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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Need a mod that slows down skill gaining on: 2019 August 09, 10:23:08
Title says it all really. I play with extended life, but feel it's getting too Op when sims gaining skills at the regular speed- I tried downloading this mod :
But it doesn't seem to influx skill gaining at all. Maybee it's not updated far enough. Anyone that can help me with a link to a mod that works?

Would really appreciate some help. Thank you in advance
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: No CC clothes? on: 2018 October 26, 06:39:25
I had everything in the same file, but apparently that didn't work for clothes. So I moved all my clothes to a new file, called something else and then it worked.
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: No CC clothes? on: 2018 October 23, 21:12:37
They are in the same place as all my others mods, both new meshes and recolors of maxis meshes and game overriter, like  no20khandout, harder jobs, kids can give bottles ++

Unless clothes are supposed to be somewhere else they are int he right place.
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / No CC clothes? on: 2018 October 23, 11:29:53
I installed the game 2 days ago, all expansions, no stuff pack and the AL patch. Game works perfect. Install a bunch of mods, game works perfect and so does the mods. Install more mods and more CC items. Goes in game and test some of them. All mods and all recolors of items and new items works perfectly just as intended.

Except for ONE thing. my CC clothes. I downloaded hundreds I think if you set between all ages, genders and wears, not one worked. Also they don't show up in the CC folder that you can check in game, not even sure if clothes are supposed to or if the problem is with the game for some reason doesn't pick them up.

Now I downloaded basically mostly the same mods and the same clothes on earlier installation and then it worked fine. Not sure what is wrong now. I want to do a medieval challenge, I even got recolors of the plates, the baby bottles, the street, mailbox ++ All works fine, but I can't do a medieval play in modern clothes, it ruins the immersion.

I really hope someone can help me fix it. I would be very grateful.
5  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Seasons Updates on: 2009 March 21, 09:01:48
This is probably not the right place to post, but I coudln't figure out how to make a new post.

But I searh for the hacks lay "no20khandouts" and "moneyorder"++ But even if I get lots of result I can't find the place wher I can actually download them from.  Is there a site or page where I can download the hack that you're talking about here?  I find list of hacks, but you can't click them.
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