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1  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Base hood University: Lion's Uni-GoldRecord and Unitest (Based on Argon's) on: 2011 November 03, 16:33:14
When I was trying it out, the pop-up windows wouldn't stay closed. The second I closed one, a new one would pop up, so there was essentially no getting rid of them. I suppose I could just leave one semester tester on until finals time, then use the clock to start finals and bring back semester testers for the others when it's time... Oh well. Guess that's the best solution?

This was annoying me, too, so I went and made a fix for it; this also makes the tester available in buy mode.
2  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck! on: 2009 March 22, 05:00:41
It's working.  Thanks.
3  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck! on: 2009 March 11, 09:19:41
Your problem is that you're not understanding boolean logic. If you set a trait to AND, it means that all visitors MUST have this trait. Setting AND Gay, AND Female means that in addition to anything else, they must be gay/female. Setting something to NOT means that a visitor must NOT have that trait: NOT vampire, for instance, means No Vampires. So if you set AND Gay, AND Female, NOT vampires, you get gay, female, non-vampires. If you set "everything else" to "not", you have created a condition where the visitable set is the empty set. For instance, NOT male, NOT female means that your visitors must not be male, and must not be female. Since all sims are one or the other, there are no neutermales, you now have no visitors.

I was unclear: "everything else" referred only to the other orientation options.  I definitely didn't go in and click "not" on every single option on every single submenu on all the lots I tested on.  What I meant was:

1) If the orientation options are set at "and-gay, not-het, not-bi, not-asexual," then only male gay sims show up, while changing it to "and-gay, or-het, or-bi, or-asexual" without touching any other menu allows female gay sims to show up too.  Just remembering to use "or" isn't a problem, but I don't think that's supposed to happen, it's not happening with other options, and I thought it might be related to the second bit.

2) If the orientation options are set at something like "or-gay, or-bi, not-asexual, not-heterosexual," then heterosexual females are showing up (although the male ones aren't), and the controller gives "Allowed: Code 0" when they are made selectable and visitability is checked.  They don't show up if one of the other orientations is on "and," so it can be dealt with by setting up more than one selector block, but that gets a little annoying if there are several other conditions, given that it shouldn't be happening.

I otherwise haven't had trouble getting the selector to work, although I haven't tried much beyond restrictions by age and playability.  It's just the orientation bit, afaict, that is acting strangely.
4  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck! on: 2009 March 11, 03:50:04
The orientation options aren't working for me.

1) Gay female sims don't show up on lots with gay set at "and" and everything else at "not."  They do show up if gay is at "and" and everything else is at "or."

2) Heterosexual females show up if het is set at "not" and no other orientation is set at "and."  Testing visitability gives an "allowed."

I've got all EPs except Pets and AL, all patched, running from a no-cd.  This behavior persists in a new neighborhood in a newly-generated folder with only the three relevant hacks re-added.  I have the 2/25 version of the CS.
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