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TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
on: 2007 October 08, 03:20:36
Alright, maybe I'm mildly retarded here, but I can't seem to download the fixed executable file.
Edit: Never mind, it appears that neither Firefox nor Opera could download it, strangely. Internet Explorer worked just fine.
TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: More Awful Than You! September: WTF?
on: 2007 September 04, 01:34:55
I think this wins the prize for "least helpful explanation ever": your link does not work, and "school cone" makes no more sense than "sugar bag".
It would if you could figure out how to use copy and paste. When children in Germany set off for their first day in school upon entering first grade, their parents and/or grandparents present them with a big cardboard cone, prettily decorated and filled with toys, chocolate, candies, school supplies, and various other goodies. It is given to children to make this anxiously awaited first day of school a little bit sweeter.
TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: August "More Awful Than You": Most Fugly Celebrity Sims
on: 2007 August 24, 03:07:02
Maybe it's just that my eyesight is wonky, or the picture is off somehow, but the mouth on this looks like it's been shifted sideways so it's no longer centered. It's really peculiar looking.
The head is turned slightly to the left while the body is turned slightly to the right. I would hope it would look shifted sideways.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: SimPE and Skintone Changes
on: 2007 August 12, 20:28:09
to change eyes =
you need to change it in the sims "character file" under "age data"
you will then need to have the sim "change appearance" with a mirror in-game to get the "new" eyes to show up.
Well, skintones are essentially the same as eyes when it comes to changing stuff around on a Sim, or so it seems.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: SimPE and Skintone Changes
on: 2007 August 12, 15:20:57
I think you would go about changing eyes about the same way. Anyway, if you want them to go to your default skins, I think that your just replace all the numbers with zeros, except for the last one. You use 1 as the last number for the lightest, and 4 for the darkest. 1. Decide which skintone you want them to have and open it in SimPE (so that you can discover its ID). 2. The ID is in the XML and is called Family (or some such - sorry - but I don't want to open SimPE ATM to find out). 3. Copy the ID to notepad or some such. 4. Open the Neighbourhood where the Sim(s) is/are. 5. Open their DNA and change the dominant skin tone to the number you extracted. 6. Commit, save, etc.
I'm wondering, would this update the property sets and age data files? I was thinking that you would use that to change what they looked like. I'm not entirely sure about that, but I do know that is something along the lines of what you do to change a Sim's gender, though there are probably more things affected by gender than by skintone in game.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: total n00b simPE help needed
on: 2007 August 08, 21:43:35
Click the little blue button with the X on it. I think you have the resource list hidden.
As an alternative, go to the window menu, and make sure the icon for "resource list" has a little box around it.
TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Jul "More Awful Than You": Most Offensive Story Or Movie!
on: 2007 August 04, 12:30:25
We still have yet to do eyes, make-up, skintones, accessories, facial hair, pets, careers, food, majors, object mods, global mods, whole Sims, and probably other things that I haven't touched upon.
Something tells me that judging this month is going to be a bit difficult because of all that reading.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: servos as townies?
on: 2007 July 29, 17:37:49
Why did I read that as "undead servos"?
Normally I'd shout Freudian slip, but even I can't spot anything seriously penile about that. Although, I have had undead servos. In fact, once I had a Zombie-Vampire-Werewolf-Servo. He was completely useless. That makes me wonder, can servos be turned into plant Sims?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Poll: Substituting Recolors
on: 2007 July 29, 01:17:41
Whether or not you should go through with this really depends on the amount of crappy default textures you have. The amount of effort you will have to put in to locate the better textures is also important.