry for my poor English. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Daily gardener (is there No EP version?) on: 2006 June 14, 22:37:54
wow, Thank you for the link, Zephy.
You're an angel.  Cheesy
I'll go d/l right away. Thanks again.
5  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: Food facts(?) and Is it worth having a food processor on: 2006 June 14, 22:36:03
I always wondered how much it costs when they serve a meal and wow, this is quite an information!  Cool

Hm.. maybe I should force my simmies buy the Wornable fridge which they just don't like. lol
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Daily gardener (is there No EP version?) on: 2006 June 14, 22:26:54
Iona, I just got a notification that you had replied, but I can't seem to find the reply - but since it's included in the email, I thought I'd just suggest that you try  saving and exiting the lot and then reloading.  

Oh, sorry. I was trying to say that I would use the Always Perfect Plants but when I clicked 'Post' button, your reply was ahead. lol
I should confess that I didn't expect much, but you guys made my day!  Grin
Thanks all of you for your generosity. (hug)
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Daily gardener (is there No EP version?) on: 2006 June 14, 22:17:31
I fired the gardener and tried to employ him again, but the phone call keeps being cancled. 

Just found I have an old one dated 9.06.2005 in an old backup on my PC.  Don't know, though, which version it is, but the neighbourhood folder only shows University and I don't know whether that was a different version from the base game or not.

Woo Hoo~!
I just hope the Uni version works for the base game.

If not, maybe I should try the Awalys Perfect Plants.

Thank you ZephyZodiac and BlueSoup.
I really appreciate your help.

Can I have the university version via e-mail?
(I'm trying to find the file sharing policy but can't see any right now.)
8  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: No Community lot food serve. on: 2006 June 14, 20:19:07
This will be a great help.
Thank you for sharing. Smiley
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Daily gardener (is there No EP version?) on: 2006 June 14, 20:15:55
Does anyone know if there is the daily gardener hack? (No EP version)

I play only with the sims 2 and the daily gardener hack is not working.
I've installed the one from ofb/ffs hack lists because I couldn't find a one for none-EP.
If my sim pick up a phone and choose service -> gardener, the action is just canceled. (in all neighborhoods)

If someone knows where I can find the appropriate one, please let me know.
Any advice or comment will be much appreciated. Smiley
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