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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Beta Testing 1.7.9/WA 2.2.8 Problems/Questions/Discussion on: 2009 November 26, 21:25:25
WA makeup doesn't appear with Awesomemod installed in CAS.
Be more specific. I don't know what WA makeup is. How do I look for it, and where it is SUPPOSED to be?
It's eyeliner for the most part - Egyptian. The icons are the orange shaded ones like other EP content has...I haven't been in CAS to know if it's missing. I do know it's available if you change appearance in a mirror in game.

Eyeliner shows up for me, CAS and otherwise, definitely not awesome related. Try moving mod to WA directory. Remember to delete scriptCache.package in My Documents.

Obviously no one fully read my original post. Sometimes the makeup shows up fine and sometimes it just disappears. The normal eyeliners appear but not the Egyptian ones included with WA and I already have the AM installed in my WA directory. This never happened in the vanilla game when I created my 8 females it only happened when I had that version of AM installed, but it has not happened since I got the newer AM now i only have the pregnancy issues where you cannot click on a pregnant female unless she's sitting or lying down.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Beta Testing 1.7.9/WA 2.2.8 Problems/Questions/Discussion on: 2009 November 26, 01:13:31
@ Crysill Did you notice this pregnancy thing before using AM? I didn't test out my sims having kids before installing AM so I'm not sure if it's an AM or EA bug.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Beta Testing 1.7.9/WA 2.2.8 Problems/Questions/Discussion on: 2009 November 26, 00:17:23
With the Build Nov-25-2009  14:26:48 and the 1.7.9/2.2 Patch my sims have no trouble getting pregnant but when she is pregnant the hubby cannot click on her to give massages etc. I could only click on her when she was in the bed and when it was time to take her to the hospital otherwise the Hubby could not choose to chat with her Etc. other than Slider hacks there are no other hacks in my game right now.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Beta Testing 1.7.9/WA 2.2.8 Problems/Questions/Discussion on: 2009 November 24, 18:54:52
I had just a minor issue that pops up back and forth. In CAS when creating a sim the new eyeliners from WA were not available but when I finished creating her and moved her into a new home and used Editsim they showed up. My AM is labeled 11/23/2009 17:39:01 and my Sims game is version

My CAS settings are :      
Uses AwesomeMod CASRel Rules : Disabled

NoAdultCASRequirement :Disabled      

CASSliderScaleIncreased : Enabled      

Increases range of CAS facial sliders by :2

DisableTraitCaps : Enabled      

BetterGeneticSkinBlend : Enabled      

NoSmilingInCAS : Disabled   

CustomSimFilterIsDefault : Disabled      

NoDuplicateNames : Enabled      

RandomizeSpawnedVoices : Enabled   

DresserEditCareerOutfit: Disabled

When I used the AM file as is before configuring I did not have this problem so I'd assume one of the values I changed from default has something to do with this.

(Edit) I went back into Editsim to alter some facial features and the Liners were gone again it seems something randomly conflicts with those new liners, I did not ever have this problem without AM. I bought the game when it came out and started form scratch to test everything out and had created 8 sims without AM installed. I am just getting this problem now. I have a few custom Sims and the Ear Sliders but as I said there was never a problem with the liners disappearing from CAS before. I did have a sim lose her liner in game once so it could be an EA issue. Another odd thing I noticed but can live with is that it seems like my dishes Glow now:
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: So is World Adventures worth it? on: 2009 November 24, 17:02:19
Yes she does, Perhaps that explains it. I thought it was most likely a graphic setting or something but she does have that trait so maybe.

(Edit) I have confirmed that a sim without the disciplined trait does not have the green lines while fighting. Thanks for the info that would've really confused me I think.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: So is World Adventures worth it? on: 2009 November 24, 07:07:45
Sim-Fu video - my sim is the blue belt, this was part of an adventure quest.

Okay now I have a question. My sim is level 10 in Martial Arts and when she fights there are green motion lines when they spar, Does that have to do with the fact that I have my Visual Effects on high or that she's level 10? Because I don't see those lines in this vid.

View My Video
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: So is World Adventures worth it? on: 2009 November 23, 17:01:47
Your welcome, I had originally put links but then I thought I remembered something about not putting TSR links here. Not sure but I hope you found it okay.

The more I play this game the more I love it, The food spoilage and the Sims Cough Drops not working is certainly annoying but Oh well the adventures IMO are so much fun. I haven't been able to defeat a mummy yet I guess that requires more strength or something. Since my sim has been adventuring nonstop that doesn't leave much time for working out. However in the last day she's acquired around 30,000 Simoleons worth of relics and stones so it's a great way to make money without cheating.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: So is World Adventures worth it? on: 2009 November 22, 22:04:18
ScorpioMaurus, could you please tell me where you got the lipstick in first pic?

NP it's from TSR by a creator called Lorieen (Glossy Lipstick by Lorieen) and it's a free one so no having to look around PMBD or anything

As for the Egyptian sim her lipstick is by Katelys (Lipstick 05) and is also free just in case anyone was wondering.

DUDE! That's supposed to be a camera? Please don't tell me this is what the in-game camera looks like. Man, GTA San Andreas had a better looking camera than that!

Might just be horrible fucking graphics settings.

No my graphic settings are all on high except shadows and Draw distance are on Medium, That's the way the camera looks in CAS that shows when you choose the Photographer's Eye Trait. The cameras they use in game don't look that bad.
 Then again it could be my GPU drivers I've had some trouble since installing the ATI drivers after 9.8. Sometimes the graphics in the games got screwy and 3 times it went into VPU Recover so I rolled them back to 9.7 and haven't had any problems since.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: So is World Adventures worth it? on: 2009 November 22, 16:38:57
I for one actually love it, Especially all the new stuff they added in CAS. The new hairstyles have a much better texture that the base ones did, and
IMO the new Egyptian eyeliners are to die for. If you have anyone in your life who has had or gone through cancer they added the perfect hairstyle to use for that

and some of the new jewelery is really awesome IMO you can see the Necklace and Snake armband on Sinna (Who's Outfit is By Liana). They also added new sliders for the face and some wrinkles in the same category where the birhtmarks are. There also are three new traits, Adventurous, Disciplined and Photographer's eye:

As for the gameplay they added the ability to cut or analyze all items in the inventory that are the same, So no more clicking on each friggin' Space rock to analyze. I personally also love exploring the tombs there's a great creepiness about it, I can't wait to raise my Visa level some more for longer adventures. But then my PC can handle it all with almost no lag on the highest Graphic settings. On a PC like my last I can imagine exploring really would have just been frustrating because that thing freezes when you open Firefox and my new baby is a Quad. I hate having to fix anything on the old one because even though it was only manufactured in 2007 it feels like a damn dino after using the Quad. Alas I still must deal with that wretched POS because I gave it away to my mom when I upgraded. I hope you have at least a Dual core with a good amount of RAM or playing WA might get seriously frustrating.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: World Adventures Mods folder setup, and What works and what does not on: 2009 November 21, 21:48:31
Has anyone been having any issues with custom hair?

I have only left Aikea's skins and eyes in and when I attempt to place my hair content back into my game it slows right down.

I have been putting my hairs back in a few at a time and the only one that has given me any issue is the Invidia hair from GenSoRon

I do not have any problems with GSR's male hairs and I have had no issues with any Peggy or Nouk or Helga hairs yet.

The elf ear sliders are working for me, all in the base game folder.

I don't know if I'm the only one with this issue but when I have the elf ears installed at least in the WA folder my thumbnails get all screwed up and the CC hairs including the ones from the store show up in their thumbs as pink with blue roots and usually the sim's face in the thumb shows up pitch black with a white neck.

So far those are the only CC I've had issues with BTW I'm running on XP Pro SP3 on a Phenom Quad core with 8GBs of dual channel RAM and an ATI 4650 GPU with 1GB of VRAM just in case anyone wanted to know. My system was more than capable of playing Sims 3 and I had no graphical issues until WA, I also do not have any issues running RE5 on the highest settings but with Anti-Aliasing on 2x, I also own Dragon Age and run it on Medium settings.

Oh and I have always had the latest 1.7.9/2.2 Patch because I fully updated a fresh install before ever playing with WA.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: World Adventures Hits the Interwebs on: 2009 November 18, 05:13:06
what is tpb?


I can't wait to see the new stuff since the base was getting to be too boring, I haven't played for like 3 months.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Thanks on: 2009 September 02, 21:23:58
Yay thanks so much for the Jeanette I just love boys with long hair I had the Jeanette for TS2 but I don't recall seeing it available for men but that may have been because I had so many freakin hairs in TS2. I already have almost a GB of hair for TS3 so I say keep em coming Please, Love it!
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Official Sims 3 Patch on: 2009 August 13, 14:36:09
Mine did not, and I installed using the EA Launcher. It needed the first patches in my case.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Official Sims 3 Patch on: 2009 August 12, 16:37:11
Well the computer definitely sounds like it should be able to handle it, mine are Phenoms as well but it's a quad. I'd say try running the game without CC to see what happens would be the easiest way to see if that's causing the slowdown. Personally what I would do since install is pretty fast since there's no EPs yet, Is backup the documents folder and then uninstall and do a totally fresh install with all patches and see if it runs fine. But then if it doesn't you'd need to uninstall again so probably the best option is taking out CC to see what's happening. The only thing that slowed down my game was the core mods like awesomemod or IndieStone but it runs really well for me since this last patch. If all your CC has numbers that start out 0x those are things that should be in another folder I think it's called DCBackup I can't imagine why normal CC from places like MTS would have random looking names, I know exactly where all my CC is from only things from the store or sims3pack files (IE Houses) should show up with weird numbers like that. I'm running mine with about 2GB of CC so I don't know perhaps something went wrong during the update. It's too bad EA didn't give us some way of uninstalling the patch without uninstalling the whole game. But they'd probably never do that because that would count as admitting that they make such bad patches people need to delete them. Also I have a post on MTS that includes a new resource.cfg which will allow you to have 20 subfolders, I currently have 32 subfolders and I keep everything very organized.

I'd say in the long run your best bet to to reinstall your CC in places where you'll know how to find it. That will make things much easier in the future. In TS2 I used to just dl stuff randomly and not pay much attention to it and then after many reinstalls and losing items and families I bought an External HD to store everything on and I keep all my DLs along with pics of everything backed up on there. It has made reinstalls much less frustrating now. I am doing the same thing with Sims 3 as well  and I name the pics the same name as the zip or rar so that they show up in order right next to each other and yes I have OCD but I also have a very low frustration tolerance for reinstalling and losing my favorite stuff lol.

(Edit) Thinking on it perhaps custom houses are the problem as they would show up in that folder with those number names and they could slow down the neighborhood since they aren't default. I only have 7 CC houses and have no issues, How many of your CC are Sims or Houses? Also what are your graphic settings? I found that keeping the Graphic Effects on Medium makes it work much better. I turned off reflections because that only affects the mirrors (Does not affect the water) and I keep Graphic Effects on medium and saw significant improvement. My GPU is an ATI 4650 with 1GB of memory and it does play it fine with every option on high but I saw huge differences in load times and save times after changing the graphic effects. It mostly controls the particle effects from things like the spoiled food, On low it really reduces the quality of thumbnails in CAS so medium would be best to try if you have it on high.
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Official Sims 3 Patch on: 2009 August 12, 01:56:48
Seeing patch 1.4 is just a fixed 1.3 patch, do i need to install the 1.3 patch before installing 1.4? or can i just skip 1.3 all together & just install the 1.4 from 1.27?

Yes you need to install 1.27, 1.3.24 and 1.4.6 in order to get it working. I have not had any performance issues with the patch in fact everything seems much faster for me what are your system specs. I may not be a good judge because I have a Quad core with 8GBs of RAM etc. etc. But my saving times were about 3 to 4 minutes before I used this patch and now they are about 30 seconds.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Official Sims 3 Patch on: 2009 August 07, 22:02:20
yeah 1.3 was seriously broken, I had problems with ques dropping and the fridge not having meal options and those stupid green arrows showing up in live mode. I'd hope they made the minor changes they needed to in order to stop those things. It's one thing to fix like 15 things but when you break the fridge so the sims can't eat that's another. I don't care if they fixed all the bugs if the sims can't make a meal it's pretty useless.

(Edit) Well a tuneup program I ran screwed with the settings in TS3 so I decided to reinstall and since uninstall and reinstall doesn't take more than a few minutes I decided to try the new patch to see if they fixed ANYTHING. I can definitely confirm I haven't seen the Green Arrows showing up in Live Mode and I haven't had any problems so far with sims dropping their ques except for when my one sim was pregnant and she got her body change in the middle of fixing the vegetized plumbing. The only minor annoyance I've seen so far is that my handy sim is constantly flipping a wrench up in the air when ever he has nothing to do, Which did not happen to ME before. It seems if you have HP's face shine in CAS a few outfits show up with a slight film over them all the time, Sort of how they look when you scroll over it. However once ingame the clothes do turn out to be the color you selected. I can also confirm the Delphy Slider hack will need to be updated because it caused CTD while loading though most of my other hacks seem to be working. I will update if I find any more that cause CTD I'm installing one at a time and reloading the game. Also another plus is that I was experiencing long save times of about 3 minutes and now with the new patch it took about 30 seconds.

Hacks I have found working with 1.4.6 so far include:
Awesomemod dated 8-7-09
Awesomemod dated 8-8-09
HP's No ZZZs from MTS
Rarely Cough by TigerM @ MTS
Lost Account's Toddler hacks at the 4X Speed from MTS
Faster Cooking & Slower Eating by UserUnknown @ MTS
Sinks Mirrors 3 by UserUnknown @ MTS
Gain Skills faster by MXP from MTS in 30% or 50%
Faster Novel Writing by Chaavik @ MTS
30 Minute Homework by xAlwaysVindicatedx @ MTS
No Autonomous hacks by xAlwaysVindicatedx @ MTS
No Autonomous Stereo Dance by Rolf @ MTS
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Official Sims 3 Patch on: 2009 August 07, 21:38:49
Glad to see they came out with 1.4 so quickly, I hope it works unlike the stinking 1.3. You know the 1.3 had to be messed up badly for them to release 1.4 so quickly (It only took a week) I had to reinstall my game twice because of 1.3.24 so I'll be waiting a while to see what happens to peoples games with the 1.4.
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Custom Clothing - The Thong Bikini by Me on: 2009 July 13, 05:49:25
no top at all would be nice too  Wink

Look Here:
19  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: M&G Resets my Sims? on: 2008 December 09, 20:24:19
After doing a Binary search it seems to be something from Sims2Workshop. I'd say probably Carrigon's hacks so I will see which ones need updating and check those. This might be related to the thread about the Headmaster Jumping and Carrigon's No Whistling hack. I don't have a clue why EAxis thought it would be cute to hear the sims whistling practically non-stop.

Thanks for the help!
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Look out!!! M&G runs from its own disk, not latest EP. on: 2008 December 09, 17:18:45
That's funny I see nothing in this thread that explains why EAxis doesn't know is they are putting out an EP or an SP. My point is that they are the most full of shit company ever. How can you not even name your product properly? It's bad enough they had an SP that needed to be patched but to have an SP that is labeled as an EP.
21  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / M&G Resets my Sims? on: 2008 December 09, 16:16:24
Hello official noob to this stuff so forgive me if it's been dealt with already and please point me in the right direction. I just got to play my game with M&G the EP/SP installed and when my sims interact on their own they are fine but when I direct them to do something they both jump to other areas and the action is canceled. For anyone who has ever used Pose Boxes and had to reset their sim that is exactly what it looks like. They seem to bounce to a nearby square that is not in use. At first I though it was only the AL animations but I am getting it with things like chat as well. I assume it's probably some mistake in EAxis code since they don't even know if it's an SP or an EP. It is called a SP but it's exe file is Sims2EP9 so I'd think if they don't even know what product they are putting out there are bound to be problems. I have all EP's and SP's including the Christmas Packs and I am using the Reloaded NOCD because I took Securom out. I have always used NOCD's and did not have this problem until M&G. I played with AL for about a month and did not experience any problems because I ran here to get the newest hacks first.

Thanks for your time everyone and if this hasn't been fixed could someone please tell me how to use debug mode to be able to properly test it? I know how to turn on debug mode but I don't know what types of errors I should be looking for, Thanks.
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Look out!!! M&G runs from its own disk, not latest EP. on: 2008 December 09, 16:01:58
Technically I think M&G is an EP eve though EAxis mistakingly named it an SP. I change the property value so it doesn't run from the launcher. If you look at it's exe it is Sims2EP9 not Sims2SP whatever. How can they come out with an EP and call it an SP or have an SP that's named as an EP? EAxis does nothing but confuse me and piss me off. Huh
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW on: 2008 November 18, 21:59:27
In the thread here :
They suggest getting your NoCD crack from but I would recommend GameBurnWorld or Megagames because for the last few months every time I visit Gamecopyworld I get hit with a virus or Drive by download. I thought people should know because it's one of those that installs as a fake AntiVirus such as AntiVirusXP or VirusLab2009 and then gives you warning about your PC having a virus. It takes quite a bit of time to get rid of and this latest one forced a complete reformat because it stopped AVG from being able to download updates and changes something in the search so that when you try to download any new AntiSpy or AntiVirus it will redirect you to porn sites or software sites and not let you see site's like Kaspersky, AVG, or Spybot ETC.  I don't even know how to contact GameCopyWorld to find out if they know about it because I can't access the site without being hit. I don't know if it's like Securom where GameCopyWorld is aware and doesn't care because it sponsers their site or it they were hacked and that's what's causing it. Until this last time I was able to remove it by using SmitFraudFix in safe mode but I don't know what happened yesterday morning. I was not able to remove it completely but it seems to be many viruses all in one Bratsk, Renos, SmitFraud, VirusLab2009. So Anyways please be careful people.
24  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 01, 23:56:55
Does that mean you accidentally had two cell phone replacements in different folders causing the problems? or that this is completely incompatible with cell phone replacements? I use the Moto K Razor by KyleBeans @ MTS2 I really love that phone and don't want to give it up.
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