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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Piss and Moan about IP thread
on: 2013 August 11, 01:53:11
Has anyone else had trouble with build/buy mode on the houseboats? I'm not sure if we are supposed to be able to use it or not. The buttons for build/buy are grayed out when I am zoomed in, but they become available when I zoom out to the neighborhood view, so I can still make changes if I just zoom out first. It's odd.
If you are using AM, 'setconfig alwaysbuildbuyhere false' until you are done building your houseboat.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 1.55
on: 2013 July 28, 17:35:50
No chance, .... I feel the "over punctuation" helps to bring across the emotion of a post. Admittedly it's something that stuck to me after I became a regular online chatter/messenger. You're going to love it here. "Here" being a forum which allows you the time to capitalize and construct evocative sentences. Use that time wisely.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here
on: 2013 April 29, 21:08:47
Why don't you leave moveobjects on and then plant them inside then?
I'll try that; I didn't know that made a sim able to place something where it wasn't allowed. Or even just use the indoor planterns from the game.
The sprinklers don't work with the indoor planters, as I said in the original request explaining why I didn't like using them for greenhouses. If I wanted extra work for my sim, I would do that, but I'd really rather have a greenhouse that works like Sims 2 greenhouses.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Town full of elders?
on: 2013 April 06, 20:53:19
Easiest fix for this with AM, if your town is getting long in the tooth: go into all the houses, drop a crib in them (doesn't matter where), save the town, then type babyboom in the console. You'll probably have to delete a couple unwanted toddlers from your active family, and many families will lose their kids, but enough will grow up that your town will thrive once again. After that, you shouldn't have to worry about it.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Uni Life Thread
on: 2013 March 16, 14:58:50
I tried that it doesn't give me any option except for all of Twallans mods. But I just gave up on trying to fix it because I think I messed it up using MC to reset the sim instead of using the cheat console. I appreciate the suggestions.
Try NRaas Debug Enabler. That should unlock the debug interactions upon shift clicking on the sim.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Can't load dorms (University Life)
on: 2013 March 16, 14:50:28
I have been able to move three male sims at once into a frat house, with AM and some NRaas mods installed. The only option that wasn't available was the sorority for obvious reasons. They were all from the same main town household. That might be an AM feature.
NRaas Traveler might still have wrinkles to iron out with University worlds; it's not one I use.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2013 March 15, 01:12:12
Error Trap caught this: Interactions: 1: Attend Essentials of Biology 201 Class Sims3.Gameplay.Academics.AcademicCourse+AttendUniversityClassInRabbitHole+AttendClassDefinition Sims3.Gameplay.Academics.AcademicCourse+AttendUniversityClassInRabbitHole+AttendClassDefinition
Counter: 1 Sim-Time: Mon. at 3:09 PM Start-Time: 03/14/2013 17:13:49 PreLoadup-Time: 03/14/2013 17:17:02 Loadup-Time: 03/14/2013 17:30:24 Log-Time: 03/14/2013 18:20:10
System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object instance was required. #0: 0x001a1 throw in Awesome.Awesome.Motivator:Update (Sims3.Gameplay.Autonomy.Autonomy) ([4320DD20] ) #1: 0x00003 ret.void in Sims3.Gameplay.Autonomy.Sims3.Gameplay.Autonomy.Autonomy:Update () () #2: 0x00294 ldthis in Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.SimUpdate:Simulate () () #3: 0x00027 leave.s in ScriptCore.ScriptCore.ScriptProxy:Simulate () ()
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Uni Life Thread
on: 2013 March 12, 02:38:05
I like the supernatural and celebrity sims. They provide color and variety to the neighborhood without my having to create it.
I liked that too. Seems like it just randomly assigns supernatural and celebrity status to the pool of students based on what expansions are available. Seems right that a university would be a huge mix of strange and interesting people.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2013 March 07, 20:20:48
I tested it with University as well, but found that Awesome story progression pushed University world students into regular careers they shouldn't have and also caused some to quit their Uni careers. The students with non-university world jobs then failed to perform those jobs. I have had one Awesome error picked up by Error Trap regarding university rabbitholes (I'll post it later if needed). So no, it isn't working without issue for the new expansion, as would be expected if it has not actually been updated for UL.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2013 March 04, 20:15:43
That was not the case with me. I downloaded from here. However, I downloaded AM again today (from the Shiny! thread), and the game is no longer whining about it being outdated. Either the FOJ fixed the problem, or it was PEBKAC all along. It was neither. Alpha and gamma mirrors link to the new AM while beta is the January version, and the Configurator links to the beta mirror AM.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2013 March 03, 07:25:47
I downloaded dated March 2, 2013, and now the game is whining about having an outdated mod. Perhaps it's something else, but I haven't changed anything else since yesterday, and it didn't bitch then. Have you patched the game? Yes. I had the test version yesterday, which disappeared from the site, so I installed the latest non-test release today. I grabbed the test version out of my Recycle Bin (downloaded on 2/28) and it's working fine. I've got the same issue. Just downloaded the release AM and it's giving me grief about outdated mods, while the test 2/28 1.50 AM was fine.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
on: 2013 February 15, 22:05:39
Surprisingly she managed to get some information out of it. It took a couple of tries before the horse did some of that freaky body origami, and spilled the beans.
Seems I recall that being able to get information out of horses is intended Awesome behavior, given that sometimes investigators have to question them.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
on: 2013 February 06, 20:31:02
Since it seems both intentional and stupid that supernatural sims cannot use the "Spin With..." interaction on roller rinks and ice skate rinks but witches (at the least) can do the interaction autonomously, would this be something AM can address? I understand that a sim that can float or vampire-speed around aren't going to bother learning the skating skills of lesser mortals, but we should be able to command witches to do all the same skating interactions that human sims can. It would amuse me for vampire and fairy sims to have to put their skate shoes on and fumble around like lesser mortals if they wanted to skate with someone though.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2013 February 04, 23:39:23
DEBUG Trigger Alien Abuduction doesn't work. The game freezes for 2 seconds and then goes back to normal with no alien ship or aliens
I noticed that one of my alien visitors arrived for a visitation in a UFO and left in a Sloppy Jalopy. Checked just now and my aliens appear to have lost their UFOs again.