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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2011 November 03, 17:18:09
Victory. 4am has been achieved.

So, is this tactic advisable as a preventative measure in all neighbourhoods until a proper long-term fix is found? I can live happily without strays, and an empty animal shelter is workable just about, but I'm a girl, and therefore want a chance at a damn unicorn.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2011 November 03, 16:16:50

Regarding the 0300 crashes: I still have no idea what causes it, but I have isolated it in at least one submitted test game to the Stray Pet Pool (which makes it even more baffling because AwesomeMod doesn't really interact with pets). As a temporary workaround, if this starts happening, you can just nuke the pool with "deletehousehold pethousehold", which halted the problem. Odds are you don't really pay any attention to this household anyway, since it mainly consists of random animals you've probably never encountered before.

Alas, no.

The first household I'd had this bug with, "destroyhousehold pethousehold" did indeed do the trick, 4am passed without incident. When I went to check the same on the second affected household, in a different neighbourhood, first of all it said that it could not find "pethousehold" (I wasn't sure if it was global destruction or on a per 'hood basis, but that was the result, anyway) and then, same old crash between 3 and 4am.

So, like, boo.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2011 November 02, 19:17:10
It's spread to another save for me (using 2011-Nov-01 20:57:33 version of AM). Interestingly, once more it's an in-game Wednesday it's occurring on, as in the initial instance.

Shall provide Save if required.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2011 October 28, 14:46:14
What does AM cause to happen between 3 and 4am? Because I'm crashing to desktop with just one household, always at around 3.30 in the morning, and only when AM (up to date - 2011-Oct-25 20:18:04 version) is installed. No other saves are affected by this, and the fated hour passes just fine with AM removed.

I'm perfectly willing to accept that the problem is with the save itself, rather than an actual AM bug, since it seems to only affect this one household, but I'm curious to know what could be causing it that AM finds so upsetting and crashworthy at that particular hour that nothing else is picking up on.
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2011 October 20, 19:51:28
Same here. Game crashes even with just awesomemod after seconds of gameplay. 1.26, but with Pets.

This. Initially it seemed for me that it was crashing at 12 noon each time, but on later attempts, it would happen somewhat earlier. Point is, with AM only, I get as far as loading, choosing my household, and between 3 and 5 hours in-game hours of play before unceremonious CTD, in any given household.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 Pets on: 2011 October 20, 09:43:15
I got two codes. The one on the red card was the actual one for my game. I have no idea what the one on the booklet is for, but it doesn't work for the game itself. I'm thinking EA switched up the Limited Edition stuff redemption code and the activation code.

Well then. I'm glad I didn't get a booklet at all, to further confuse me. For reference, in my box (Euro version)  were the following: scrap of paper with generic installation/warranty/epilepsy advice, flyer with an ad for Hidden Springs and Sims mobile phone games, and the red flyer with Sims Social on one side and the so-called code for the EXCLUSIVE CONTENTZ, which worked without complaint as the activation code during installation. Just the one code to be had in my copy, and mislabelled it was, to boot.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Making Playable Ghosts on: 2009 July 01, 15:00:33
Also they go 'woooo' all the time instead of talking. It gets old.
8  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 July 01, 12:21:14

On a more serious note. I do take exception to the word pedophile being used to describe interactions with teens in the game.  As I stated elsewhere, the teens in the game can drive cars which in my mind makes them old enough to have sex, try for baby & get married just like in real life.
There is no "16". They are *12*.

There is no *12* that could be referred to as Teen.  Definition of Teen is a young person aged between thirteen to nineteen, hence 'Teen'.  Teens in this game drive cars which would therefore (depending on country/region) make them at least 16.  By saying they are 12 would imply that all the Teens are driving illegally (could they be)? so your statement is either wrong or deluded.
Pedophile is a term that is applied to sick people who have sexual desires for children. A child is defined as any age between birth to puberty.  This again proves your usage of the word 'pedophile' in regards to Teen relations, in-correct as most Teens have reached puberty well before 16 years of age.
So in conclusion of the above, I am right and you are wrong which makes me "More Awesome Than You" Tongue

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Atomic Bar Stools and Counters on: 2006 December 10, 17:04:11
You know he isn't...
10  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: The Only Just Permaplat Challenge on: 2006 December 10, 16:42:50
Surely that works best on a date with Brynne?
11  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Object error message on: 2006 November 21, 01:00:34
Means there was an error. What did it say?
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why do so many people's male sims look like women? on: 2006 November 17, 01:00:05
I'm guessing it's that whole anime/bishounen thing, and making sims look proper many rugged sometimes results in fugly genetics...
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: No Pet Police Hack? on: 2006 November 17, 00:54:57
burnate the bastard. All that will happen is another one will appear three seconds later... and again, and again, and again, and again....

Yeah, I have experience with this myself. At one point in time I had wanted to see the death by flies death and actually cause it myself, so I had mounds and mounds of trash, all in a line surrounded by walls. I had my parent Sims walk through this line only once and they were both consumed by flies. Well, it just so happens that this path led to the only entrance to the house. Needless to say when the social worker came to pick up the kids, she was eaten. They eventually got the kids on the second try, though, probably because they teleported the kids to the car for them.

Eaten social worker? How absolutely WONDERFUL!! Cheesy
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Mayday! on: 2006 November 17, 00:52:29
The cover for my Pets manual is in colour...Shocked Saying that, I was forced to buy the DVD edition, cos they don't appear to have released the CD in Britain...-_- But yeah, the printing on the disc is indeed lower quality than it used to be...
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: My werewolves try to transform back but they stay fuzzy.. on: 2006 November 16, 20:22:55
I told you you weren't fated to have werewolves! Look what happens when you mess with fate!! Shocked
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Mayday! on: 2006 November 16, 19:46:36
I remember when TS1 still came in jewel cases, the serial number was printed on the inner in, the bit you can only remove if you completely trash the case. That was great. I'm so much less likely to lose a box than I am a manual, especially when said manual contains nothing worth knowing...
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: someone have the bonus of the Happy Holiday stuff? on: 2006 November 12, 20:33:44
Tae is highly irritating, especially in this thread.

Sleepycat and Sissyangel, you both rock, thenk you.
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: no instant love more like no love EVER! on: 2006 November 08, 23:37:19
Yeah, it bothered me and I got rid of it...I had a couple who liked each other enough to get engaged, and he had a crush on her and so on, but she made such a big fuss whenever he tried any kind of heavy flirting or 'petting' with her...>.<
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: IE 7.0 sucks on: 2006 November 06, 21:11:20
Aw, I thought I had a thing installed that tricked GENUINE ADVANTAGE into thinking a had a legit copy of Windows, but I don't, so it wouldn't let me install so I could decide I didn't like it and never use it...Sad

Besides, I'm lost and sad without my multitude of Firefox extensions...
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc. on: 2006 November 06, 19:47:03
Little dogs should never win dog fights with big dogs. Thats not real. Butt kicking every time I say.

My grandparents used to have a slightly oversized Yorkie, and lived on a large military base, right across the road from the sports field. My grandad would take him for a walk early in the morning, when the MP dogs were being walked, GREAT BIG German Shepard dogs, who could have swallowed him whole...he would always, without fail, go for them, it was hilrious. Luckily, my grandad was sturdy enough to hold him back...I fear it would have been one of the cases where the big dog would win, somehow....
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: my sim is a vermin chaser on: 2006 November 06, 05:32:37
That is very odd. I also have the Director's Cut, and have had no such problems...stupid question, you do have the Pets version, not an older version or the residue of older versions?
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!! on: 2006 November 05, 21:14:57
My pets are also almost completely maintainence-free, to the point where I'm finding them quite dull...they're all housebroken and whatnot, and taught tricks and at the top of their assorted career paths, and I'm left sitting there going 'Well now what...?'. Which is unusual, since I'm not usually that great at managing everyone...>.>
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Pets Easter egg? on: 2006 November 05, 15:15:16
Reminds me of Sims City 2000...<3
24  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Sea Breeze Heights - third in my Maxis only series on: 2006 November 05, 14:42:20
I got a 404 with the download link at the very bottom of the page. Top one am fine, and I got it, and it was made of beautiful and lovely and efficient!! <3
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc. on: 2006 November 04, 23:24:56
They dig holes? Shocked I's not yet seen this. Yes, although it's been said before, all over the place, Pets does seem really rather rushed and not too well thought-out. Although Unleashed, for TS1, had it's flaws, it was much better thought out, with regards to what the pets themselves actually did/had, there was so much more POSSIBLE to do using TS2, and it seems a shame how little was actually gained, in the end...
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