Now You Can Go Inside Stores: Finally! I hated sending my Sims off to shop and having to stare at the outsides of buildings for forever like I was playing a real-time strategy game and waiting for the battle to end. Naturally, the game also lets you build your own stores and fill it with whatever kind of junk you want to sell.
im prone to not belive this. Why bother making them rabbit holes, only to make them not-so in the first expansion 5 months later? It whould be more efficient just to unlock them from the beggining...
And if this is true...im sure its like OFB. Plot down plants and sculptures, maybe a small tv... and mark it for sale. Sims come and buy them, then their inventories are spammed with 25 Tvs and 67 Potted plants. But if they need groceries or books they still need to go to the black hole that is Devisarado Books (or whatever its called)
EDIT: Sidonzo at the sims 3 forum posted his idea, which makes way more sence and is probly what the original interpretaion meant.:
I have a feeling that what this reviewer is talking about is not opening up the grocery and bookstore rabbit holes, but new shops in the new destinations where you can buy souvenirs and things. So if this information is true what it probably means is that we can make little curio shops now, not that the grocery and bookstore will be playable
THIS is what i am sure is gonna happen.. objects that only apear when you enter the special....code thing...to unlock tomb building... it will also unclock special sellable items that you can set up and sims will buy. Another point againt all rabbit holes opening is all the existing rabbit holes are also jobs...so what will happen to the sims that work there? Either disapear and become invisable..or EA will have to actualy make animations and stuff for there jobs...which i KNOW isnt gonna happen.I also hear Kataku or whatever...the site that posted that info..isnt to reliable..so..