Sorry to post as there has been no activity in this thread for almost five months, but I thought it was the most appropriate place. And I also apologize in advance if my question has already been addressed elsewhere, but I could find nothing with the search function.
I was in seventh heaven when I found your counter OMSP, for I love the functionality of SEP but really hate that it doesn't apply to anything but Maxis-made counters. So I downloaded and went into my game to update some smaller kitchens with functional corners, but somehow I am unable to make it work...
Yes I have all the expansion packs and stuff packs through M&G, and yes I read and understand about the discrepancies that will appear when visiting neighboring apartments, but it sounds like the basic functionality should still work. Yet when I place the counter OMSP (with move objects on), any appliances I try to put on the combined counter/OMSP still line up along the cardinal directions (no angle option seems possible). This occurs even when I manually angle the OMSP under the counter.
Please let me know if there is something I am doing wrong, especially as more likely than not it's an obvious oversight on my part.
Thanks in advance!
- Edit - One option I just thought of... Is it possible that I need to remove Num's SEP in order for the counter OMSP to work?
- Edit - Okay, I think I finally figured it out. I'm posting it here in case someone else runs into a similar difficulty. What I found that finally worked was to place the OMSP at an angle away from any counters, then put the appliance on top, which should also appear at the same angle. Finally, move the OMSP (with the appliance still on top) into the appropriate counter corner. The OMSP itself will align once again along the cardinal directions, but the appliance itself should still remain at an angle.
And I was right, it was pretty obvious!