Before posting here I checked through the whole of this thread and other related threads, and whilst I did see a similar issue reported, there was nothing that exactly matched the Awesomemod/game problem I seem to be having.
Yes, without Awesomemod I am indeed experiencing the same problem with my game as many other people, i.e. virtually all the sims in my neighbourhood goofing off work and hanging out at the beach instead (and frankly, who can blame them?), and getting fired as a result. But, with Awesomemod installed I think the issue is slightly different. If you will please bear with me, I will try to explain.
Let me start by saying I am using the most recent version of Awesomemod, with the vanilla configuration, and that I have not used Supreme Commander or any of the cheat box stuff; I just let the mod do its own thing in the background and don't interfere.
OK, as far as I can see, as well as retaining wishes and opportunities when a household is not active, Awesomemod also saves the sims' motives (hunger, energy, etc.); I've noticed that I can leave a household and come back some time later to find that the sims' motives have changed very little, if at all, even if they have supposedly been sleeping, eating, etc. during that time. So, for example, I can leave a household after tucking them up in bed for the night and come back the next morning to find that although time has passed and they have supposedly been sleeping all the while, they are still just as tired as when they went to bed!
The inevitable consequence is that if one or more of the motives is saved when very low, and if by some miracle the sim actually goes to work of their own accord, then their performance will be poor and they will be fired least this is what seems to be happening in my game anyway.
So, I suppose I am asking two questions:
1) is this to be expected with Awesomemod, and do I just have to live with it, or in a future version could there perhaps be an option to allow motives in an inactive household to change appropriately (i.e. energy to increase at night, hunger to decrease at mealtimes, as in the unmodded game) whilst wishes/opportunities are still retained;
2) would it be possible to eventually provide a fix to the very annoying (EA-derived) problem of a lack of work ethic amongst the townie community, please?