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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: TS1's Magic Town (World) - Released (But testing is wanted) [UPDATED 26-01-12]
on: 2013 November 13, 01:38:48
I've been playing this town for a bit and find that it ends up being of limited utility, because you painted so much territory as being out of bounds for placing new lots. If I want to install all the new lots for different expansions, I quickly run out of places to put them. It's nice that you wanted to keep the integrity of the original world, but it makes it a bit hard to play with.
If you ever decide to update it, maybe you could get rid off some of those out of bounds paints.
This was the first world I made that I actually released and the more I've played it myself the more I've realised things that are wrong with it. Sorry about that whole thing with the lack of soever but I think I've lost the world files so even if I wanted to I'm sure I'd be able to. 
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
on: 2013 March 17, 23:47:13
Why are all newly created sims getting a WA camera, if there is perfectly good camera included in the new smartphone?
Without WA installed, this is the only way to get a proper camera (it would have made more sense to just sell it at the supermarket though). The consignment stores sometimes sell them, but that's just it sometimes.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / TS1's Magic Town (World) - Released (But testing is wanted) [UPDATED 26-01-12]
on: 2013 January 18, 17:46:20
Hello! I, along with many of you, loved Makin' Magic for TS1. One of my favorite parts was Magic Town and that is what I am here to present to you today; Magic Town made into a Sims 3 world! "Recently, there's been talk of strange happenings at the edge of town. Word on the street is that merchants and carnivals have arrived, bringing with them a menagerie of strange, spooky and even magical things. There's also a new cab company advertising family rides to Magic Town, Maybe you should give them a call."I have taken the existing world and expanded it to incorporate elements for TS3. I have taken the time to try and make 1:1 recreations of the original lots. I have ALL EPs and a few SPs. This world is deigned for all EPs so I don't recommend trying to use it without them. But there is NO CC or Store content used  (Not even Riverview) NOT setup for Awesome Story (not every house has a crib/cot)- 30 Empty houses (a mix of my own buildings and edited bin lots)
- 10 Empty Lots (1 20x20, 2 30x30, 6 30x20s, 1 64x64)
- A Working Festival lot
- The Supernatural Hangout is by neuroticrobotic
- The House "Cozy Craftsman" is by SimmyRN
UPDATE 21-01-12 Added more houses and few more empty lots. Add the rest of the non rabbit hole comm lots. Some terrain sculpting and spawners.
UPDATE 26-01-12 The world is basically finished; things will only be changed if I or you find an issue. I think I included all spawners (at least one of each). Un-populated but I may make a populated version if I want to.
This post will be updated when I update the world.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New Patch 1.42
on: 2012 October 31, 18:22:34
I tried to go on the EA site yesterday and today, and I'm getting an "oops" page. I was under the impression EA's Sims business was in the Bay Area, therefore unaffected by Sandy. Am I wrong? Or has the site been permanently changed to the Origin site? Where will I go to ask my truly stupid questions without the forums there?
I was having that problem and had to wipe cookies for
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New Patch 1.18/2.13/3.9/4.6/5.4/6.1
on: 2010 November 30, 22:53:24
Made the remaining High Rise buildings and the Trash Chute available in the Misc Debug section of Build/Buy mode for advanced users.
Didn't someone made a mod for that already?
Well yes they did make a mod for it, but they shouldn't have to, they should have been in there from the start.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread
on: 2009 October 12, 19:15:22
How about if sims has the ability to sneak (through being child of burglar or high up in the criminal track), they could have an interaction on all houses where they could sneak inside and steal stuff (with the kleptomaniac trait of course). If they were to enter a room with resident sim in they would call the police and your sim could get arrested and put in the slammer for a bit.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread
on: 2009 October 08, 14:18:04
I don't know if this has been suggested but, Sims with the can't stand art trait still the "Decorated" moodlets when the room is full of decorations. They should be getting a negative one.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 August 19, 23:24:47
I have the latest AM, and I have the 'more than 8 sims in a household' option enabled. I had exactly 8 sims in my household, and today one of them delivered a baby girl. There are now 9 sims in the house (including the infant), but only eight of the portraits are showing. The very top portrait (belonging to the eldest sim in the household) was knocked off the 'list' and since I can't select her portrait, I can't control her actions. Is there anything I can do about that? I swear I don't see any sort of arrow or scroll bar or anything that would allow me to cycle through portraits...thanks for any help guys.
Try using the space bar.