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Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod for TS4?
on: 2014 September 04, 02:58:12
There seems to be a crack out now. I got the Deluxe version and the crack from: says to create a fake Origin account and that if your sims take a shit then they stay pixilated until you restart the game. The installation has a few extra steps: "01. Put all files in game folder. 02. Create Origin acc (acc who will be just for cracked games), or use old fake acc. 03. Start Origin 04. Go to your hardrive...\The Sims 4\__Installer and install this: \The Sims 4\__Installer\vc\vc2013\redist (i clicked and install the 2 files: vcredist_x86 and vcredist_x64) and this \The Sims 4\__Installer\vp6 (i clicked in 2 files here: vp6.reg and vp6install.exe) 04. Start the Game\bin\The.Sims.4.Launcher.exe 05. Have fun" But so far it seems to work and my fake origin account hasn't been disabled yet. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it just crashes randomly. I have no idea if it crashes because it is an EA game or if it is due to the crack. On a plus side I found out how to fix the blur thing: "go to the Sims 4 folder game/bin where you placed the Sims launcher and there's a file called ts4.par Rename TS4.Par to match the launcher, which would be The.Sims.4.Launcher.par and the blur issue should work properly"
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: 4th speed stopped working?
on: 2010 November 03, 13:42:20
I'd completely uninstall, making sure all the folders are actually deleted, and then reinstall it. Seems like a logical first step.
Whoops. It looks like I misunderstood your problem. The 4th speed is exactly like the 3rd speed except that it goes back to first speed when your sims wake up or something else like that happens, as others have said.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Vampires
on: 2010 October 31, 11:00:48
You mean the Explode in BFBVS switch? I remember that! The second I saw it, I knew I had to try it. So I backed up all my saves, turned it on, and LOLed at the results.
Yeah. That's the one. I really really wanted to press the red button. The "Do not press" sign was so inviting, but I just didn't have the balls. Another nod of agreement. Hospital raiding is kinda useless right now, with one exception: my Crazy Hobo Vampire has no other source of blood (being a Crazy Hobo means no fridge and few friends). Suffice it to say, I'm tired of spending so much time looting only to have my spoils... well, spoiled.
I was able to make it so that the vampire Juice doesn't spoil. I also tried to make it so you couldn't get the vampire juice out of the fridge. I did things like make it no longer available as a snack and making it so you needed level 11 cooking skills to prepare it. I was successful in removing it as an option, but the side effect was that it also made hospital raids reset your sim back to home. So I gave up on that part for now. (My next and final attempt will be to make a plasma fruit a required ingredient to make the Juice which would make it so it isn't free... but if that makes you consume a plasma fruit each time you raid a juice from the hospital that won't work either) So anyway, here is a mod that makes it so the vampire juice doesn't spoil. It doesn't do anything else. If you have other mods that alters the master recipe list this mod will conflict with it. But you can modify those mods on your own by finding the vampire juice and going to <can_spoil>x</can_spoil> and just deleting the x. This next mod makes it so vampire juice doesn't spoil. It also makes it so you consume one plasma fruit when getting a vampire juice out of the fridge. It does not charge you any plasma fruits to raid the hospital. However, there is a slight problem in that if you don't have any plasma fruits in your inventory you can still get a vampire juice from the fridge and it doesn't cost you anything. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do about that unfortunately.
Both mods still allow you to raid the medical center to get vampire juice without costing you any plasma fruits. Unfortunately I couldn't make a mod that allowed you to raid the medical center while also making it so you couldn't get a vampire juice from the fridge. ETA: This mod makes it so you can't get vampire juices from the fridge. It also changes it so that instead of getting vampire juice from raiding the hospital, you get plasma fruits from raiding the hospital. This is the one that does pretty much everything I wanted it to. So, yay!
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Vampires
on: 2010 October 31, 04:07:43
Yeah, I'm seconding that vampires need a decent method of immorally obtaining blood; maybe their hunger meter should be filled/increased by winning a fight. I'm also going to agree to a "tastes like fridge" moodlet for all fridge-obtained plasma, but that seems too merciful. I'm not in charge for a variety of good reasons, but I'd throw in a statistically significant chance for something really hilarious to happen. As a random stupid suggestion, perhaps a bad batch, one in ten or so, gives you three days to live and can only be cured by drinking the blood of a hunt target (to make that mechanic worthwhile). Something in that vein, maybe less or more brutal depending on the whims of Pescado. Make it a toggle-able option if you want to avoid whining from the weak, but if you do, set it to on by default as a punishment to those who fail to RTFM.
The funny thing is that Pescado has done much worse than that. He as an option in the config file that crashes your game. That is its only pupose. It even tells you that it will crash your game. And yet a few people still asked why their game crashed when they enabled. Good times, good times. Speaking of making game mechanics worthwhile, you are able to raid the hospital to obtain blood juice boxes. But they go bad in your inventory very quickly AND (due to a bug) once they do so your vampire gets stuck with the "bad food" moodlet until you manually remove it using a cheat. Even though I dislike blood juice boxes from the fridge because they are too easy to obtain, I do like the idea of raiding them from the hospital. But to make it a viable option the blood juice boxes need to stop going bad or at least take no longer to go bad in your inventory.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Vampires
on: 2010 October 30, 15:10:24
If you think the juice boxes and plasma fruit are lame simply don't use them, problem solved. But I do agree with the fact that there really is no difference between staying outside in the daytime from the night time, I usually keep the vamp vigor moodlet all the time. Has anyone had any vamp children yet? Do they age properly? I know I read they can't drink from another sim until YA, that would be good to change. I was kinda looking foward to having little creepy evil vamp children running around.
Yeah, I turned my fridge around for my vampire sim so he couldn't sneak a juice box snack when I wasn't looking. When I get a household with a vampire and regular sim in it I'll just need to install one of those door mods that keep certain sims out and block off the kitchen that way. So it isn't too big of a deal since I can effectively get rid of juice boxes that way on my own. About your vamp vigor moodlet always being active: It shouldn't be. Mine goes away at 6am and comes back at 6pm. Also, if you are outside for more than an hour you should get the "heating up" moodlet and if you stay outside for another 3 hours you should get the "too much sun" moodlet. It sounds like that isn't happening for your vampire so either he is glitched or you have some cc that is conflicting.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Vampires
on: 2010 October 30, 06:30:23
I'm starting this thread so that we don't derail the Awesomemod requests thread. The goal of this thread is to come up with some improvements to make the vampires better. I think they are fairly good already and with a few changes I'm sure they could be great. I really like that they can't eat human food, although being able to drink juice box blood is a bit lame since I want them to be forced to drink from humans. Anyway, here is the discussion so far: Anyway, it would be nice if there was a "force drink" interaction vampires could use if they weren't friendly enough with the sim to do it with their permission. This should result in a heavy negative relationship drop... maybe even a fight breaks out first and if he wins then his thirst bar is filled. Also it would be cool if drinking a sim caused that sim to lose 25 or 50 hunger points so there is a chance you could accidentally kill them.
I second the wish for less nice vampirism. Hunt, catch, feed. Screw the mind reading and chatting them up. Something linked to fight skill, so weakling vampires would be forced to live off their pathetic little juice boxes.
Thirded. Vampires are kinda ridiculous. The plasma juice in the fridge also needs to be done away with completely. The only options should be friendly drinks, non-friendly drinks, hiring and befriending a maid/butler and drinking from them daily, and ransacking the hospital.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances
on: 2010 October 29, 06:07:48
My drummer never receives a tip when using "play for tips"
I've tried it in a few locations, some where other people are playing, others where she's the only sim with an instrument, and she gets flat out ignored universally.
Taking her bf sim the guitarist netted him several hundred in a short time, and her drum skill is higher than his guitar skills.
I'm having the same problem. The other sims are doing the animations as if they are giving tips, but my sim isn't receiving any money. The only mods I have are a custom skin, the new no-mosaic mod and the no-intro mod and AwesomeMod.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Missing ambitions objects
on: 2010 August 17, 00:16:09
If you are going to use AM, I wouldn't use the crappy no-cd hacks. They make it a lot harder to successfully update your game and could cause unintended problems. AM has a no-cd hack which doesn't require replacing system files, so it is much better.
I'd also reinstall the entire game since you don't know what file got fucked up and is causing the problem. Simply reinstalling ambitions might fix it, but it is better to do it right than do it half ass and still have your problem.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Missing ambitions objects
on: 2010 August 16, 22:43:07
I noticed it in my only save and deleted that save because it wasn't that important to me. The picture I posted was from a new town and new game. I have not taken awesomemod out because once it is in, isn't it not supposed to be taken out?
If you start a new game you'll be fine.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Slave Bots
on: 2010 August 12, 05:35:16
Simius, I am wondering if the Slavebot will autonomously go to a junk pile to collect scraps of metal if it is out of scrap to eat to replenish its needs? Or if it needs to go raid the tinkering bench to get some scraps of metal from there to replenish its needs? And how much scrap will the Slavebot typically consume to satisfy its needs if I use the second version of the "ScrapChargeWaste" mod?
I haven't touched anything regarding going to the junkyard to collect scrap or automatically raiding the tinkering bench for scrap because I haven't found any xml files to do so. I think both of those may require an scripting mod which I currently can't do. To satisfy its needs it will eat on average 1 piece of scrap every 4.5 hours. You can manually direct him to eat more scrap until his hunger bar is all the way filled up. If you do that he should be able to go 15 or 20 hours before he is hungry again. Although I haven't tested to see how long it would actually take. (AHe might eat scrap before that since the bladder decays faster than hunger... But if he didn't have any scrap he'd go use a toilette.)
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Slave Bots
on: 2010 August 02, 15:24:23
Would that be 499 or 501?
This is how I have MY file setup: Priority 900 PackedFile Awesome/*.package PackedFile Awesome/*/*.package PackedFile Awesome/*/*/*.package PackedFile Awesome/*/*/*/*.package PackedFile Awesome/*/*/*/*/*.package
Priority 800 PackedFile Override/*.package PackedFile Override/*/*.package PackedFile Override/*/*/*.package PackedFile Override/*/*/*/*.package PackedFile Override/*/*/*/*/*.package
Priority 700 DirectoryFiles Files/... autoupdate PackedFile Packages/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*/*.package
Priority 600 PackedFile Testing/*.package PackedFile Testing/*/*.package PackedFile Testing/*/*/*.package PackedFile Testing/*/*/*/*.package PackedFile Testing/*/*/*/*/*.package
AM is in the Awesome folder so it overrides everything. Twallan's mods are in the Override folder. The rest of my mods are in the Packages folder. I don't have any conflicts so it doesn't really matter, but if I did have a conflict and I wanted autorepair.package to override Simius_slavebots.package I'd put Simius_slavebots.package in the Testing folder and leave autorepair.package in the Packages folder. My system works for me, but you can set your priority numbers up differently.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Slave Bots
on: 2010 August 01, 19:47:04
I wanted to have the slavebot mod, but it conflicts with the auto repair plumbing and electronics that I have for sims. Pity.
If you edit your resource.cfg file so you have a folder with a lower priority than your other mods then you should be able to use both. Put the Slavebot mod in the the folder with the lower priority so that your auto-repair plumbing/electronics mod overrides it. That way the Slavebots will still garden and clean the house, but everyone will repair plumbing and repair electronics (Assuming that's what the mod you are talking about does). Either that, or you have my full permission to remove the bits of the mod that conflict. You can even go ahead and reupload them wherever and take credit for them. If that doesn't work let me know. In which case in a week or so I might make another alternative version of the mod where Slavebots don't do any repairs.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2010 July 31, 16:40:48
Why did you include all of the rubbish for the "Incontinent" trait instead of your own stuff?
I haven't actually created my own stuff yet. Before, if I got it to work, I was expecting it to display a message that no text tips exist and whatnot when I added the trait, and was just going to figure out how to do that at that time. Then I thought that might be part of my problem so I decided to use your junk until I got it to work, and then fix it afterward. Bottom line is I won't use your stuff after I get it to work, it is basically just in there as a placeholder for now. The good news for me is I have no idea how to add a .NET assembly, so I had no chance of getting it to work before. But now that that has been spelled out for me I can go to google and find out more about it and get that done correctly. Then it is just a matter of adding my own thumbnails and tool tips/descriptions and then altering my other mod to actually use the trait. All of which should be pretty easy.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2010 July 31, 04:39:52
What is the characteristic of a Sim that has this trait? Will it acts like SimBot?
I'm going to make it for my Slavebot mod. Only sims with this trait will be Slavebots instead of all Simbots being Slavebots. The Slavebots are compelled to autonomously clean the house like a maid, do all the gardening and repair broken items like a repairman. They also tinker on appliances to upgrade them.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2010 July 31, 03:55:42
I've also tried <CommodityKind> instead of <CommodityKinds> but neither work. What am I doing wrong?
I can tell you that it is <CommodityKind> The traitinfo command requires that you put the trait after it. If the trait does not exist, it will tell you. If it does, it will tell you. I looked at your package. You used the same instance as AwesomeTraits and I think you should use a new instance. You also used <Trailist> instead of <TraitList>. Regarding the "hex" values and the comment from kuronue, Pescado uses "<Hex>Tealdeer</Hex>" in his own XML. Thanks for that. I actually did change the HEX value, but only a few random numbers in it. I've found a Hash tool now so I did it correctly. I'm now using 0x1044f9f0a6880794 as my instance. I think I've fixed the typos I had previously (and a bunch more that I added as I was playing around with it). Anyway, I'm still doing something wrong as I can't get it to recognize the 'Slave' trait. I was wondering if you or phnxflyng or anyone else who might be interested in getting this to work could take another look at what I've done so far and point out any obvious errors I've made. I omitted the CommodityKind part of it as it seems to be optional from the directions. So I intend to add that later after I get the basics to work. <?xml version="1.0"?> <Traits> <TraitNames> <Name></Name> <Hex></Hex> </TraitNames> <TraitNames> <Name>Slave</Name> <Hex>0x11FF4E2F6E0476F2</Hex> </TraitNames>
<TraitList> <Name></Name> <Description></Description> <ShortDescription></ShortDescription> <Hex></Hex> <CodeVersion></CodeVersion> <AgeVisible></AgeVisible> <SetNumbers></SetNumbers> <Points></Points> <RandomWeight></RandomWeight> <Category></Category> <CommodityName></CommodityName> <FacialIdle></FacialIdle> <AutonomousDesiredCommodity></AutonomousDesiredCommodity> <AutonomousAvoidedCommodity></AutonomousAvoidedCommodity> <IncreasedEffectiveness></IncreasedEffectiveness> <ReducedEffectiveness></ReducedEffectiveness> <xMin></xMin> <DesireMin></DesireMin> <xMax></xMax> <DesireMax></DesireMax> <Decay></Decay> <Predicate></Predicate> <CanBeLearnedRandomly></CanBeLearnedRandomly> <IntimacyLevel></IntimacyLevel> <ActiveTopic></ActiveTopic> <PreferredBookGenre></PreferredBookGenre> <ThumbFilename></ThumbFilename> <ThumbPieMenu></ThumbPieMenu> <ThumbDislikePieMenu></ThumbDislikePieMenu> <ThumbPose></ThumbPose> <AddListenerFunction></AddListenerFunction> <TraitTipDescription></TraitTipDescription> <TraitTipIndex></TraitTipIndex> <TraitToolTipText0></TraitToolTipText0> <TraitToolTipText1></TraitToolTipText1> <TraitToolTipText2></TraitToolTipText2> <TraitToolTipText3></TraitToolTipText3> <CanBeLearnedThroughConversation></CanBeLearnedThroughConversation> </TraitList> <TraitList> <Name>Slave</Name> <Description>IncontinentDescription</Description> <ShortDescription>IncontinentShortDescription</ShortDescription> <Hex>Slave</Hex> <CodeVersion>BaseGame</CodeVersion> <AgeVisible>None</AgeVisible> <SetNumbers>945</SetNumbers> <Category>HiddenInCAS</Category> <AutonomousDesiredCommodity></AutonomousDesiredCommodity> <AutonomousAvoidedCommodity></AutonomousAvoidedCommodity> <CommodityName>Slaved</CommodityName> <Predicate>IsSlave</Predicate> <CanBeLearnedRandomly>FALSE</CanBeLearnedRandomly> <ActiveTopic>Incontinent Trait</ActiveTopic> <ThumbFilename>trait_incontinent</ThumbFilename> <ThumbPieMenu>trait_incontinent_s</ThumbPieMenu> <ThumbDislikePieMenu>trait_incontinent_s_crossed_out</ThumbDislikePieMenu> <TraitToolTipText0>IncontinentToolTipText0</TraitToolTipText0> <TraitToolTipText1>IncontinentToolTipText1</TraitToolTipText1> <TraitToolTipText2>IncontinentToolTipText2</TraitToolTipText2> </TraitList>
<! lt_rewards_mybestfriend</ThumbFilename> </Traits>
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Slave Bots
on: 2010 July 30, 19:51:26
Thanks for answering  If it can be done, that's great (my husband actually wanted it), if not, don't worry about it! We both appreciate all the hard work done on these mods, and having modded for a different game myself, I know how hard it can be! I think it is a great idea. But I've hit a bit of a roadblock so I'll probably leave it alone for the time being and try again in a week with fresh eyes. So hopefully in a week or two I'll get that version added. Another thing I'd like to add is for the Slavebots to autonomously serve Autumn Salad at 4 am and then store it in the fridge. (Since vegetarians will be able to eat that and if you have a garden the slavebot will have lots of high quality veggies to use). But I think that would require a scripting mod which as of right now is far beyond my abilities. Maybe in a few months, after Late Night is released, I'll try to learn how to do that.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2010 July 30, 04:44:02
Okay, thanks. I was skipping the first couple of steps before. However, I think I followed your directions correctly but the game still doesn't recognize "addtrait Slave". It tells me the trait doesn't exist. Also traitinfo doesn't do anything when I type it in. Obviously I'm still doing something wrong, but for the life of me I can't figure out what. This is what I have so far: <?xml version="1.0"?> <traits> <TraitNames> <Name></Name> <Hex></Hex> </TraitNames> <TraitNames> <Name>Slave</Name> <Hex>SimiusSlaves</Hex> </TraitNames> <CommodityKinds> <Name></Name> <Hex></Hex> </CommodityKinds> <CommodityKinds> <Name>Slave</Name> <Hex>SimiusSlaves</Hex> </CommodityKinds> <Trailist> <Name>Slave</Name> <Description></Description> <ShortDescription></ShortDescription> <Hex>SimiusSlave</Hex> <AgeVisible>None</AgeVisible> <Category>Administrative</Category> <CommodityName></CommodityName> <Predicate>IsSlave</Predicate> <CanBeLearnedRandomly>FALSE</CanBeLearnedRandomly> <ThumbFilename>lt_rewards_mybestfriend</ThumbFilename> <ThumbPieMenu>trait_slave_s</ThumbPieMenu> <ThumbDislikePieMenu>trait_slave_s_crossed_out</ThumbDislikePieMenu> <TraitToolTipText0>SlaveToolTipText0</TraitToolTipText0> <TraitToolTipText1>SlaveToolTipText1</TraitToolTipText1> <TraitToolTipText2>SlaveToolTipText2</TraitToolTipText2> <TraitToolTipText3>SlaveToolTipText3</TraitToolTipText3> </TraitList> </traits>
I've also tried <CommodityKind> instead of <CommodityKinds> but neither work. What am I doing wrong? I have another question for after I get the game to recognize the trait and allow me to add it to sims: Right now my Slavebot hack uses the term "BeFrankenstein" to prod simbots to do the laundry and whatnot. What term would I use to prod my sims with the Slave trait to do the laundry or whatever? Would it be "Slave" or "TraitSlave" or something else entirely? An attached version of my unsuccessful SlaveTrait hack:
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2010 July 30, 00:00:16
I've been trying to add a 'Slave' trait since you mentioned that AM can support 3rd party traits, but have been unsuccessful. In the process I was able to bork my game so no EA traits existed. I went into editsim to check something out and the game made fun of me. It only listed the 'stupid' trait that you added as being available. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd be able to point me in the right direction on how to create my own trait. Also, I imagine that you meant to have the stupid trait hidden in CAS.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Slave Bots
on: 2010 July 29, 14:15:15
It is beyond my ability since I'd have to add a new trait which would require more a scripting mod or maybe a core mod. Although I might be able to piggyback on AM and use one of the traits he added but isn't using yet to trigger being a slave. AwesomeMod includes a plugin functionality to allow third-party creators to define their own traits, which would function in-game just as regular trait, so don't do that. Custom moodlets may also be defined by a similar functionality. Wow. I can't believe you thought of that. How would I go about defining my own trait? ETA: New version of Slavebot mod uploaded. Fixed a bug where they wouldn't repair some items.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Slave Bots
on: 2010 July 29, 13:46:20
Is it possible to apply this only to certain simbots, or does it have to be all of them? It is beyond my ability since I'd have to add a new trait which would require more a scripting mod or maybe a core mod. Although I might be able to piggyback on AM and use one of the traits he added but isn't using yet to trigger being a slave. The problem with that, of course, is even if I get it to work there will be unintended consequences if he ever decides to use the trait in his own mod. (For example, there is an unused 'racist' trait that Pescado added. So I might be able use that, but if he ever makes sims racist then regular sims with that trait would act like slavebots as well and slavebots would hate non-simbots. I'll play around with it, but it will probably not work as intended at some point in the future. (Plus you'd have to have AM in your game for it to work)
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Slave Bots
on: 2010 July 28, 18:09:30
omg awesome
Can you make them garden? There's no gardener to copy behavior off of, but maybe you could borrow from Supreme Commander.
Hordes of gardening robots is...just so necessary ;-;
Added Gardening. Although I don't have much of a garden so it isn't heavily tested yet. Maybe you could be my beta-tester-guy. (I had to make gardening autonomous, so as a side effect green thumb sims should automatically garden as well when idle) ETA: Added a new version of the scrap eating mod which will cause them to eat scrap more often. Also I've tested the gardening and it works just fine. If I do another version I will make them autonomously tinker with sprinklers so they become auto-watering. ETA: Added another optional mod that allows Slavebots to autonomously tinker random objects. I made it optional as they will tinker with objects regardless of whether they have already been upgraded or not. (Of course if there is only 1 possible upgrade they won't tinker with the object again. For example if a sprinkler is already upgraded they won't tinker with it anymore.)
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Slave Bots
on: 2010 July 28, 06:54:00
This Mod was created before Late Night came out. I haven't tested it, but I did look at some of the code in late night and this mod will conflict with how Butlers work. I'm sure it will fuck up other things as well. Do not use this mod with late night. The scrapchargewaste mod probably still works, but who knows. Anyway, this mod is dead in the water for now. I may make a new late night version for it, but then again it was kind of a pain to find all the files that needed to be modified to get this to work so I might not. If you want to do so go ahead, you can even take full credit for it if you want to upload it here or elsewhere. Original Version ----------------------- New Version, now with gardening New Version, fixed bug where SlaveBots wouldn't autonomously repair stuff. This is a mod to turn Simbots into Slavebots. They now compulsively clean any dishes on the lot/clean counters/do the laundry and whatever else maids do when they are on the job. They also compulsively fix any broken appliances/bots just like the repairman does when he is on the job. (Basically, they do anything a maid or repairman does just like they were a maid or repairman). This mod also makes it so that sims will put away leftovers that are sitting out so they don't spoil. They also autonomously water, weed, harvest and revive your plants as well as disposing dead plants. ------------------------ second file in this mod makes it so that when a simbot eats scrap it fully recharges not only their hunger but its energy and bladder as well. I made this one because I don't think robots should sleep in a bed or pee in a toilette. That is just creepy. ------------------------- is another version of the scrap eating mod. It will not fully recharge the simbot's hunger level. Instead it will add 50 points. (From a range of -100 = starving to 100 =full). So he'll eat about once about every 4.5 hours. This version still fully recharges the simbot's energy and bladder. I did this so that there would be a little bit of a drawback from not having to sleep or pee. But mostly I didn't want my simbots to use the bathroom just because their bladder got full and they weren't hungry yet or decide to sleep because they got tired and weren't hungry. (I had a sim do that once, although every other time they ate scrap to satisfy their bladder/energy needs... but still, I didn't want to risk it.) ------------------------- gives the Slavebots the ability to autonomously tinker with objects to upgrade them. There is no sanity check so they will autonomously change the upgrades on objects. For example, they will tinker on an object and make it unbreakable. Then later they might come back and tinker again making it self-cleaning again. I made the call to tinker much less strong than the calls to do maid work and whatnot so they are much less likely to do it and more likely to do other things like read books or clean the lot if it is dirty. This addon does NOT make it so they will garden or do maid work or repair objects. If you want them to tinker AND do maid work/garden/do repairman work then you will have to install both this mod and the slavebot mod. This mod does not require the Slavebot mod to work, but without it they will just autonomously tinker and won't be compelled to do maid work, repairman work or garden. ------------------------ So if you install both the Slavebot mod and a ScrapChargeWaste mod then Simbots will tirelessly clean the house, do the gardening and repair shit that breaks and they won't sleep in your beds or use your bathroom anymore. If you also install the SlavebotTinkeringAddon mod then they will also tinker random objects.