Ok, look. Here is the point.
-Women getting in bed, fooling around, and getting pregnant
-Two sets of X chromosomes being unable to produce something with a Y chromosome
Both of these are impossible, but one is unquestionably allowed. And I don't understand why things like this are pick-and-choose in regards to whether they have to conform to real world limits or not. Is this really so hard?
Because the first one's not entirely impossible. I JUST SAID THAT. FFS, do you even
read? You are just so stupid, I swear.
Oh, and, Jenny Craig, the thing is, you TOTALLY ARE the new Whine. Or possibly the old one. So yes, whenever the topic is Whine you're not going to be far from my thoughts, because it is my nature to create permanent mental links between concepts, and the two of you share one of them.
Also, since you're kind of newish and don't remember Whine, I should tell you that he was one of Ellatrue's suitors, except he was gay and really creepily camp (if you're not already aware, I have a natural tendency to despise anyone who fits the stereotypes of a group to which that person belongs, so I hate, for example, weak-willed women, "gangsta" urban kids [doubly so if they are of African descent, because that is seriously the worst stereotype evar], and camp gay men. Which you are, which is the main reason I hate you so much. Well, that and you're a stupid ESFJ. Like Zazazu and Marco Meza. Pathetic.). At the time, due to both rohina's plans and some of my own, I was sitting in #ellatrue for an extended duration, so I was even more subject to Whine than most people, and he was ALSO and EF (he claimed ENFP, but he acted like an ESFJ) and really fucking annoying, spamming both channels with so much stupid shit that everyone quickly hated him. He was obnoxious, but the thing that made me hate him most is that, against all reason, he apparently liked me, and constantly went out of his way to agree with me and always acted like we were BFFs when the whole time I just wanted to BASH HIS MOTHERFUCKING HEAD IN. Which, on closer examination, is probably why he souped after I "betrayed" him and yoinked the channel. Which actually just gave me a massive retroactive schadenfreude boost. The idiot was probably crying emo tears and cutting for weeks.
Anyway, yeah, you remind me of him, which makes me unable to not hate you, since he was one of the few people in #grah who I ever actually hated more than just a mere vague sense of dislike, which is all most people (including, much to your relief I'm sure, you) get. Acting like you like me is the surest way to get me to hate you, because I find Fliness mostly tolerable, if incredibly stupid, until it's directed at me. On the other hand, even without the Whine-connection, you're pretty annoying in your own right, due to aforementioned ESFJness. ESFJs are just eminently hateable like that.
jeromy is nothing like Whine, you just seem to hate gay men fairly frequently.