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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: New rabbitholes on: 2009 October 03, 23:43:07
Now You Can Go Inside Stores: Finally! I hated sending my Sims off to shop and having to stare at the outsides of buildings for forever like I was playing a real-time strategy game and waiting for the battle to end. Naturally, the game also lets you build your own stores and fill it with whatever kind of junk you want to sell.

im prone to not belive this. Why bother making them rabbit holes, only to make them not-so in the first expansion 5 months later? It whould be more efficient just to unlock them from the beggining...
And if this is sure its like OFB. Plot down plants and sculptures, maybe a small tv... and mark it for sale. Sims come and buy them, then their inventories are spammed with 25 Tvs and 67 Potted plants. But if they need groceries or books they still need to go to the black hole that is Devisarado Books (or whatever its called)

EDIT: Sidonzo at the sims 3 forum posted his idea, which makes way more sence and is probly what the original interpretaion meant.:
I have a feeling that what this reviewer is talking about is not opening up the grocery and bookstore rabbit holes, but new shops in the new destinations where you can buy souvenirs and things. So if this information is true what it probably means is that we can make little curio shops now, not that the grocery and bookstore will be playable
THIS is what i am sure is gonna happen.. objects that only apear when you enter the special....code unlock tomb building... it will also unclock special sellable items that you can set up and sims will buy. Another point againt all rabbit holes opening is all the existing rabbit holes are also what will happen to the sims that work there? Either disapear and become invisable..or EA will have to actualy make animations and stuff for there jobs...which i KNOW isnt gonna happen.
I also hear Kataku or whatever...the site that posted that info..isnt to
2  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Phail: September 2009 on: 2009 October 01, 07:03:54
Perhaps...since people with the sims 3 are allowed to enter and rebuild the sims 2 house in there sims 3 game...perhaps we can do it the other way around this month?

I.e: Somone posts a sims 3 house... and the challege goes as per usual? I presume it will have to be re-built in the sims people without the sims 3 can plop and edit it in their game...i guess if somone volunteers to do it?

Just an idea? Just a load of phail? You decide.
3  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Phail: September 2009 on: 2009 September 08, 04:50:48
(i always forget to resize im linking. Sorry for that. I might fix it tommrow)
Heres my contribution.  Tongue
I even took pics of the rebuild to show you all i didnt cheat.
I am currently feeling uninspired so i decided to turn it into a community lot. The only thing that came to mind with the octogan was Atrarium so i ran with it.
I dont know the original lot size...and all the lots in the sims 3 i picked a random one.  This lot i think whould be a 5x3 or 5x4 maybee in the sims 2 so i think i get kicked out for that automaticly  Roll Eyes

anyway; pics:

and re my-do:

and yes...the palm tree sticks out of the roof and the landscaping isnt really done...and its still zoned residential...but thats all cuz i dont care.  Grin
and on a side note: whats KEWIAN-BASED SUBSTITUTES?  JM screams that alot but i dont know what it refers to.
4  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Phail: September 2009 on: 2009 September 07, 03:53:26
i only have the sims 3... if i re-build this as close as i can and follow the rules...can i participate or will i lose by default?
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Hatchet Falls: Sunset Valley, Redefined on: 2009 August 24, 22:07:26
its really nice how just changing the style and designs of lots can give a neighborhood a completly diffrent feel.

(i have been lurking for a long time now because i forgot my username...finaly i realized to hit "forgot password" and it'll send me an email with my username in it. also... is it 'desighn' or 'design'?)
6  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: AL: i broke my closets...and i dont know how. on: 2008 October 17, 17:43:02
your "bin" and "override" folders in ALL your installation folders for random darcyfixes/CEPStuff/otherStuff?  In a completely clean game, it should work properly. 

wait....i do have Phea's clothnig recartegorizor...perhaps thats it?  Undecided   ill remove it and test it and report back here
7  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: AL: i broke my closets...and i dont know how. on: 2008 October 13, 19:54:26
you have to click on the clothes ot get the options and not the doors? that sounds...wrong rto me...but ill check it anyway

pregnancy wear anything: no i dont have many game whould explode o.o

i have the AL glitch fix version of CEP but not the new updated-for-object it released yet?
8  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / AL: i broke my closets...and i dont know how. on: 2008 October 13, 03:07:09
indeed.    Angry
so...since i got AL i loved the closets
they have *NEVER* been usable
the only one that is partially usable is the mirror one...and all i get is mirror options (change apperance...gussy up...check self out...ect)
i have no mods that could possibly effect this (and no insim...booo insim...phail)
even when i first got AL and i took out my DLs... the closets didnt work...even the woohoo options dont show up
and i a total retard or...what? :s    Huh Lips sealed
9  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 1.6a on: 2008 October 01, 02:39:39
quick question: i notice (during fall especialy) that neighborhood lighting and lot lighting are FAR diffrent
during fall...the neighborhoos has the pink tone...but in lot...its blank and washed is really very obvious and makes for odd pictures or vids.

pictures...i can take them.
10  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised on: 2008 September 06, 20:54:52
that one literaly made me go  Shocked that person stupid and blind?
11  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised on: 2008 September 05, 19:01:04
I nominate everything from Peggy.

I win.

LMFAO!!! peggy stuff isnt that bad
i chose Fresh princes home decor objects over at mts2. there all bad
i remember that old above ground pool he psots at SS2 forever ago...omg it made my sims get stuck and couldnt move >_<
that is bad not only becuse it is horridly pixel-ey... it is also photo realistic...which mates NOTHING  in the sim world...i dont even think CC will work with it
12  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: September on: 2008 September 03, 21:49:43
downlaod for original house dosnt work for me Sad

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id use the one that came with pleaseantview...but i already remodeled that and i have a family living in it...and i whould rather not move them out

Edit by moderator: the red highlighting is fucking annoying.  Knock that shit off.
13  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: September on: 2008 September 01, 23:12:42
hold up....whats going on now? the other one was deleted?
so were doing this one and not the gaga baba lala nana house, yes?
anyway...this really is a great house...i cant wait to get stated Cheesy
14  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 1.5 on: 2008 August 26, 21:46:10
spectacular highlighting? omg wot? how dose one enable this? just by install it? thats amazing...
15  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: August on: 2008 August 26, 21:45:30
which one is it?
i say we use that little yellow house in srangetown...the one across from the Smiths
16  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: August on: 2008 August 24, 20:14:29
thanks Cheesy
i know the rules say no CC but the maxis columns are to short so that whould have looked dumb...and i hate using stairs with bottoms when using that foundation decking becuse it looks dumb Sad
17  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: August on: 2008 August 24, 16:53:31
there are 2 peices of CC : bottomless recolorable stairs and off centerd taller columns
2 bed 4 both...basement can be turnwed into bedroom if needed
(this house...its all fucked...when i first started the basement grid footprint was all over the place...all floortiles went up to the roof  Angry  i have no idea how i fixed it...but it pissed me off so much i almsot gave up.)

requires all EPS. K&B and IKEA stuff
18  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 1.5 on: 2008 August 23, 17:19:22
sorry it took so long, ive been on vacation
anyway; i tried to re-produce it by going onto a empty lot, building a pool and adding lights but i i think it only dose it in live mode
i do not have the shaders because i have seasons
and it dose it with the default pool textures to, not just painted on ones
19  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Fail: August on: 2008 August 13, 21:16:40
Shit Emma! That house is massive  Shocked
I plan on entering this contest eventualy..I just can't be bothered right now.
20  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.3 beta 1.4 on: 2008 August 10, 22:08:35
the pool gets all messed up at ngihttime
the lights turn on and the floor gets all pixeley and messed up and not nice.
want a pic? i can take one  Tongue
21  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Riverbay Lodge on: 2008 August 09, 20:11:51
LMFAO  you guys  Cheesy
this is a nice house/lot thing whould go great in that moutian vacation hood.
i should try awsome-spec building but i cant be bothered (SP?) Sad
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: pets job dosnt on: 2008 August 02, 15:52:37
fuck that shit the inteeminator is gay
half the stuff it dose you can do with modded objects so whatever
23  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: More Awful than You! August: Craptacular Stories. on: 2008 August 02, 01:36:15

i pick this for a couple reasons:
-when i think of a storey i think of NICE screnshots and the sim is telling the the exact oposite
-the lot building is *epic phail*
-they suck at screen taking
-it gets boring after the 3rd sentance

so...ya..thats my entry and im sticking to it
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: pets job dosnt on: 2008 August 02, 01:26:35
kitten killer? omg wot? is this a real modor is it a code name?
and anyway...the only pet mods i have are default eyes and all of the PS extracted objects... Undecided
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / pets job dosnt on: 2008 August 01, 19:30:01
ever since FT (or IKEA) when ever my pets go to work...they come home...and thats it
no pay nor deduction if i fail at a chance card
they get promoted...but no added income... and to my knowladge it wasnt fixed in the patch
will there be a fix for it?
(and also on a unrelated note: all of the phones...once the handset is picked up and used it reverts to the ugly base game if you re-buy it it'll happen again... Undecided )
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