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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Cannot bypass the launcher; extra folder "Packs" in the Bin folder
on: 2013 September 26, 22:30:47
Did you buy the game(s) through Origins, installed it from disc(s), pirated it, or installed it through Steam? They were all installed off a disk; the Base Game, Late Night, and Loft Stuff were a Starter Pack, and Generations and Supernatural were seperate. I don't see why you feel the "Packs" folder is an "extra" folder? It's supposed to be there.
In every thread I could find on the subject of bypassing the launcher, the instructions state that the .exe I need to run the game off of is directly inside the Bin folder. I have to go two folders deeper, and the .exe files I can find don't work, leading me to believe that this set-up is not the norm. If your game folders are set up this way, then please advise me on how you were able to bypass the Launcher.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Cannot bypass the launcher; extra folder "Packs" in the Bin folder
on: 2013 September 26, 13:41:28
I have an issue when trying to bypass the launcher. When I go into C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin to start the game directly from the .exe, there is no .exe. Instead, there is an additional folder called Packs. Inside that folder are three more folders, called TS3EP06, TS3EP06BETA, and TS3SP05. Finally, each of these folders contains an .exe corresponding to the name of the folder, but when I try to run the game from one of these, it asks for the registration code. Fine. When I enter the registration code, the code is not recognized, and it will not run the game from the .exe. I have a Sims 3 Starter Pack containing the Base Game,Late Night and Loft Stuff, as well as Generations and Supernatural installed.
Has anyone encountered this issue before? If so, any suggestions on how to bypass the launcher with this type of installation?
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread
on: 2009 October 16, 23:07:34
Lucky - Negates Risky Woohoo Completely. Hopeless Romantic - Higher chance of pregnancy. Technophobe - Would only use rhythm method. Frugal - Wouldn't spend money on birth control. Party Animal - Too drunk to care, if woman has trait there is an increased chance that the baby is born Dumb.
Risky Woohoo based on traits needs to be created, stat.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Interest Check: New 'Hood
on: 2009 October 12, 16:42:11
-I love playing premades, so a complete neighborhood would be great. -Biographies are awesome. -Either, or. -Any kind of geeky/cultish references would be great. -If I know they're there, I would definitely look for them. -Not whole stories, no, but I would make an effort to post pictures of cool happenings to give you publicity.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Using Aging Off/Story Mode Off - game takes 18 minutes to save
on: 2009 July 08, 17:14:28
Ah. Well, I know I had 70-ish NPCs and two homeless families. After The Rapture there were no homeless families, still 7 NPCs. I switched to different houses twice, pressed play for 5 seconds, then paused again, and had 9 NPCs and a homeless family. This was 4 am game time, so the family wasn't triggered by Story Progression. Where are these sims coming from?
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 June 23, 06:12:09
Since the bugs thread has been closed, I'm posting this here. If I've missed the new bugs post, degrade me thoroughly.
I'm only using the awesomemod + enablescripterror packages; the one I'm using is from 15 June. I've tried multiple times to use the latest one (21 June, afternoon version) and kept all the standard configs, except that I enabled debugcommands (<i>not</i>, however, debuginteractions). Every time I try to use it, however, it loads up fine, asks me which game file I want to play - but then it reports that there's no CD in the drive. The no-CD is, naturally, enabled.
I've cleared caches, I've returned debugcommands to disabled, I even tried disabling no-CD and then re-enabling it. It continues to report that there's no CD until I finally reinstalled the awesomemod from 15 June.
Anyone else got this problem? Am I doing something painfully, obviously stupid? Or is it just an unknown oddity?
I had that problem. It ended up being because I was still trying to use the launcher. Make a new shortcut, this one pointing directly to the C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Games\Bin\TS3.exe If you need to add new Store content in the future, you can just open the launcher, install the content, and then use the new shortcut to start the game. *Edit for incorrect file path.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / How do you protect your right to piracy?
on: 2009 June 07, 04:18:36
I've been torrenting for some time, and tonight my internet was abruptly shut off, with this message from my service provider displayed in my browser. I wasn't leeching M&G, I was seeding it, and have been for at least a month. While this was likely the work of a mole, I wanted to ask if there are any precautions the more experienced among you use to hide your tracks. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Can someone decipher this Error Report for me? - SOLVED -
on: 2009 May 09, 00:51:39
I'm not sure what's happening. I've been popping this error the last few play sessions, the message mentions something about "Attraction Score." I haven't found a common denominator, it affects random sims on random lots. I haven't been able to force it, since I can't identify the source. No new hacks have been added since before the error started. Any help telling me where to look for the problem would be appreciated.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: M&G carpet failure
on: 2009 February 13, 01:40:41
My favorite decorating scheme is to throw a bunch of overlapping rugs all over the place, so the more I have, the better. Unfortunately, that ruins the textures on some rugs. Next on my list of things to learn is changing footprints; it annoys me no end when a 4x5 rug has a 1 square footprint.