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1  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game? on: 2017 March 11, 20:06:24
I play it, although I usually spend more time building than "playing".
2  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims4 is not gonna happen on here, is it? on: 2016 July 08, 00:35:13
With the shiny patch that was tossed in June, its all a bfbvfs anyway at the moment.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2011 April 22, 10:02:11
I noticed on the request above that the set was made with the workshop, is that thing safe to use?
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Because I fail at backups and or paying for hosting any longer. on: 2011 April 14, 13:30:33
awesome thanks!  To be honest I really dont know what I am looking for other than the skin edits I did - they were a mixture of allenbbq, louis and enayla skins (i think) - I also did a vampire replacement set - these were all default overrides. Although its quite possible I never even posted them for public consumption.   Undecided

anyway I dont want to turn this into a wcif but if anyone has anymore stuff you can send it to my user name at gmail dot com and I will be muchly appreciative! And thanks for the wb snoopy - world of warcraft still tends to suck me back into the pewpewpew For the Horde! haha
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Because I fail at backups and or paying for hosting any longer. on: 2011 April 13, 12:07:14
Does anyone have any of my old sims2 skins edits or other files? I know its a lot to ask, and I don't know who to ask so I am prepared to be poked and burned at the stake here, in exchange for information and or files.

Also if you have no idea who am I, then just ignore me and this post and that will fix the problem!
6  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: What am I doing wrong? I really borked it and I'm desperate! :^( on: 2009 April 15, 13:42:32
With the amount of free cc out there right now there is no reason at all not to chuck your whole downloads folder and start over, with exception to uninstalling whatever necessary hacks prior to doing so. This should be your first step in eliminating bad actors.
7  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest) on: 2009 March 22, 16:56:07
heh that rocks
8  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis house of Phail: March 09 on: 2009 March 16, 15:20:55
@jim !sprog death to frog grave! Arrrrrrrhhhhhhh...oops. Oh well gotta feed those fish somehow.  Heh, I thought about structural support actually, hence the post beam construction on the front, did you see the post and beams holding up the balcony and the honeymoon suite? Actually they are kinda hard to see against the floor color but honest they are there! Anyway thanks this was great! baaaaaaa
9  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis house of Phail: March 09 on: 2009 March 15, 21:44:54
Oh oh can I play?

When I saw this lot I thought of a Lodge right away, and since I need a lodge in my hood I figured I would give it a go. It is called Two-Bears Lodge in my neighborhood "Hinkley Lake" but I renamed it to Gonway Lodge so I could keep track of it for uploading purposes.

Gonway Lodge
The ground floor houses the front desk, a restaurant off to one side and the pool and game room off to the other side, an elevator ride down takes you to the club to blow off steam and chat up the other guests.

The second floor contains the media/office room and a conference room which really is just a room you can rent to have a wedding, complete with banquet set up. On the other side of the second floor is the gym overlooking the pool as well as a covered terrace for the munchkins to play on. A second terrace lies between the amenities overlooking the front of the lodge for coffee and a break from the rest of the hubbub on the floor.

The third floor features accommodations to fit most family sizes, all rooms have phones, a bookcase, seating and private bathes with closets should the weather change leaving your current attire unsuitable. This floor also features a honeymoon suite with amenities such as a mini fridge, coffee bar, smoke alarm (should it get too hot in the room!) and phone as well as a private bath so you never have to leave the room.

The fourth and final floor features two full service penthouse suites for sims with larger families or who need to get away from the rest of the guests.
Also on the grounds is one detached quest house for a sim whose idea of a getaway is to get back to the greenhouse and simplicity. My original thought was a caretaker sim but since you can't run a hotel as a home business (well you can, just not without cc) it got turned into a guest house type room. Moving on...

The back "yard" has a small pond that is fishable and features a fountain, however not a lot of the yard is accessible; it's mainly for looks and to lag the crap out of your box.

Lot was play tested and everything appears functional. Accommodations range from 557 to 2711 per night. I didn't have any issues with the elevators since there are two and at one point there were 17 sims on the lot moving between the floors and they all seemed fine.

*Good luck if you have a slow low speckled rig..

Moar pics:
10  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: LotAdjuster on: 2009 March 12, 20:22:28
Thank you, much appreciated.
11  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Starter Homes under §20k on: 2007 December 28, 05:35:27
I really like the one on the bottom witch, its nice.
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Burglar go bye bye? on: 2006 December 21, 23:17:28
If you encourage agressiveness in your pet, it will act as a deterrant to would be burglars
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Antivirus Programs on: 2006 December 21, 20:10:58
I was pompous once, but children kill that quickly - especially after about the third or fourth time of having to reformat in a year because the computer is so clogged up/fouled up with all the crap they click on, download etc that its not worth the hassle of trying to play hide and seek with the multitude of garbage that ends up on there. Securing the computer with passwords against downloads teaches the child nothing by the way, other than how to be rebellious and figure out the password so they can do what they want to do anyway. Now that she has her own computer and even though all those safety nets where there for her, she has still managed to bloat it to death, although this time it took a full 8 months instead of the usual 3 weeks. She wants it reformatted again, I told her to learn how to do it herself this time. Tongue
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Antivirus Programs on: 2006 December 21, 15:53:09
Personally I have microsoft antispyware running silently in the background with avast and zonealarm on the front lines. I also use process explorer to kill unwanted tasks and programs from running and keep a watchful eye on my startup configuration especially after installing something new....or after the mini me uses the computer. And for that extra bit of overkill I only use Firefox for my browser and only online email rather than any of the microsoft mail programs.
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: No Weeds on: 2006 December 20, 20:33:32
no weeds (pft supposedly doesnt work with pets as reported by a user but not confirmed by the maker)

Yellow Pee works just fine tho. But...does it stop drowned ghost's puddles from spawning weeds?
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Quicker Downloading on: 2006 December 19, 18:36:12
On the topic of flashget/flashgot...because I know a fair bit about the program and extension...

Flashgot is an EXTENSION for firefox that lets you use Flashget (and other popular dl managers) - Flashget works with IE, Flashgot, the extension, makes it work inside of Firefox. Although you can still use Flashget without dling the extension, it just works better with the extension.

So if you are running Firefox, you first need Flashget (or some other dlmanager but I can only recommend only Flashget), then you need to install the extension Flashgot for Firefox to utilize it seamlessly.
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: An old gripe about flower beds on: 2006 December 19, 18:25:35
You can use the windkeeper plastic flowers and shrubs in areas that are inacessible and regular maxis/ea ones in areas that are. I checked last night and she did in fact do the entire bush and flower categories, plus a couple of extra things she made.
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: An old gripe about flower beds on: 2006 December 17, 23:12:47
I know windkeeper did almost all the plastic plants/flowers...but as you know, she is a featured artist and her stuff isnt free anymore. They still have the butterflies too.
19  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: heres a handy program that lists everything in your Downloads folder +subfol on: 2006 December 16, 17:23:31
heh, I think you should probably change directories in DOS until you get to the downloads folder before executing that command, otherwise you are going to output the entire contents of your user profile (if that is your default starting directory in dos) Tongue

20  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Townie teens can't go to uni on: 2006 December 15, 21:41:53
I thought the make townie option left townies without a 'home'. At least that is what happened when I used the generate townie options, and thusly they had all kinds of problems associated with that.
21  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Computer restarts while playing Sims--HELP! on: 2006 December 15, 19:19:38
I have experienced restarting (not crashing) from the battery going out while using heavy programs. I have also seen it with faulty power supplies.
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Crammyboy for females? on: 2006 December 15, 15:17:14
Yeah, actually someone did do an add on for chicks, I think it was called a vulva or something add on and it had hair too if I recall. Check sexy sims whatever (adult offshoot of mts2) its probably still there somewhere. Not my type of dealie but I recall seeing and thinking huh...interesting. I have a set of default skins I use for everyone instead, I guess I am just not that interested in the color of someone's (sim or otherwise) pubes.
23  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: heres a handy program that lists everything in your Downloads folder +subfolders on: 2006 December 14, 22:00:31
Color me stupid, but cant you do this with DOS?
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: ah screw it! (time for starting over, so what's the best way) on: 2006 December 14, 13:54:13
Change the names Chami
25  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Pulled: Dizzy's Smart Serve 2g for OFB on: 2006 December 14, 00:45:59
hmmm I think the smartserve version I have allows children to 'serve' meals... smartserve2g, you have to direct them to do so but as far as I recall it was part of this particular flavor of smart serve. Either that or I have a mod I cant find that allows this...

Even so often times I find that sims will cook lobster when their hunger bar is 7/10s full, I let them cook it and then direct them to do something else and stuff the food in the inventory, or they will cook food for all who are hungry and one sim will leave to go to work or class or something and I stuff the food then also.
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