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Awesomeware / Playsets & Toys / Re: Hat Stands For Thinking Caps & Noodlesoothers
on: 2006 August 22, 20:17:21
Wonderful. The table could look like a bale of hay and I'd still use it. I am so sick and tired of having to cancel my Sims' action to put the caps on the counter so that they won't whine and cry at me later that they can't make their stupid omlettes because the counter is all full. I like that it takes asp points, too. Most of my Sims have way too many of those.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: House Layout?
on: 2006 May 25, 19:24:32
I think this thread was already spinning out of control, presumably because some people like to see these things happen.
The original poster was asking for help, and unless you are prepared to offer help and advice, why offer anything?
Unsolicited comments are what makes the web go 'round.
Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Business Controller: Business Runs YOU!
on: 2006 April 12, 19:09:53
Break time doesn't seem to be working for my employee Sims. When it comes time to take a break instead of looking after their needs they pretty much just stand where they are doing nothing. Even when they try to do an action they mostly jump out of it before it can do them any good.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: So has anyone actually ever paid the 40 bucks to join?
on: 2006 January 22, 22:51:33
Lol, you people are just evil. This is actually a perfect example of irony. I was looking up the terms irony, satire and sarcasm, (they are apparently often confused) and realize that this thread was a perfect example of irony. lol. To think I actually learned something from MATV (that is not sims related that is) hope you're not telling us you didn't pay. I took advantage of JM's awesome payment plan, myself. I got one month for the price of two. Shop around. You can't beat that price with a stick.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Live in maid?
on: 2005 December 30, 06:10:29
The DMA thing sounded interesting, so I decided to download it and give it a shot. Then, of course, I discovered that you have to register with the site to download which is a level of annoying I am not willing to go through unless the download is something I really want.
I decided to poke through their forums to see if this is really something I want and saw where somebody with a non-working DMA was advised to delete "Pescado's fixes and enhancements" (snotty ironic quotes theirs). That pretty much told me all I need to know. This must be one big huge grabby program if I have to delete all my other mods before it will work.
As it is, I know I like Pescado's mods. I don't know the same thing about DMA. I think I'll pass.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: BABBIES & GROW UP
on: 2005 December 15, 06:22:39
The game also always manages to choose the Sim most desperately in need of sleep, food, not-standing-around-in-the-daylightness, or what have you to do the baby-growing-upping. I do not want Baby's neverending birthday killing my Sims, thank you.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: BABBIES & GROW UP
on: 2005 December 15, 06:11:24
Are you saying that your babies are taking all night to grow up instead of growing up at six like they're supposed to? I'm afraid that glitch was never in a patch. It still happens to everybody.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Will you morons just stay out of her coffin??
on: 2005 November 29, 02:04:14
I finally just plunked the coffin in a room with an APO panel. I hesitated to try that first because I've had difficulty with APO before, but I found out that's mainly because I had an old version. Now that I have a recent version of the security system all configured correctly it works fine. I'll have to unlock the door if I ever want anybody to peek in the coffin, but that's no huge hardship.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Will you morons just stay out of her coffin??
on: 2005 November 26, 01:33:39
You know, I'm liking Nightlife and I'm enjoying the whole vampire thing, but one thing that is really irritating me is that when I have a vampire in the house I spend the whole night babysitting her coffin to keep stupid non-vamp Sims from stealing it. If I relax my vigilance for a moment I end up having to chase some moron out of the coffin. As it is I spend the whole night switching between my living Sims to constantly X out that "sleep in coffin" icon that just keeps popping up.
Why on Earth would any living Sim want to sleep in a coffin? Especially since they all have perfectly nice beds which were much more expensive and come with higher comfort and energy ratings? I can't imagine what the attraction is. Then again, I'm sane and we all know that Sims are not.
Anybody else as irritated by this coffin obsession as I am? Any suggestions for what to do about it? I don't want to have to give up on having vampires.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Black & White 2
on: 2005 September 30, 02:29:37
What I liked about B&W was exploring the region you were in, training your creature, completing tasks, building villiages, and converting villiagers. I had an awesome time in the first couple of levels. What I did not like was competing with other gods, especially when it came to sending your creature to combat their creature. No, other god, I do not want to send my nice friendly cow to go fight your big slobbering wolf. She gets her ass kicked every time and I'm not into it. I spent a lot of time playing the first two levels and then quit once the focus became beating down other creatures. Apparently it's possible to beat the game as a good god, but I'm not sure how your creature is expected to ever win a fight if teaching it to fight ups your evil levels.
The game did have a lot of bugs, but the nice thing was that Lionhead released many, many patches. If EA is putting out B&W 2 that's enough to make me stay away, even if you guys weren't just saying that the focus would be more on fighting other gods.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: So what's been fixed in NL
on: 2005 September 13, 21:52:40
I don't have any bugs to add that haven't already been mentioned here. I just want to thank HatedMaxoid for coming by and talking to us. Actually finally hearing something from somebody who is working on the patch about things that will be addressed has made me feel much better about buying Nightlife in the future and about the entire situation in general. Thanks for taking the time to listen to us.
Edit: I lied. I just thought of a bug. What about the Slowdown bug, where an NPC gets stuck in a portal and the game spawns half a million new NPCs to take their place who then also get stuck in the portal eventually slowing the game down to a maddening crawl?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Nightlife: Censor Blur won't die!!!
on: 2005 September 13, 05:17:06
Here modders, is what Maxiod Tom said on The Sims 2 Community Forums. It goes over my head. so, without making this a big discussion in Jack Thompson and Politics and Perverts and whatever, can someone just explain to me the ignorant one what he's talking about, and it it's possible to fix this?
How about I post what I said and people can judge for themselves:
First post: "A word of warning:
The two trees modified (669 and 670) in this hack have been changed in Nightlife to add more functionality (for Turn Ons/Offs). If any users decide to use this hack, the functionality for sims being turned on/off by a sim in a certain category of clothing (formal/swim/underwear/etc.) may not work--a bug which will probably later be blamed on Maxis, I'm sure.
This is because any hacks will override what shipped with the game.
Overriding global trees/functions may cause problems for future expansion packs. I strongly urge modders to take a look at what has changed in Nightlife (and for future expansion packs) in terms of global functions and what not--otherwise users may encounter problems with incompatible hacks and may not know the source of it all.
Things may *appear* to work within the limited context of the hack, but undoubtedly something Maxis added for new features or fixes will get lost in the shuffle."
(Emphasis mine) Was that a jab at those of us who have been bitching nonstop on the forums about a Uni patch? That's sweet, Tom... really sweet.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: First NL bugs???
on: 2005 September 09, 21:32:56
I understand they wanna please the fans but still if something is not possible to do they should just say so, I bet everybody would prefer a nice bugless feature than a awesome buggy feature you would avoid if you want your game to be fun and function properly... Can you imagine how buggy weather must have been for EA/Maxis to pull the plug on it? Raining indoors is nothing compared to some of the bugs they let through! It must have been acid rain that instantly melted anything it touched. (An interesting idea, actually...)
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What's the best stories you've read?
on: 2005 September 07, 06:21:31
After reading this thread I decided to take a short break on my Legacy story and give the Bachelorette thing a shot. So far so good! I just kicked my first suitor and I think I'm gonna like this one. I'll read your album, rohina.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Hack Request: Remove lazy slouch
on: 2005 August 24, 19:20:13
I find the slouch useful. If I have one of my Sims wooing a Townie it's good to get those visual cues. If I see her start to slouch, I know what I'm getting into.
(I know I can just mind control the Townie to find out, but I just don't want to.)
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Portrait painting
on: 2005 August 24, 19:14:11
It also bugs me when you have your artist "paint portrait" but need to stop partway through. The next time you want him to paint he yells at his subject to get back over there. Then you have to remember to cancel the "pose for portrait" action or your painter will just stand around for hours until his subject finishes doing whatever she was up to.
Painting a still life is definitely better.