I'm kind of tired of my gay sim's adopted children looking... well, adopted? So I looked up surrogacy mods but found nothing other than "tutorials" on moving in a female sim, knocking her up, and moving her out once the baby was born, and well I did not find that to be a satisfying method. Which is why I came up with this idea...
Let me know if this is "non-awesome" or might result in a BFBVFS, but I wanted to point out that I haven't encountered any problems with this method so far.
So here goes:
1 - You'll want to use the "editsim" cheat and open up each sim parent and save them to the sim bin. (Note: this doesn't seem to work for sims who are not on the currently selected lot."
2 - Once you have both sims saved, you'll want to go into "Edit Town" and into the "Create Sims" tool.
3 - Using the sim bin "saves," recreate the sim parents.
4 - Now depending on whether the parents are of same or opposite genders, you'll need to have them of opposite genders, easily achieved for same-sex couples by ticking the opposite gender on one of the sims. (Obvious, much?)
5 - Anyways, now you'll want to use the "Play with Genetics" tool, mess around with it until you have an offspring to your liking. This might also be a good time to plan out outfits, change personality to resemble the parents, etc.
6 - Save the offspring to the sim bin, cancel the household and return to your game.
7 - Now to apply the changes to the offspring, simply open up the cheats console and use the "editsim" cheat on the offspring and apply the sim bin save.6 - Create household, place somewhere in neighborhood.
7 - With the adopted offspring selected, use the "bodysnatch" cheat by entering the offspring "replacement"'s name in the cheat console like this: "bodysnatch Simmy Simons" Simmy Simons being the replacement's name.
8 - And voila, a child that looks hopefully "more" biological.

Hope this helps.
Please comment.


EDIT: Smiley appearing where a smiley shouldn't have. <_<
EDIT, AGAIN: Perfectionism strikes again. <_<
EDIT: For fail-ness and unreliavole-ness.