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1  Awesomeware / Playsets & Toys / Re: Salvaged Stories Crap on: 2009 March 24, 23:36:49
That is somehow boring. Maybe you can modify those objects, so for example sims can build dance skills with the limbo. Or make the cauldron moar useful as you can cook sims with it (like the Baby Roaster). Grin
...Now I am envisioning babby soup.
As I recall, there was some discussion about making an object like the babbyque, but for pets or neighbors, but that idea was shot down because of the multitude of meshes involved. Soup might actually be a good work-around for that.
2  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest) on: 2009 March 22, 05:17:47
Well, those pieces of foundation are close enough to each other so that you could have an uninterrupted second story without gaps in some places, like, for example, the D/E area.

Yeah, I was going to say, "Surely, you can figure out where to put a double bed? " You can float tiles in the air around a foundation without any sort of cheat whatsoever.

Although not having a bed at all and keeping the house almost all narrow walkway would be pretty fun. Emma and Goopy would fall asleep standing up.
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apartments in University (for YA's)? on: 2009 March 12, 19:56:12
Pescado has mentioned that any lot -- house, dorm, or apartment -- that is not built in Uni will have a broken Uni controller when placed in a Uni hood. Build your apartment in Uni.
4  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: No Restaurant Guide Royalties? on: 2009 March 04, 19:28:01
If it pays out by the same vector as the novel, it should pass the filter anyway. If not, I will check it.
It might pass your filter, but didn't EAxis include a less-functional "turn off ringer" in AL?
5  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: No Restaurant Guide Royalties? on: 2009 March 03, 23:09:47
Also, make sure you haven't turned off the ringer.
6  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: freetime no woohoo? on: 2009 March 03, 03:06:43
I tried it on a couple lots and it was happening on all the ones I tried. No debug error (I might be doing it wrong). I've never reset a sim before...and they are all married couples
Then turn on debug mode and test again, to see if there's an error. Reset the sims, to see if that fixes the problem. And find out what their relationships are -- the numbers in the relationship panels. Maybe they don't like each other?
7  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: freetime no woohoo? on: 2009 March 03, 02:51:51
1) Does this occur on all lots and with all sims?
2) Do you get an error in debug mode?
3) What happens when you reset the sims?
4) What are the ages and relationships of the sims in question?
8  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Aspiration and LTW tracking!] on: 2009 March 02, 06:34:14
There's a C++ DBPF package library over in Bowels of Trogdor. Don't know if there are any package format changes since the last time this was updated. There's also a set of tools for command-line modders (dz utils) which will let you list or extract data from a package. Those might be useful for you.
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why don't CC wedding cakes work? on: 2009 March 01, 00:14:13
Out of curiosity, is their name supposed to be parsed "pro-nup" or "pron up"?
10  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Elder dies and goes to college (BFB incoming?) on: 2009 February 24, 07:54:48
I can't remember if my sim was old enough to die. I don't think she was, but I use the age duration hack, so it's hard to tell.

At least you know what's causing it, then.

Is there anything I can do now to fix this sim?

If I can't fix her, should I just age her back up to an elder using the tombstone of L&D and hope for no other signs of the BFB?
I'm guessing she's pretty corrupt and you should remove the offending hack and restore the hood from backup, but if you want to check in SimPE, why not? Look at the age, it's probably looped around or something. Check age category, too. I bet neither one of those will look even close to the other elder sim.
11  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Problems With Freestyling on: 2009 February 18, 07:40:00
Although it's *possible* you have a hack conflict, in my experience, freestyling for tips is simply lame. Performing music for tips is better, but not by a whole lot.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 L&P on: 2009 February 10, 22:48:41
I suspect that those rabbit-hole buildings are placeholders for expansion packs.
Early interviews with Rod Humble suggested that some may indeed become real buildings instead of rabbit-holes in some future expansion pack. For example, stores. On the other hand, there's one rabbit-hole for each career; I doubt some of the careers, like the business track, will be turned into full expansion packs.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 L&P on: 2009 February 10, 00:06:27
Funny Trepie is Funny. Cheesy

No, we will not has university right off. Look for that in an expansion pack... or don't. (how well did that sell anyway?)

And yes, we must has invisible bikes! Cheesy
Expect the expansion pack, because it will need hardly any work this time. All they need for college now is a way to mark a sim as "going to college" and one of those rabbit-hole buildings to represent the college. Enroll a sim in college by clicking on the building. The building itself could probably contain the code to handle grade calculations. Much less work than Sims 2 Uni. So, if EA has a choice between releasing an original expansion pack that requires a lot of work, and one that requires hardly any, which do you think they'll go with first?
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 L&P on: 2009 February 06, 08:16:42
I figured they were just finally putting out Simsville.
Same here. Although I notice they did away with the idea of *all* buildings being rabbit holes, including the homes. Also, I don't remember if sims in Simsville were supposed to leave their lots or not. I only remember that there was a dog roaming from lot to lot.

I had a lot of hopes for Simsville, but it certainly sounded boring the way they described it. Kind of like Sims 3.
15  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY on: 2009 February 06, 06:40:21
By any chance, did you read the post immediately before yours?
16  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Super Kick-ass Tipi/Teepee by Ambular on: 2009 February 05, 05:01:13
I smell fight coming on.

So this is a chair? why is it not a bed?

Bleh!  Tipi is not meant to produce fight!  Cannibalism strictly optional.  :p  And no, it's built on the tent from BV and presumably requires that EP.  For some inexplicable reason, the tent is in the chair/bed category, so the tipi is too.
I'll take Things You Can Sleep In for $200, Alex.
17  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Are these considered undiscovered shinies? on: 2009 February 05, 03:11:43
Also, I am considering changing my username to "spacejolrei".  The OP has made me realize that "space" is a super cool prefix for a username.
After the first moon landing, which caused me to go space-insane and crave space-chewie sticks and space-drinks like Tang, I'd have to agree. "Space" is a super cool prefix for ANYTHING.

Except usernames.
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 L&P on: 2009 February 04, 20:14:52
And yes, I got the impression that turning off neighborhood aging was an all-or-nothing deal too. That is unacceptable, and if it does turn out that way, it's a dealbreaker for me.

It would make playing a MATY hood that had more than one playable household almost impossible, I would think.  All of MATY could conceivably age and die within one rotation.
If you're playing multiple households in a rotation, I would imagine the best method would be to turn aging off, play all families but one for a specific length of time each, then turn aging on and play the final family for the same period. This doesn't prevent sims from doing things you don't want when not being played, but it does keep aging in sync without provoking rapid deaths.

You should probably set the maximum sim age on the low setting (25?) to compensate for the bonus days.

The Oversoul does not approve of this lack of control. Sims must believe they can make their own choices, but must be kept within bounds. If they are not being closely watched, who will smite Romance sims who can't keep it in their pants after marriage? Who will grilled cheese zombify them when they persist in pursuing everything with a skirt? How will sims know they are not to have more than the perfect number of four children if those who violate the sacred number are not punished immediately, to awake at dawn with all of their children taken away and a plate of roasted babyfat at the door?

This is unacceptable.
Then it's a good thing my modding skills are rank beginner, then, because all the ideas I have for mods would infuriate you. They're all about introducing spontaneous actions and events into sims lives to cause CHAOS. Because that would make playing the game more of a challenge.

That's why the Sims 3 doesn't look too bad to me, at least in terms of sims' lives progressing when not watched. The trait system seems OK, too. It's the locking down of moddability and the promise of ultraslow gameplay on my ancient machine that bothers me. Oh, and the new, improved SecuROM.
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sharable Custom set of townies? on: 2009 February 02, 02:32:11
Do you have Freetime? How many hobby mavens are there?

ETA: there should be ten hobby mavens, it seems, so if you're just counting main hood sims, you would have 32 normal + 10 mavens = 42 sims. You said you have 44, so maybe the other two are Grimmy and some other NPC that's generated immediately. Or maybe not even Grimmy? Newspaper girl + postal carrier?
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Um... How Many New NPCs Are There in Happy Holiday Stuff? on: 2009 January 30, 02:56:24
He can also leave a stereo. I didn't really need one for that house (they're pretty rich,) but I got one, anyways.
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Um... How Many New NPCs Are There in Happy Holiday Stuff? on: 2009 January 29, 21:07:24
I'm going to have to check, but I thought my sims *did* get a "Met Santa" memory. I think this because, after they joked/played with him, I checked to see if he showed up in the relationship panel as well. He didn't, which may be fortunate, since he probably doesn't have a phone.

Incidentally, the household doesn't need to be in bed for Santa to show up. I think two of my sims were in bed, but woke up immediately when he showed up; the others were already awake. Santa hung out all night, walked off the lot, then reappeared with another present and ate some cookies, finally. Oh, and Bathroom Uses You? Santa laughs at it. He's far too powerful to be kicked out of the bathroom.

I didn't see Baby New Year, but that may be because there may have been an interaction my sims needed to do with Father Time. Unfortunately, soon after Father Time showed up and no-good cowboy daddy sim started making noise outside, the cop showed up and made everyone go home.
22  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Neighbourhood scenarios on: 2009 January 27, 03:26:15
On the other hand, it being a text file, it is faster to open it and look than to post a question about it.  Tongue

Yes.. because mindlessly downloading crap you don't recognize from people you don't trust is ALWAYS a good idea.
You might get TEXT VIRUSES!
23  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Neighbourhood scenarios on: 2009 January 26, 20:02:05
Maybe not MATYians, but TapThatBooty is a n00b. The OP's post was pretty self-explanatory. It's a RandomStuff file for neighborhoods instead of sims. If you don't know what that is, either search and educate yourself, or forget about it. Hell, I don't use RandomStuff files, but last time there was a thread about them, I checked some out. So, I know what they are. It's not that hard a concept.
24  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Neighbourhood scenarios on: 2009 January 26, 07:48:41
The file's RIGHT THERE. Why do you think it's imaginary?
25  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS "Batbox" Lot Debugger v2.0: NUCLEAR WAR EDITION on: 2009 January 26, 00:38:57
ETA: Well I updated all my awesome hacks and tested out the debugger again just in case I missed updating one when I installed AL. The debugger still wouldn't give me any job LTWs except FT ones. I removed the ltwvariety hack and the debugger works fine again.
That's probably ltwvariety working as intended, then. It gives sims fewer LTW options by design.
That doesn't make any sense, because why would it limit sims to just Freetime career LTWs?

However, you might be correct if Khaleesi is only trying the debugger on one or two test sims. Khaleesi: Reinstall ltwvariety, verify it's only giving FT careers again, then trying changing the interests of those sims. Do the LTWs change? Try changing the personality, too. Any difference?
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