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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2013 September 14, 20:07:44
Nope, that's the sort of thing I was hoping for--an opportunity to complete more than one LTW per sim. I'm currently playing around with long lifetimes, and one LTW isn't really enough for a Sim that can live for 500 days. The ideal would be a mod that automatically chose a new LTW, or made it blank until the Sim rolled one up, but this will do. Thanks.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Updater (v2.8.2 - Updated 2013-06-28) on: 2013 September 14, 05:27:32
So I removed the lines from the .bat that mentioned gamma, and the game started up successfully. I guess that forced it to choose another server. Is there a better way to get the program to stop trying to connect with it? Or do we just edit gamma out of updater.bat?
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Updater (v2.8.2 - Updated 2013-06-28) on: 2013 September 13, 03:00:36
I think I'm having the same problem. If anyone knows of a workaround, I'd be much obliged.

Is this the issue you guys are having too?
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2013 September 12, 22:26:43
Does a mod exist that will allow multiple LTWs for Sims 3, the way you were given a new LTW after you completed it in TS2? I miss being able to complete more than one LTW per sim.
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread on: 2012 March 21, 18:58:49
Suggestion for Sims doing collecting through Supreme Commander: Is there a (feasible) way to get a Sim to either stop trying to get to inaccessible locations to collect things, or use some form of teleport to get there instead? I've found that it's hard to use SC to collect things in France because of the spawners on that little island, causing things to lag and the Sim to stand there trying to path to the island. Or if that's not possible, maybe to mark something off-limits after the Sim has unsuccessfully tried to get there more than a few times.

Why do Sims with access to a Moodlet Manager still go to bed when they're tired, instead of curing themselves and then sleeping for about five minutes to get the Well Rested moodlet? I'm figuring there's some reasoning (if only "that's unrealistically cheesy") to it.

Would there be a way to easily queue up lots of nectar-making? I'm currently doing some research on optimal fruit combinations, and let's just say that when there are ten slots per nectar and fifteen fruits total, that adds up to a lot.
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2012 March 20, 19:10:29
Very much like the way PIs usually roll the want to question their newborn babies...

Wouldn't be surprised if the horse thing is an EA bug that AM has to compensate for. They're known for randomly thinking of non-sim objects as valid Sims. You know, remote-controlled cars, random babies, and apparently horses.
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2012 March 19, 20:36:25
I'm having a very odd problem with the latest version--Sims can't get the "soaked" moodlet; not from dive wells or shower in a can, nor mummies from showers. I checked to be sure; it happens with AM and no other CC, but if I remove AM then Sims can get soaked again.

Also, I don't know if this is related, but I'm also having random crashes every 15-20 minutes; again, happens with AwesomeMod and no other CC, stops without AwesomeMod. The crash log analyzer says it's due to CC. Troubleshooting, anyone?

ETA: It seems to work fine if I disable all the options on the configuration tool; the crashes stop but Sims still remain bone-dry. I can live without the "soaked" moodlet. I'll have to narrow down which option is causing crashes when I have some time; maybe something conflicts with something else. Apparently this isn't happening to other people, so I guess the bug is on my end, but if anybody knows about what might be going on here, I'd appreciate the info.
8  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2012 March 13, 20:18:12
Downloaded AM, put it in Doc/EA/TS3/Mods/Packages. Got rid of Scriptcache.package.
Went to start my game, never got anywhere, but got this:
I have all recent patches, updates, etc..
I have WA, HELS, Ambitions, Pets.
I have other mods, but no core mods.

Any advice?

I'm having this problem as well. It's mystifying to me, because the only thing that happened in between "game starts up fine" and this error message is that AwesomeMod updated itself. What is it about a new update that might cause a mismatch?

ETA: Yeah. I've got patch 1.31, AM is compatible with 1.32. Feeling silly now, but refuse to hit myself because it's finals week here and I'm in enough pain already, thank-you-very-much...
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Crashing to Desktop Help? on: 2012 February 19, 20:39:16
I'm having the same problem, and the same CLA message--"corrupted save game"--which happens even when I am using a new 'hood.

It still happens if I remove all CC except for AwesomeMod. I'll try it without AM, once I dig up my game disc.

ETA: I found that if you disable story mode on AwesomeMod, the crashes stop happening (a sim week now and counting). Have added back in my other CC and it still works fine. I keep the CC down to a pretty low level, though.
10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Sims 2 Vs. The Sims 3 on: 2012 February 19, 18:54:32
Tried both, still prefer TS2. It's more customizable, and it presents more of a challenge. When I first tried TS3, my initial thoughts were along the lines of, "Huh, this is like playing Sims 2 on Easy mode." I still think that. TS3 is a decent game, but TS2 has much more replay value.
11  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2011 November 05, 23:21:59
Is it possible to get a sim to sculpt only in a specific medium, or only do one specific sculpture, when using the Sculpt task in Supreme Commander?
12  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Issues with Maxis clothing on: 2011 April 16, 04:26:36
Well, if I can't solve it I'll just make over the townies who are doing the floating-head thing. My big worry is whether or not my game will go up in flames due to this; if it won't, it's really only an annoyance.

I've added a Maxis clothing hider for the base game clothes; that should stop townies from trying to wear clothes they can't find.
13  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Issues with Maxis clothing on: 2011 April 15, 19:22:12
OK... I did that. Didn't work.

What I did:
--uninstalled all EPs and then the Sims 2 Deluxe via the uninstaller.
--Removed the Sims 2 game in the Documents folder.
--Removed the Sims 2 game and all EPs from the Program Files directory.
--Ran a registry cleaner, which caught some stuff.
--Looked in the registry for leftovers; didn't find any.
--Re-installed the game from the CDs/DVDs and patched it.
--Downloaded a no-CD crack for AL and applied it.
--Started up the game.

Some of those Maxis clothes are still missing, even if I create a new neighborhood and try it there.
14  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Issues with Maxis clothing on: 2011 April 15, 00:43:32
I'd been playing with my CC for a while (you know, getting rid of sixty copies of the same shirt in different colors) when I realized that the Maxis clothing was glitching. In CAS, several different clothes would show up as the same thing, all Maxis clothing (like how it happens when you don't have the mesh); and occasionally a newly generated townie consisted of a floating head. The problem persisted when I took my downloads folder out, so I assumed I must've messed something up, possibly by deleting something that shouldn't have been deleted. I proceeded to uninstall and then reinstall the game. I took the Downloads folder from the old game and put it into the new install. But I still had the same problem with Maxis clothing, whether or not I had my CC in the game.

My current theory is that something stuck around after I uninstalled that is still causing problems even with the new install. I'm pretty sure it doesn't have to do with the Downloads folder because, like I said, it still happens even when I don't have my Downloads folder in.

What did I do and how can I fix it?
15  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's on: 2011 April 07, 17:40:47
No M&G. I didn't realize you needed it. I guess that's the solution; thanks.
16  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's on: 2011 April 07, 15:59:45
Having an issue here...
Okay, so I downloaded the Uberhood, and I couldn't get it to load in the game. Belladonna Cove just kind of disappeared--it wasn't on the neighborhood screen when I opened the game.

Currently I have the E001 (from the download) and Tutorial folders in my Neighborhoods folder, plus NeighborhoodManager.package.

What might cause this? I have all EPs.
17  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics on: 2011 February 24, 22:18:13
Could it have something to do with my using a no-DVD modification of the game?

Which version of macrotastics is the new version?
18  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics on: 2011 February 24, 07:57:18
OK, attached.

This was a teen to a child, macro->socialize. I took out everything but the above list of mods again, just to be on the safe side.
19  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics on: 2011 February 23, 23:26:24
I'm getting a jump bug with macrotastics...

I have Deluxe (base+NL) and am using the version of macrotastics in the NL director's cut.

It comes up whenever I use auto-socialize and one of the participants is a child. The action will get canceled and the sims will reset.

I removed everything but Macrotastics from the Downloads folder and still got the same bug. What I had left in the folder was macrotastics, autosoc, autoyak, skillinator, bathroomusesyou, and sleepclock.

Any ideas?
20  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS Director's Cut: More Awesome Than You on: 2011 February 22, 20:47:48
OK. So if I have IKEA stuff, then what EP would that be with regards to which hacks I can use?
21  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS Director's Cut: More Awesome Than You on: 2011 February 21, 01:43:32
Oddly enough, that's exactly why I'm playing it. Things are just so easy with all the EPs.

I'll have to do trial-and-error with the Uni stuff, I guess.
22  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS Director's Cut: More Awesome Than You on: 2011 February 20, 18:23:45
Is there a Director's Cut for base-game-only?
23  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Tutorial: Clean custom neighbourhoods + townie creation (updated for Seasons) on: 2011 January 03, 12:31:07
Okay, it's mostly working. I still have Apartment Life social-group townies, though. Any way to get rid of them (beyond just summoning them and having a massacre?)
24  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Tutorial: Clean custom neighbourhoods + townie creation (updated for Seasons) on: 2011 January 01, 20:27:35
This says it's "updated for Seasons"; do these work for Apartment Life? I'm assuming so, but would like confirmation. Are there any changes I should be making to the procedure?

ETA: What would happen if I didn't add the recommended hacks? Would the game just spawn townies and such on its own?
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sims 2 and Windows 7 on: 2010 September 30, 04:08:39
Starting to think it's the neighborhood that's corrupt. It only happens in Veronaville. What made me miss it in the first place was that I had just installed my game to a new computer that came with Windows 7, and assumed that a newly-installed game could not have a corrupt neighborhood in it. I tried some lots in Strangetown and Pleasantview; they worked fine. Odd--i've never had issues with Veronaville before.

Oh, well, I'll just get rid of it. It's not like I actually play the Maxis-mades anyway (though it's kind of traditional to zombify Juliette on occasion).
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