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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 L&P on: 2009 January 21, 07:18:28
A couple of things do attract me to the game. For example, the ability to use all materials on all objects would certainly be a huge improvement on the current situation (think how many fewer downloads will be necessary, if one texture can be applied to all  objects instead of just one).

On the other hand, I have the suspicion that at least 90% of what we've seen so far really is just L&P, and will prove to be untrue or at the very least exaggerated in such a way that the reality can do nothing but disappoint. A lot of what they're saying about the game sounds really unlikely.

Can't wait to see what the truth is. We can P&L when howls of disappointment and rage are filling the BBS. Those of us who are more rational about setting our hearts on this new toy delivering on its promises, will of course escape such bitter disappointment. I would love it if TS3 turned out to be a wonderful game, because, hey, I like TS2 and want MOAR of the same, but if it's a big FAIL, I'm not going to have a fit over it.
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Secret Society problem on: 2009 January 19, 01:26:17
I haven't seen doubled up townies since Uni. They were really common with Uni. I just figured it was fixed with NL or something. I guess I should be thankful I no longer see this in my game, for whatever reason, because it always unnerved me. It's hard to tell if something is harmless or not. Unless Pescado tells us. In which case never mind.
3  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: PS Masks & Hat on: 2009 January 12, 01:55:24
LOL @ the hat. WTF is that?  Cheesy

These are really cool. I think I'll throw a masquerade party immediately.
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Holiday Stuff Pack on: 2009 January 10, 05:59:08
@Ravenwings: SaraMK's ripped Holiday skins are built like regular CC, each mesh and recolor separated into a dozen different files. Downloading SaraMK's ripped outfits is not the same thing as properly reinstalling Holiday pack, or attempting to repair broken installation by adding missing files. Especially when I already own 2006 Holiday pack.

Still a huge communication fail. There is no way "realised I was missing a heap of outfits" and "without any needs for installs" and "give me the outfits I am looking for" means what Kiki claims she means in her second post. If Kiki did not want extracted objects, then she should have made it crystal clear that this was not what she wanted, or that she already knew that they existed. Otherwise, her request was very awkwardly phrased.
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Holiday Stuff Pack on: 2009 January 10, 03:58:18
Actually no I didn't fail to search at all - I saw that thread; not what I'm looking for. This is not a "giv me this stuff plx" thread like that one and I'm not looking for anything that goes in my downloads folder. I already have the things, I'm wanting to know the options out of the two I posted as I know that sometimes things like that will work with EA and other times it won't be recognized.

I'm looking to know if I can add in the H06.bundle file that I was given which is different to extracting certain things (as it has all CC stars removed and they aren't standalones) or if I can somehow uninstall the Holiday Pack that I have and replace it with the one that includes the H06.bundle (as Vista won't let me install when it says it's already installed so an "over the top" install isn't possible).

The file itself works like a patch like I posted in the OP, so it goes into the base game folders. I'm wanting to know if I can take out the specific parts pertaining to it and have it considered to be "uninstalled" without borking my base game install or not.


Okay then, you really suck at making yourself understood.

Can I either a) get the H06 files off someone and add them to the correct folders and they'll appear in the game okay without any needs for installs, OR b) is there some way I can go about uninstalling the pack without having to do a clean install to find an alternate copy that would have the H06 stuff in it and thus give me the outfits I am looking for?

a) this is done by sticking files into a Bins folder, since you're opposed to sticking them into Downloads. They'll appear in the game, with no need for installing the stuff pack. "H06 files" ... um... that would be the stuff I linked to.
b) downloading the extracted files I linked to is how you get the outfits you're looking for.

You're flailing and I call LOSE.
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Holiday Stuff Pack on: 2009 January 10, 01:00:00
You failed to search.

Even I know to do this, and I'm a noob.,13640.0.html by the hated(?) SaraMK.

This isn't everything -- I think I understand it to be only hair and clothing, but no objects -- but what is included works fine in my game.
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Show us your... Gameplay: Legacy Edition on: 2009 January 09, 06:42:27
I've given up on both Legacy and Prosperity as too boring. I don't like to do the exact same thing over and over, one sim after another. Maxing everything out for each sim is dull as hell.

I kind of combined the two into a new style of playing. I don't keep track of points, but I do keep copious records. I started a new neighborhood (devoid of all life) and created ten founders, five male and five female. It was part Prosperity because I used the randomization from that and also because apart from these ten there will never be any more CAS sims, and part Legacy because they are all adult founders. I also took the Prosperity method of playing on rotation, but I do it by season because that makes more sense to me. That way the neighborhood stays in season synch as well as aging synch.

If this sounds a bit like playing ten Legacies in one neighborhood, well, I admit the first days of each founder felt exactly like that. That also happens to be the only thing I ever liked about Legacy, so it worked out fine.

I try to give the sims personalities by defining what they like and don't like, will do and won't do. I use dice a lot to determine those things, but some I let the sims choose themselves. No one maxes everything, or even close to everything. They're assigned one or two things and that becomes what they're known for. For example I have one sim whose "thing" it is to use his influence for evil. Every time I take him to a community lot I'll wreck havoc by having him influence fights, pranks, and other evil deeds. Sims have favorite places they go, and places they won't set foot in. They have clubs they join, like pregnancy circles and regular meetings of paranoid abductees.

Each sim has their own way of making money. They can't just do a little bit of everything, like make flowers one day and robots the next and then start a farm the next. They get one thing that they're good at. One sim farms money trees. Only one sim is allowed to own a business of each kind. If someone's already selling toys, no one else is allowed to go into toy-making.

They're not allowed to make friends with the whole freakin' neighborhood, either. That's the sort of thing that annoys me more than anything else in some of these challenges!
8  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Aquariums Create Community Dummies - New Tasty Flavor (2009/01/07) on: 2009 January 09, 06:00:34
Well, in some of my neighborhoods there are church-type places which offer food to worshipers and VIP lots where sims pay for membership. It does not make sense for a visiting sim to pay $300 to fill a buffet on such a lot. It's the responsibility of the establishment to provide food. I also want buffets in restaurants, which does make sense to me just based on how a buffet looks. If it could be done so that the buffet charges a sane amount for the food, like the hacked buffets at Simlogical, then that would solve the free food issue.
9  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Aquariums Create Community Dummies - New Tasty Flavor (2009/01/07) on: 2009 January 09, 02:12:49
This sure solves a silly problem!

Ooh, could the same thing be done for buffets? I recently posted about my irritation at the fact that my sims must spend their own money to fill a community lot buffet. So annoying when it's a restaurant, wedding, or other type of lot where the food is supposed to be provided.
10  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Shiftable signs, paintings and photos (AL) UPDATED 2008-12-11 Now with mirro on: 2009 January 05, 02:46:45
The way they make holes in the wall, would make me believe it would glitch up when tried.

Aren't holes made by wallmasks? No reason why the wallmask can't just shift along with the window mesh. Unless the two are more separate than I'm thinking. It's been a long time since I've tinkered with creating anything, and I never tried windows.
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Please Help! Color Binning Assistance Needed! on: 2009 January 05, 02:01:24
Since the original problem has been solved, can I add a somewhat different but related one?

I have some hair that I binned, but it's unavailable for certain outfits. It'll be available for everyday but not for outerwear, for example.

Did I do something wrong while binning, or was this problem probably present in the original files I downloaded?

Can I fix this easily? It isn't bothering me enough that I want to spend hours binning all that hair all over again, but if it's quick and easy, I want to fix it.
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