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1  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Fix For SimPE and Sims 2 Ultimate Collection provided on: 2016 April 15, 21:24:37
Hi there,

This is no hack, so no Terror Picture.

As I came back to Simming 2 with the UC, I found very fast that the old helpers wont work right out of the box. With some Internet Investigation and some crazy ideas, I offer a fix for those, who want to use SimPE with the Ultimate Collection.

There exist already a "small" Solution, but I am to lazy to allways correct so many entries manually.

Mainly there are two Problems:

 SimPe don't know the Ultimate Collection
SimPe looks for the game exes of the base game and the expansions. But those are no longer provided with the Ultimate Collection. So the solution is to fake them :-). This dont harm and dont take place, as the files can have Zero Bytes, they only need to exist in the right place. The path is partially hardcoded in SimPE, so no Chance with a configuration file.

So my fix provide three files:
a readme with install instructions
a fake directory structure with fake exe files
a reworked expansions.xreg with perfect Fitting directories for the ultimate collection

It is a fire&forget solution

A Person who uses this, should know how to read instructions, should at least know how to copy files and should be able to make a backup.
The fake Directory structure fits perfect to the Ultimate Collection, but will bork up complte any other Installation, because it then would overwrite all the exe files with Zero Byte files. But those obviously should not Need this fix.

You can easily extract the files and copy all manually, please check it yourself. To be sure the conten is trustworthy.

You will use this complete    on your own risk.  Grin

I posted this here, because People who uses stuff from here are expected to be smart enough, not to bork up their System through stupid handling.....

Have fun with SimPE & Sims 2 Ultimate Collection

I got Feedback, fixed a Little error in the readme. The goes in the Game-Installation Folder where it has to be extracted.
2  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20100526*) on: 2010 May 26, 19:28:48
I added a newer version of BHAVS. This should fix the problems reported from those person that have neither FT nor Apartment. This is related to a change in numbering of luas as i found out. the call number changed with freetime, so there were problems with some routines. This fix ist not necessary for people who own a newer expansion set then bon voyage, those should keep the 3.2.6.

Honestly speaking: The last three days when I made the fix I realized I still like the Sims 2 Smiley
The sims 3 has to little space for modders, the miss of simantics makes it much less modable then the old game. From time to time i take a look to sims 3 and am missing so much. except pescados hack there isn't much stuff out (i don't mean clothing , houses, objects and so on, I am meaning hacks, indidualism in changing/modding the games core behaviour). for sure i will not buy one single more expansion for sims 3.  with killing simantics ea killed the core of sims.... but thats my personal opinion...
3  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20090605*) on: 2010 May 23, 10:07:29
Hi captainrc. That's no problem with bhav but intended! you can edit the bhav yourself to remove actions you don't want to be performed naked.

Hi mentalstampede - without logs no support possible.

you need boolproptestingcheatsenabled for this and debug mode on. then the game produces logfiles and breks when an error occurs.

I tried just out - but I cannot reproduce the problems, nor with the bed neither with the hot tubb. but i have all addons, so the logs are really necessary to take a look in your prob.
Are you shure you putted in AL Emulator part ?
4  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20090605*) on: 2009 June 09, 17:09:09
Hi friends,

I'll bring this up to make the update a bit more aware. maybe these days some simmers - like me - think about playing sims 2 again, until there are more mods or custome stuff for sims 3 which - honestly speaking - disappointed me. The gameplay may be interesting for many people, but i liked the households and towns beeing complte controlled by myself. now i am forced to save branches of every family and it is still not the same. I dislike !

Hope the day will come when it is possible to edit bhavs (or equivalent in sims 3, i don't know). and as it looks like, there are no skins for sims anymore, which will open the question : will it ever be possible to add the missing genetic bits and byte that stop looking sims like barbie dolls). If the day comes where this question can be answered with yes and a tool and common knowledge will be out to realize mods like this one, i will think about rebuilding this mod for sims 3, but i doubt it will be possible.

So, have fun, if you are playing sims 3 or keep on playing sims 2
5  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TUTORIAL: Merging the Maxis neighborhoods. on: 2008 September 27, 08:13:55
Hi together,

it is definitely no SimPE issue with the missing Apartment Sims. With SimPE you fix only the IDs, but the Rebuilding is done by the Sims Game itself, using so called templates...
If you spent some thoughts on the concept, you will realize some facts:

1.) Suburbs (exclude Holiday & University) are supported only by OFB & Downtown. downtowns & business districts are the only type of suburbs you can use.
2.) When the game uses the new added neighbourhoods, the numbers of the Sims & the buildings are rebuild in ascending order - the templates are used as base, but nevertheless the rebuilding process of the game changes a lot of values when you add them as new suburb. And this process is done by The game, NOT by SimPE.

Sims living in Apartments are a complete new concept -  you can take an apartment as a kind of mini-lot. Why should EAxis have taken care on old suburb concepts for this with introducing Apartment life when they don't provide Apartments in suburbs themself ?  - Take all original games and you don't have any apartments in any original template. So this error is only a logical result of an in-game missing concept.....

The only way will be that one to move the Sims out of the Apartment before using BDC as template OR using BDC as Main neighbourhood as described above - with all consequences of possible renamed Sims.
6  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Smart No-Privacy (Global Mod) on: 2008 September 26, 21:23:11
Thanks very much for the nice feedback. Hope you enjoy it  Smiley
7  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20080919*) on: 2008 September 26, 17:19:37
Hi Lovejoy,

it is very difficult to say if this is the case. On the first view I would say no, as there are no direct conflicts. On the other hand: While I integrated the "Check for naked" rotines around the calls to clothing change (for swimming, sport, sauna, etc...), Squinge modified directly some clothing-change globals & semiglobals. Globals & semi-globals are core routines that are used by all other (globals) or common by special groups (semi).

So it is really hard to say, because I would have to investigate what he did.

I don't think there's the problem but I cannot say this for sure. I read already somewhere, that sometimes weird things happen with the butlers - especially with leaving. I would estimate, you try to reproduce this error and then try to play with/without one of both hacks to see if it's resolved. Should the problem be in nudist hack it could be easily done to exclude this NPC type from beeing naked.

I don't have a household with a butler anywhere and in the coming weeks very spare time, so I cannot investigate this more deeply now myself.

Thanks for feedback, I am glad you enjoy the hack  Grin
8  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Smart No-Privacy (Global Mod) on: 2008 September 21, 11:02:43
Very good Question - this isn't tested.
I have not much pets in game.... the checks in the routines I found are only for persons, never for pets - So I guess they are ignored by the game.

Tried it out - it looks as if Pets ignore/are ignored completely
Nevertheless uploaded an improved version - please read main post
9  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Smart No-Privacy (Global Mod) on: 2008 September 21, 09:39:32
Even there are a lot of No-Privacy Hacks out already, this one is a bit different...

There are mainly two types out - the one is door based, the most others stop the shoo behaviour.

Intention is to share a bathroom with the family (household) or good friends. But of course strangers haven't to enter. Also not wanted are disliked Sims, even they are relatives. The only group that ignores all are the toddlers - As in real life they don't know anything about privacy  Smiley

The best one (imho) I found was the already abandoned hack by LizzLove - it is a mix of both and relates the door closing as well as the shoo behaviour. Even it works as it should it is a bit a brute hack - a return true or false in the first line of code. Nevertheless it helped me nicely to determine the two mainly involved globals. So credits go to Lizz.

What I was looking for was a somekind smarter behaviour, without disturbing already existing door hacks. I cannot promise this is reached competely, so I ask for your feedback.

I changed two routines (package includes only these two - more aren't necessary)
1.) Privacy Set ? - A semiglobal from group 0x7FD0DEBA, instance 0x201C (doorglobals)
2.) Privacy - Ignore Person ? - A global from group 7FD46CD0, instance 0x138

So if you find conflicts with existing hacks, using the hack scanner, decide yourself which one you want to use

Mainly the routines work as original, except some additions I made to determine, which Sims should be allowed to share the bathroom.
I didn't touch the original same gender check (dorms etc.) -  As Lizz needed 4 Routines to cancel out, I could minimize two only 2 essentials, which perform the descriped checks instead of simply be cancelled out.

Added are the following checks:

Ignore Sim if
  • same gender & friends
  • same family & friends
  • best friends
  • freetime friends forever
  • Toddlers ignore all of course

I tested it out and it seems to work well. Should be compatible with all Expansion Packs.
Should you get errors please append error logs.
What I am not sure about is if it also "works" for bedrooms - this wasn't intended.
Now I am sure it is limited only to bathrooms - at least a shower/toilet or a (normal or shower-)tub has to be in the room. Hot tubs are not count.

Initial release - 2008/09/21
Update for Toddlers - 2008/09/21
Update - Test for bathroom now included - if not a bathroom, the normal privacy behaviour is performed!  - 2008/09/21

10  Darcyland / Lord Darcy Investigates / Re: Higher Comfort and Energy for Maxis Beds (Updated 2008/09/05) Added AL beds on: 2008 September 14, 13:36:48
Thx for fast reply,

so it is clear why I have to put them twice.
and found my mistake....

somehow i exchanged something while installing even i tried to do it carefully....
the beds were all in wrong location - instead of bin they were in downloads....  Embarrassed

thx again & have a nice day
11  Darcyland / Lord Darcy Investigates / Re: Higher Comfort and Energy for Maxis Beds (Updated 2008/09/05) Added AL beds on: 2008 September 14, 08:46:37
Thx for this also

a question: why has some stuff to be placed twice ? wouldn't the download folder be enough in that case ? i (hopefully) did as described in manaual and (again hopefully) removed all the stuff from the earlier versions - now i have the custom star on almost all the beds..... Smiley
12  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20080909*) on: 2008 September 09, 17:08:10
Hi, thanks again for reporting.
What you found is normally correct I guess. When the weather reaches a lower threshold, Sims will get dressed, even on nudist places (you can check the nudist score in this moment against, it drops to zero then). But of course any bathing actions are excluded, because it doesn't make sense to go from naked to swimsuit (however, in the game even swimsuits have a minimal warming factor). This is done by a flag that is set before performing such an action. in two routines i had exchanged the order so the check was made before setting the flag.

On the other hand, keep this factor in mind. In the spring,autumn and the winter it can easily happen that the sims refuse to get naked. Check the score then and you fill find a naked score zero. that is correct & works as designed.

Relating the bed: Try if it works. From the view of nudist it doesn't matter if you overwrite single bhavs with other hacks. of course the nudist checking routines then will not work for them but you cannot break the nudist module in whole. The same I cannot say necessary (as i don't know) about the counterpart hack. It's on you to try, but I will not make any changes in nudist to make it compatible with other hacks.....  Wink
13  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20080908*) on: 2008 September 08, 19:11:25
Hi GalenZ,

I made the "Make the Sims undress" Routine from the signs configurable, so you should get pretty near what you want to realize. Please refer to the main page for configurations.
14  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.1 (Updated *20080902*) on: 2008 September 06, 17:14:04
You can use those signs already - simply don't use room signs - or take an area sign with settings for just outside. default nudist mode is like clothing optional. I had already a discussion with FatD on first/second page, who had a nice idea relating signs - but i refused because I would have to rework the complete design.

your idea is almost the same. So, sorry I have to refuse again, because most things can already be done by placing signs combined with threshold settings.
The nudist hack as it is is based on cBoys - calculating a score and checking against a threshold to decide if a sim wants to be naked or not - in the second step designed the signs to declare given areas as nudist areas which basically means to score in an different way - nevertheless a sim with 1 outgoing and 1 playful refuses to get naked even on nudist place.
the core is a scoring system and not an object oriented behaviour. and it is a decision between clothed or not - not an outfit chooser.
as programmer you will know yourself that if a concept isn't in base design already it would demand a complete re-programming.
That i am not willing to realize because it would make me busy for a couple of weeks. i will do fixing an maybe small extensions but not a complete redesign - even more if the wished behaviour is already there, even it might need a bit playing with the settings.

I hope you can live with that - as i told you already, you can use inges signs, theres no problem to use them together with nudist.
setup example: put an area sign, configure it as outside only and set the threshold to around 1400, put the different dressing room signs in house for your taste. you will see: with very little exceptions it will do exact what you wanted.
15  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.1 (Updated *20080902*) on: 2008 September 03, 22:20:24
Now I get your drift better, GalenZ....

just remember for a man who lives in germany - guess somewhere araound paderborn - who is a nudist and also an artist and always runs around everywhere in his nude outfit (i guess his outgoing is 10 and his playfullness also)....

for the next days i will be busy with other things... (no, not nudist programming  Grin)
then i will look if i can do something like that, thx for the link... 

my intentions for the next steps were something like a nudist party or a mess for the witches, no idea if it's possible to program an own party ...
want also to change the toddlers behaviour - instead of getting naked themself they should ask an elder person or so to change their clothes - now it is realized a big ugly as there were no social interactions/animations in game for several combinations - fe toddlers to childs...

so for now bye bye & have a good time!
16  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.1 (Updated *20080902*) on: 2008 September 03, 20:46:12
17  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.1 (Updated *20080902*) on: 2008 September 03, 07:27:38
Sounds strange with your vampire - but i guess it is soemething different, related to toga party. the bug i fixed came from the signs - they scanned the nudist area and pushed sims to get naked. don't do any checks for sleeping sims - and if they are not sleeping and naked, they might ask another sim to be naked - no counterpart relating dressing exist in the mod for shure. with vampires i remember many similar things happen long ago.... or now, sometimes sims stand up in the night wanting to visit the campus...vampires became awaken when motives too low or door bell rang or sound in same room - in your case i guess it is the working of party controller - strange that it happens only with naked persons - but i know in this areas there is nothing in the nudist hack . side effects need at least a connection to the affected object - if the state naked counts for willing to wear toga, then this is not my work Smiley

the sleep in "wear anything" would have to be implemented additionally - the sleep naked option not, as it was already implemented in game by eaxis - disabled - it only had to be enabled again - giving extra option for sleeping in anywhere would make me dependent again on game changes because I had to hack the stringtable of the game, this i try to avoid....
relating game hacks my attidude is: as much as necessary but as less as possible.

The logic of get naked is indeed the threshold. But the calculated score is sometimes hard on the limtit and can change very fast depending on circumstances. Allways when you have the option "get naked" - stop the game and look at the threshold (show nudist score) - you will see scorethen  is allways higher then settled up threshold. please also read the description on first page also. if the showed threshold in nudist score should be higher as naked score, the option get naked cannot be there because it is checked against this.
the appearing of ask to get naked option depends on two conditions
1. the asking sim is naked
2. sims are in the same room

wohoo naked is (was) already included - hard coded, but only in bed (cuddle routines) Smiley one of the few exceptions where clothes change isn't checked against "sim wants to be naked)

individual nudist - ebruere did this .... but as i have no idead about personal tokens, this would introduce a new concept, maybe i will estimate this later. Only this would allow to configure individual thresholds. So it is not possible, because the nudist controller is an invisible global single object on the lot - so it is clear that threshold can be set only for the lot.
in my sight crammys nudist hack worked much smoother, as he wrapped the naked attitude around the personality instead of trashing the sims with new attributes or tokens.
the disadvantage giving sims invisible tokens is, that it produces "trash" - if you remove nudist package now, all will be away, nothing is stored with individual sims. the same problem i would have when giving individual nudist tokens.
On the other hand - you have it in yours.... If you want special sims to be naked, look that their outgoing & playfulness score is high enough. Somehow it seems contraproductive for me, to make shy sims nudists - it is like in real life. To be a nudist I guess depends on personality, environment and intention.... exact this is what the nudist scoring system calculates....when i played several lots the last evening, i was very pleased with the balance. without signs, my extro and playfull sims tended to become naked - influenced also by day/nighttime. of course the other sims didn't like.... for me it's very good so and for others the solution is in tweaking the threshold a bit - until it fits personal taste.
Finally - if the sim you want to be a nudist is too shy, think about to change his/her personalty to become more extroverted/playfull - there are several hacks around allowing to change those attributes.

hangable nudist signs might come someday, who knows Smiley

thanks again for testing & have fun

18  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.1 (Updated *20080902*) on: 2008 September 02, 18:50:43
Hello GalenZ,

hope the new solution will throw away the errors Smiley
After long long thinking I finally found an almost trivial solution - if for AL is checked, I return always false instead of running into the break. That is realized with an extra module for players without AL that replaces the check routine. also you need bhavs 3.2.4 because the checking routine had to be removed again there.

So I really hope it works - Thank you for assistance with reports and your kindly words relating nudist hack. that's loan enough if i hear there are players who like this mod (meanwhile it's more a mod then a hack).

So, the last time - relating this issue I hope - I ask you for testing and giving me feedback. Looking forward to get new error reports, hehe - but if, we have to continue diggin.

have fun
19  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.1 (Updated *20080901*) on: 2008 September 02, 01:19:41
Thanks Galen - have to go to bed now - tomorrow we will see further
what is checked is a simple flag that was there also before - ambient flag - to expand the game edition flag - something must have changed there.....

it should return true or false - no idea why it gives an unknown error in the log

seems no experienced modder who could give the right input watches the thread - so i guess i will have to build a workaround - i will not go backwards for sure  Grin

the poolhack i don't use - my visitors don't use pools very often ...

it will not break nudist if you want to use it and load it later. the other direction i am not sure.
this will not be included in nudist, as it is j.m.'s hack. the sunbathefix is something different, as it is a fix and not a hack...the sunbathe fix is included
20  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.0 (Updated *20080831*) on: 2008 September 01, 14:48:19
seems I missed that while moving the strings - this will be fixed with next version - promised  Wink

Done - Nudist Controller 3.2.1
21  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.0 (Updated *20080831*) on: 2008 September 01, 07:08:34
Thanks for the feedback

I will take this evening after work a deeper look in it - please post other error logs too
Many thanks for reporting these bugs - I checked them both

The first problem is caused by Eaxis changing the check version global routine with AL - so i include this in the BHAVs...
if you are interested in the reason: the old routine checked if max version was 0xf and ready - AL has number 0x10  Wink This is handled with the new checking routine from AL

The second error you experienced was a missing check on a new apartment behaviour relating noise - hehe. This means if you wohoo to loud, neighbors could feel disturbed. But of course Pre-Als doesn't know about.

Expect updates this evening & thanks for reporting - without the players (f.e. you) and the GOOD logs I have no chance to find & fix such errors
Most often it is senseless to report a bug without error log.

Relating the missing menus when clicking a sim - I guess it is a follow-failure as I don't overwrite any menus - they are all added dynamically

Done - please download BHavs 3.2.3 and check.

Please feedback later if the patched versions will work
22  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Apartments-a-go-go (3 lots) on: 2008 August 31, 17:55:47
Thank you,

seem to be very nice buildings. Will give them a try
23  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.1.4 (Updated *20080830*) on: 2008 August 31, 13:43:54

many thanks for your feedback. If the actual version is compatible with the texture then nothing will change with it with the update as i am updating only "private" functions - no further global hacks for now.
I don't work with insim any more, as I had to suffer disappeared menu options in my german language version  - and all was fine again when I removed it Sad - so i am not able to say anything about it.
To make it clear: The complete mod only uses completely cloned/private stuff. The only hacks are in the bhav (very carefully built a check for naked around the clothes change calls also enabled most routines - hot tub, massage etc. - also for teens when it seemed to make sense for me). further the emitter package contains a hacked global.
if you suspect nudist hack to overwrite anything, simply remove the bhavs & emitter packages. all will work except routines for sports, sauna, etc etc... . if then all is fine again, please report the event. if not, you can be sure you have to check another hack for this impact.
even the signs - if you remove complete nudist package and forgot the signs - without the core package they are only decoration without any effect - they stop simply to work.
24  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.1.4 (Updated *20080830*) on: 2008 August 30, 17:56:07
Fat D,

No changes there between FT & Al for sure.
25  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.1.4 (Updated *20080830*) on: 2008 August 30, 17:03:56
Hello Dark,

Many thanks for constructive feedback.
sounds strange - and will not be easy to determine without error log. Such things are often caused by social interactions, when one waits for the other to enter a given state - deadlock.
I mean this mustn't come necessary from nudist hack - however when I will have a bit time to play instead improving nudist only frequently starting the game to test the new routines I will have an eye on it.
also i know about a bug in calculation that has to be fixed soon and causes a break in debugging mode.  Hope i can deliver tomorrow a patched version. 
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