Sorry to res old topic (didn't see why I needed to start a new one for a problem with this item)
I have removed all my hacks/downloads to verify it is with this object only. Adult Female sim gets used by controller. Her hygene is just barely depleted, she showers and gets stuck in a loop of showering (communal shower) over and over again because when she exits, a little hygiene is gone again.
I have the latest version as well. Is there a fix for this?
I have taken all controllers off this lot because of this but I love them so much I'd like to be able to re-install them. OH BTW the bathroom is the only 1 on lot and has only 1 toilet and 1 shower. The shower is in a separate room and the controller is set to radius of 5 (just enough to detect the shower in the other room). Seek is on.
I have a problem and I'm not sure if anyone can reproduce it. I am currently using your hacks:
Bathroom uses you Sleep Clock Coffee cup Hack Punch cup Hack Yellow Pee
I have all expansions and stuff packs My sim is in the police field, I send him to work after using the clock to make him sleep/wake up. I usually cue a few things up for him to do when he gets home. I have tried the bathroom with seek on and with it off. If the bathroom decides he needs to be used, it will spawn him home from work when he has just left. I've been seeing him "appear" on my lot after he left and isn't due to come home yet. This is making him lose all his jobs b/c the game reports "you missed work!". Please help!
I have all the latest downloads available from this site and I haven't seen this happen before I installed the new expansion.