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Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 September 21, 10:41:55
At the start screen of this site, there are two options, and one of them leads to simple downloads, and this is what I mean. I prefer to read a simple RTFM. And I'll be using your mod until there are tools simple enough so that I can make my own modifications without help. I don't use most of the features created by modders anyway, so I get something that in the reality I don't fully need. This is the only reason that I'm angry on EA. If one man can modify the game and make it playable, why a company can't. We signed under their EULA that says that everything that is created and related to TS belongs to them. So it is time that they just include tested stuff that were considered as playable and make the game playable. I don't have much of requests related to special features. I buy this game from EA just because there are no similar in the market. Of course they give a damn if I buy it or not and I understand the point perfectly. And sure, the day I find something that pleases me better, I'll take it. I do not post anything in any site because I have a very low level speaking and it is unproper in most of the sites. But most of the sites give correct answer without the need of asking. If you just place updated versions of AM by the same section where you placed your TS mods, probably you will have only your team inside as you like. As said, the only reason we come here is because your mod is, today, the only thing that is making TS3 playable, but this will change and hopefully soon.
PS: please don't answer any of my posts, if you are not named JM Pescado. I'm interested only on the mod, not in opinions.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 September 21, 08:23:12
Is Am going to be put available outside the site as it was done for TS2, when eventually it is considered as "tested enough"? Or when an EP is released and the present AM eventually would only work without the EP? Anyway, is there any plan to make it available without the need of entering the site? It seems that I do not have any problem left that can be solved, so I decided to abandon TS3 until I can find solutions that match my needs. Of course AM will expire in the meantime and I'll not even notice because I will not be playing this game. Would appreciate to get a new version without having to be ridicularized because of my non-english origin. If I read something, I immediately have new questions or new ideas, so it is better not to read anything. I always wonder how ESL's can tolerate sims that cannot speak any language just because they cannot at all learn grammar. And it became the most successful creation because it is international. So, grammar was the most stupid creation of human beings.
I always keep on checking the "free" section to see if something on TS3 was added. Thanks.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 September 20, 18:13:09
I'm trying to include a simple screen dump of my saves folder. You can now see what I consider difficult to understand. SunsetNewStart is the same hood as SunnysideFreeFall5, only that "destroyallhumans" was used in the first one. So, SunsetNewStart have only houses. There's almost no difference on the size of each hood. FreeFall5 has 137 playable sims and takes about 3 minutes to save in 90 days aging, 49 seconds in 25 days aging. NewStart, with only houses, takes 16 seconds to save. The other hoods, as obvious, are completely empty, no sims, no houses and take 8 seconds to save. My computer fails at about 40MB hood, but ignores the limit when aging is very short. On the other hand, no matter how long saves take, windows cannot close TS3 hoods if they are bigger than 40MB, no problem if they are about the half (around 20MB). Oh yes, I'm very concerned about save time. It is the only problem I have and I sure don't like it.
Sorry I had to compress the small jpg cause it was not accepted.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Sick of my game's crashes!
on: 2009 September 20, 16:18:18
Did you read anything else regarding other problems that can be reason for incompatibility. Did you patch your game? Are you updated with all what is required to run AM? Learn to ignore posts that don't help you at all. Most of us don't have English as first language and got already accustomed to pseudo- /fanatic brites. I suggest that you really read through the several threads in the AM section.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Sick of my game's crashes!
on: 2009 September 20, 15:15:46
You should also consider that everything you include in your game HAVE to be considered as beta (use at your own risk). It is correct, Sims3 CC is very different from Sims2 CC. Think twice before installing whatever mainly if you are deep wishing to use Mods that are very complex. AM is a complex mod, so much that we all have only to agree with whatever it does, once none of us is able to solve conflicts between things we don't even understand how it works.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 September 20, 14:59:42
I think if you're playing a style that causes a LOT of thumbnails to generate, this will happen. We need to find something to disable the root culprit of long save times, namely, the compression. However, this appears to be below the script modding engine, and thus cannot be done from here.
I tried to explain what happens when you drop the the aging lenght, but it seemed unproper in this section so I posted in another section - and reached the main AH board. Actually the main trouble in TS3 is exactly the long save time, all the other problems are solvable. I have been playing a completely comdemned hood for very long and it still possible to continue playing. It is just that the fun falls out. I do play a style that causes a lot of thumbnails to generate (I recolor almost everything in game), but it takes only some seconds to regenerate. I just wait some seconds before I start playing and everything is OK. So, I don't believe that this can be the reason for the long save times. As said, I played with the shortest aging and definitively I didn't have problems with long save. Besides the long save, there's a second problem when Windows cannot close TS3, and it can take up to 25 minutes (real time). I started to save the game and shut down the computer directly in the main switch. Then Windows closes TS3 immediately, as if it was not even running. Nothing is lost and next time I start the game, it launches without any problem and also play and save normally. I also believe that the problem is beyond what can be done here.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 September 18, 11:00:48
So far, as soon as the game start to save at a delay of 3 minutes, I drop the aging lenght to 50 days (normally I play the next higher). For many that wouldn't agree (sims age faster and you get a real bunch of elders) it is a relief that they don't have to die immediately. There's something that puts the game back to normal after some minutes. But this is individual and will depend mainly on how you play. I don't give any more a dam for the sims die or not. I made a library save on my favourite sims where they are all sufficiently skilled and average employed, so that I do not have to start with blank ark all over again. If a sim die, I place it back, that's simple. I just change their names and chase their daughters and sons, to marry them in the family again and reproduce the same genes. It is massive incest, I know. But they don't know, the game either.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Abandoned vehicle (not NPC) - cannot delete
on: 2009 September 18, 10:44:20
Lately I'm not having much trouble with cars. In fact, I'm not even giving cars to whoever, once they most of the time use a taxy anyway. It is a big mistake to give cars to all family members, they will sure abandon them somewhere. The same with bikes. Previously, when problem was very present, I found out that typing "towderelicts" didn't make much of a difference, but typing "towderelicts yes" did the trick. Don't know if there's something magic with the syntax, but I got it from one of Pescado's post.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 was to include weather.
on: 2009 September 18, 10:30:22
You people have forgotten SIMs 2 base game so quickly. Majority of the EPs were already in base game it is the expansions which activate them. Wrong assumption. The EPs included meshes and original colors. You could not do anything with the base game because meshes were missing. Not true that everything was already in a sack. My group have massively downloaded objects and meshes custom made by several of some dead sites. At every EP we were just confirming that custom contents that were put free for the users were just slightly made up and included in the EPs. So, they were not there, WE put them available, just that normal modders don't have immediate access to ass expensive tools/programs. The EP that finally included a comprehensive bunch of alternatives to make objects available in game, was Appartment Life. Before this EP you could do nothing with the base game, first because it was too primitive and remained primitive throughout Seasons, BV and all previous crap. Finally as everything was already doggone, they released the pseudo EP Mansions &... It included nothing that you could not find at MTS2. But it finally released all the coding so that people with a little patience could sew together all the EPs in one (I did, so any tard could do it).
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 September 18, 07:55:19
Have tested last version(16.09) for 24 hours now and everything is working feilfree. I had a couple of Flagrant Errors but it was my plein fault. I placed Easels in community lots and this can definitively NOT be done. It seems that objects that require intensive inputs/outputs for individual results, cause massive errors in the system. I'm still playing my same half-condemned hood and it is being recovered with actions that could be more considered as voodoos, once I cannot explain them logically by now. Have been receiving some links to some private analysis from different sources and I don't even know how they got to me. It sounded as they consider me as a sort of private programmer, what I'm not, but I'm not so stupid and can understand some of them and in a certain degree, even agree with them. Everything here is looking like a very bad coding in TS3, what comes to illiterate conclusions that there are memory leaks and it is the only reason for the abnormous saving time we get after some playing. My tests show that there's something wrong with the different aging available. Accidentally I found out that reducing the time Sims are allowed to live (changing to shorter aging) recovers the initial save time of about 35 to 60 seconds. I thought there would be something to do with sims get elder and die and would open some more space for new born sims, but NO, the simple fact of changing the aging lenght reduces dramatically the saving time. It sounds like sims are programmed somehow like insects (be born, reproduce and die) and the shortest they are allowed to live, the best is the game flow. Using long aging seems to be causing a sort of paradox. So far, for my personal game-play, AM reached already the perfect point. Of course many other players will still get problems that will never affect me (gays reproduction, teens intercourses, masse murders, pedos, etc) and so, I consider the last version as the ideal version for myself. Of course new additions in terms of better game flow will be welcome, but it seems to me that the correction for the problem, me and many others are having, lays simply in EA's better choise of game coders.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 September 16, 08:43:04
It seems that is also forcing things to happen as they should. I was observing sims in the park and got a message that "X was romancing Y, at the City Hall". X was at the moment playing football table in the middle of the park and I got a laugh. But immediately Y showed up and both left the park, so I believe that the story mode corrected the mistake.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Long pauses
on: 2009 September 15, 17:22:46
The graphic card is really an important item, but to upgrade to the latest available doesn't make much of a difference in terms of processing a lot of sims in a hood. In fact I noticed that Service NPCs don't weight much on the balance. To kill them all is waste time once they are respawned soon after to about 40 units. It seems that the game makes a spare for burglars, social workers, firefighters etc, even if you never use them. I also didn't understand the reason for this spare, once as soon as a service NPC is required, a new one is created and it is not among the spares that apparently clog the hood (they don't because very seldom one or another pop up in the park, but disappear before you can contact them). It is one more of the inutilities from EA. The saving problem is dramatic. As soon as the hood reaches around 100 inhabitants, saving time can go up to 5 minutes. This is unsuportable because when you are sitting in front of a screen, one second is eternity. I have a pretty good computer, almost no ccs, except for some replacement skins, I made my own xml mods and check one by one against AM and one another and my hoods are unplayable as soon as they pass 32MB (equivalent to have about 120 sims in a hood). I don't have any complicated houses because I myself live on a place where almost everybody have exact the same kind of house and looks paradise. So, I recreated sort of the place I live. I'm not a bird, so I never play bird view. Instead I place the cursor in the middle of a sim street and "walk" on the hood, observing the houses and buildings around. Besides, I found out that rabbit holes work better when combined (spa with Gym), working places with restaurants, so I created a very lively downtown where sims after go skilling, make a stop at the restaurant, or after watching a football game, go to spa, or fitness. I got the idea when I visited Simlogical and Inge had placed a combination Kitchen and Pub. I could not download so I got the idea and started to combine rabbit holes. Full success. I sincerely don't know if buying a super-duper computer will change that much once I believe that is pure EA's incompetence. TS2 Base Game was also kind of unplayable. I damn know that the first EPs will be also a bag of poo. The game is destined to be just good right before TS4. As always TS is not any investment. As soon as finished, is not more worth a dime.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 September 10, 10:08:31
I also got this problem a couple of times. The story is much longer cause it was in my last test where I was playing three overstuffed houses (16 sims). So long I had only the overstuffed houses, the game run more than all right, except that TS3 cannot deal with houses with more than 8 sims at all. It cannot music roll the houses, so I was pleased, but it cannot also do anything else, so everything has to be done manually. Sims do not visit the town often and you get almost a ghost town with some Service NPCs poping up for very briefly. But the hood keeps around 27MB on size though they were 48 sims in, and the saving time never exceeds 30 seconds (40 at the maximum). Then I decided to open up for move-ins. I had 3 homeless families and placed half a dozen of small houses with enough space for them. I got the messages "Moving X into ..." "Failed to move in X" maybe 20 times before the three homeless moved in. I was playing one of the 3 overstuffed houses and as I cannot impregnate anyone, not even with the Pollinator, I moved them in 3 groups out of the house into some of the free small houses. Then everything went back to "normal". Lots of visitors on town, lots of romances, marriages, all the usual.
AND 20 minutes later, the game became unplayable (3 minutes saving, graphics problem, all the reported mistakes, and on the end, Windows could not shut down either than by the hard way).
Definitively this game is a full crap. The way it is I simply don't have any use for it. The best advantage over TS2 is that you can walk around in a hood. But as well as TS2 you cannot see the other houses, unless you switch houses. In TS2 I could do this without any problem. In TS3 you can do this under hard penalty. I have no more even fun to build up houses, what for? they are not going to be seen anyway. I catch myself building some squares and throwing some furniture inside it without any discrimination. This is what I call debuff.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 September 09, 07:27:27
The problem must really be in a simple XML. It seems that couples are having a huge boost in their relationship everytime they meet romantically. Otherwise I cannot explain why two sims that had a relationship at about 20-25, get married after two dates.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 September 08, 07:57:18
I have to agree that the romances are way too fast. I'm playing a system of overstuffed houses where I play each house separatedly, then I transfer the fully adjusted houses into another hood that has no possibility of increasing population. I found out that 16 sims in a house occupies less than half of the place they would occupy if they were in separated households. So, a hood that would already be 49MB big, is only 27MB with the same number of sims in it. The case is that I play those overstuffed houses for weeks, and I don't reach even a normal friendship between the household. I place another household the same kind, so I have to switch away from the first one - I don't even finish placing the new household in town, and all the members from the away household are already paired. Notice that, when I was playing that household, many of the members were enemies and fight like hell just by being in the same room. Be also informed that I placed ALL the game characters together with mine. So I have Gunther and Cornelia as just roomates, as well I placed Nick Alto inside the house and he slaps every member of the household. Be also informed that I made everybody to YA, and reset the age to start. So, all the inhabitants of my hood are YAs and should not get into marriage so fast.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Deadly Ghosts
on: 2009 September 06, 14:36:29
I also hope so. At least when custom content, the players have naturally the option of including it in their games or not. If coming directly from EA, it will sure be included in one of the misEPs and there will be long nights nuking it. I'm one of the "Don't like Supernatural" people.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 September 05, 08:24:27
Thanks. No, the food from the buffet is nowhere to see. I also thought something on this line but it is not possible to set the food in the fridge, either for myself or for the game, so far I could notice.
I would appreciate anything that can be done to the ghosts. Exactly, they are night active and should behave so.
I'm going to enable the Config thing. I hope it solves some reset problems I have while I'm reorganizing the buildings position in my hood.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 September 05, 07:49:43
I have two questions for this thread and one that is a bug:
Motive Auto-Satisfaction Curve now offsett ... bla-ba-bla, is it also correcting the problem with the ghosts that wake up totally sleepy and all they want is to find a place to nap?
Don't eject on Reset ... bla-bla-bla - it says "do not change in Config, do it in setconfig instead". What is the correct syntax? I entered the syntax given in showconfig and the console doesn't recognize it.
Bug - I serve food in the Buffet Table, the Hand Of God command cleans it, so it is a very expensive "clean-up". The problem has been around for a while no matter how often I update the AM.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Opportunities and Cellphones splattergated!
on: 2009 August 27, 17:43:25
Thanks a lot veezee. I contacted some of my friends and fortunately some of my tard friends don't mind to be humiliated and investigated around. We have a common friend that is dealing with Linux and could answer that the problem I was having should not be caused by Java once I updated. Finally I found out that the tool looked weird because it looks weird anyway. Well, anyway I solved the problem with s3pe and nuked the opportunities. It had nothing to do with this mod. Thanks for your kindness to answer.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Opportunities and Cellphones splattergated!
on: 2009 August 27, 10:50:49
I'm going to download the tool to see if I can find something but I agree with you, I also doubt that this can be done in a simple xml.
Sorry to disturb again but could you explain something: the tool specifies that it requires Java 1.6 I googled for java 1.6 and entered a thread where all points end with "please update to the last Java" I have the last Java I suppose once I made a complete update of all software installed in my computer. Is this enough? Sorry again but I'm done with being called a retard for every doubt. I don't want to install something that probably I will not be able to uninstall. Thanks.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Really Long Save Tiime
on: 2009 August 27, 06:46:10
Sims are still electronic paper-dolls. I don't have any ccs in my game when you mean clothing, make-up, etc, but I have a lot of styles saved that I made self and helps me to save time when decorating sims or houses so that I know who is who at least. It is personal meaning even when you say I like to create distressing situations for my sims to live through. Particularly I don't see any fun in it once they cannot at all understand stressing situations. So far I see only that they start those negatives balloons just because the other sim doesn't have the same traits they have. In TS2 they closed the ears with the fingers when a subject was not belonging to their traits. I never saw any real stress situation except child birth and fire that everybody reacts exactly the same way (run to and stay around screaming).
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Hatchet Falls: Sunset Valley, Redefined
on: 2009 August 26, 15:27:58
I'm collecting empty hoods for a new start and this thread was really a pain to read. The question is that what was important to read simply gets lost in the middle of so much assholits attacks - you said that you used custom lots and houses from MTS2 and suggests some ccs to download. As you just suggested and not required, can I skip downloading ccs and be sure that nothing will be borked by reason of missing elements? I have already enough with Riverview that included things that I cannot use in other hoods and specific clothing that my sims from other hoods are using even as bathing suit (one of my sims dived on a swimming-pool using an overall suit). Thanks.