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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2012 May 31, 08:32:59
Now that everyone has had their fun at picking at my English or as it is.  The question remains, does anyone know where I might be able to find the invisible clothing?
I think you are referring to "True Nudists" by "Snaitf"  at SXS2

I'm having a total brain derp right now. What set does the hair that's kinda like this one but without the bow from? I have it and I want to alter it.
Look in your CASThumbnails.package ,the Instance ID of the THUM are always the same as the CASP ID ,hope that helps!
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New Patch 1.18/2.13/3.9/4.6/5.4/6.1 on: 2010 December 10, 08:56:47
The only fun thing in "late night" and they have to bork it for us ,
I concur ,this is a new bug introduce by the 6.1.11 patch ,this sleeping off to the side thing is keeping me awake at night ,lol

I'm working on a quick fix for my game and will share it when done ,
as i say ,it a quick and dirty fix that will work ,until someone as talented as J.M. find a better cure .
EA might fix it and break something else in the process ,but not likely before the Stuff Pack "Outdoor Living" comes out!
If they want to sleep on the side of the bed ,that's fine by me ,I'm just gonna shift the coffin to the side by half a tile .quick and dirty !

EDIT  : there seams to be one little detail i did no anticipate (this was no issue in sims2 objects),now the light on the candle didn't move with the altar ,so they are the one on the wrong place now ,anyhow ,I still thing it looks better ,perhaps we can turn off the candle now somehow

second edit: I uploaded the Altar to my clouds ,if anyone is interested ,you can PM me for the link ,as i'm not sure were to post this ,since it will be rendered useless when EA or more likely a talented modder from the community come up with a better solution.
I will also post it in my section at Bobby's Bordello > Projects and Prototype

3  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: 3Booter, the Incooperative Game Kicker on: 2009 July 06, 03:41:40
I come bringing my two cent, at the point we are ,,,all in the boat,,,every little bit of significant input is wort it weight in gold...

I was gonna post 10 minutes ago,with a question,but i bring the answer instead,
- I do not condemn the use of fpsLimiter ,After my Rig BSOD 2 time on me because of my "Twin Engine" GTX260SLI exceeded 85 degrees Celsius!I started paying closer attention to it...
- I thought that 200fps is pretty normal for my setup but the game is in fact missing a "V sinc" which would works out to 60 fps on a normal flat screen,although some 24''or larger are set to 85hz !
- I think its best for those that have Nvidia setting (I belive ATI tray Tools can do this as well),Is to "force Vsinc" on a game basis or Globally...I have notice a 10 degree drop to a more respectable 55C with "Force Vsinc ON"...

My PC is high end, with a very powerful (and expensive) graphics card. The case is practically a giant fan, plus the graphics card has its own fan and heat sink, so I'm probably not in any danger of burning out my graphics card but, I figured, why take any chances? I've been loading the game from the TS3.exe. I think I'll just stick with that.

I think that the bigger your card ,the more at risk you are...My setup can draw 240watts per cards at full load,The more watts means more HEAT that need to be dissipated,and most big card are not so good at it,You have to manually increase the Fan speed to 80%+ in my case,,,most card are set to about 40% on automatic,and wont kick in overdrive until the temp as exceeded a safe margin,So basically don't rely on your card automatic setting cause in the end your the one that will pay dearly!(I once literally melted a fan of the card)
My last word ...Stupid EAxis

4  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS "Batbox" Lot Debugger v2.0: NUCLEAR WAR EDITION on: 2009 April 24, 04:21:47
Can anyone make a recolor of the lot debugger that makes it fit better in a normal house. Currently mine is in the basement closet with a genie, some aspiration rewards, and the camera. Even with the weird closet stuff, it still doesn't quite fit in. It would be nice if someone could make a recolor that makes it look like a normal cardboard box (Not the ugly EAxian one, spawnable from debug mode.) Just to keep the idea of the Batbox, maybe put a bat symbol stamp on one side.

Please don't kill me for suggesting change Mr. Pescado.
there is a DOS patch you can use on it to make it look like a flower vase it call "Lot Debugger as glass vase",unless i renamed it my self sometime ago,but it sould be available  on the site somewhere here,it's quite easy enough that anyone can patch it themselves,if you look ,you shall find ,now that you know what to look for...Hope this helps...Bobby Out!
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