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1  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Threee Lakes Hotel ate my sims? on: 2008 September 18, 14:48:02
Gali, lolcats are a lot like the Kenny Rogers song: you've gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em. Simply put? lolcats lose their effectiveness (and their amusement qualities) if you use them constantly in every post as a meatshield.

Who told you that I put the last lolcat just to use an lolcat?

I just announced my dearest Witch, that I am going to commit a suiside - may be it will please her, and she will calm down...Cheesy

2  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Threee Lakes Hotel ate my sims? on: 2008 September 18, 11:32:14
Gali, I don't have to do anything, you do it all by yourself.


3  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Threee Lakes Hotel ate my sims? on: 2008 September 18, 09:09:07
"What part of that do you not understand?" [Witch]

1. The watermelon on your head.

2. The continuous try to portray me like this:

4  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Threee Lakes Hotel ate my sims? on: 2008 September 17, 14:08:16
I have another solution, in which you don't change the number of the vacation locals, and it's done without any hack. I sent it to Pescado, but didn't get any respond.

1) Enter a lot of the sim's  best friend.
2) Invite one sim which is on vacation, increase relations until you can propose move in, and move him to the friend's lot.

3) Tell him to find own place - he will move to the family bin.

4) Do it for each sim (there is not an option to move more than one), until all the sims are in the family bin.

5) Build a new house (the previous may be corrupted), and move one of the sims there (husband or wife). Add to him the mate from the family bin.
Sell vacation house and buldoze it, or buldoze the hotel/the com lot. If you can't buldoze the hotel, see paragraph 6. Buldoze the previous house.

6) Open a new hood, add the 3 vacation hoods, package the original buldozed hotel/house to a file.
7) Enter Packaged lots, change the name of the hotel, and install the hotel/house to replace the buldozed hotel/house.

8. Enter the vacation hood, and paste the hotel

Problem solved.

5  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Threee Lakes Hotel ate my sims? on: 2008 September 17, 12:05:34
As almost everybody here is in panic, I decided to test the event myself, choosing quite large neighbourhood (Pleasantview).

My conclusion is, that the "devil is not so scary", and it's not a big  grenade - may be a small adding on the "weight".

Phase 1:

The test was done with the Caliente sisters. Nina bought a vacation house in the Three Lakes, and booked a vacation. The cab came normally.

They went to a com lot, and met several people.

After taking a tour, they came back home, and dig for treasures.

At this moment, I saved the game, exited, and decided to delete the hood.

Before deleting the hood, I counted the number of the characters showing in SimPe - 201 characters.

Deleted the vacation hood, and tried to enter Caliente's house. Could enter without any problem. The vacation cab came normally, and they returned home.

Phase 2:

Openned a new vacation hood.

Nina didn't have anymore the ownship on the house. Orderred again to buy a vacation lot, after pasting the packaged previous decorated lot. Orderred to book vacation, the carpool arrived as usual.

Again send them to com lot. New characters appeared.

But known locals, whom the calientes greeted and taked to, from the previous hood, remained and appeared again.

End of Phase 2 - playing chess (I decided to delete again the vacation hood).

Checked SimPe: instead of 201 characters - appeared 221. 20 characters was added, but all their aquaintances appeared.

Phase 3 - deleting vacation hood again

The carpool brought the sims back, no problems.

SimPe - instead of 221 characters - 259 (another 38 characters added).

On two deletions of the vacation hood, were added 58 characters, most of them with user numbers over 180.

The game worked without any problems. After Phase 3, no more characters were added (I use antiredundancy), and stayed on the same number (259).

To save my sims, if I don't have any better solution, it's worth to "pay" 58 characters.

No bugs or errors were encountered in the game, I could enter the old house without using the magic wand (I downloaded it just in case), and the sims kept their new friends met in the vacation.

Now I am ready to be crucified again.

6  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Nanny will not stay at work problem on: 2008 September 12, 17:37:07
Understood, Zazazu - Apologize and promise to keep silence. At least many members try to find the right solution.

7  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Nanny will not stay at work problem on: 2008 September 12, 12:35:35
Oooohhh, now I understand - only if the senate approves the replying member, he has the authority to answer. For instance - Kyna.

I apologize, not knowing this. Beg your pardon for the interrupting. I won't answer anymore, even if I know the answer.

When MATY was "young", we all were "beta-testers" (Simdough was scared to death to test). The procedure is different now. Sorry.

...Am I allowed to breath? Smiley
8  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Threee Lakes Hotel ate my sims? on: 2008 September 12, 12:12:57
So what? Is it forbidden? - Trenues (Trenues2)  from the Sporum advice almost non-stop in the BBS. She gives great advices, and I would be proud to quote her here.
9  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Nanny will not stay at work problem on: 2008 September 12, 12:09:10
Merola's multimirror is *clean* in the SimPack Installer, as is the Pescado's Collegeclock (last update 2006).

I have too the "hack conflict" checker from Paladine - and both of them are clean. I don't use any marked "red" hack in the Sims2 installer, and check each download with the hack conflict, deleting each hack which is marked as being in conflict with the game.
10  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Threee Lakes Hotel ate my sims? on: 2008 September 12, 11:59:58

11  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Nanny will not stay at work problem on: 2008 September 12, 11:13:24
Witch, where from you took the info that I play with not updated hacks?  I use all Pescado's hacks for BV. I didn't advice her what to do, I told what happened to me, and what I did.

This, that I didn't visit MATY, doesn't mean that I didn't visit other forums, and read all about the glitches and bugs. I never was out of the loop - I am member of MTS2, and I read with great interest the professional tech advisors replies. I didn't buy the further EPs, especially because of reading the problems of the EPs.

Is that the reason you missed me here? To pester me? Thank you very much!  Huh
12  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Threee Lakes Hotel ate my sims? on: 2008 September 12, 10:59:55
*wait till someone who knows what they are talking about*

Thanks for the "compliment" - I presume that you know what are you talking about.

It was tested successfully by other players. But...may be I really don't know what I am talking about, as the big know-it-all witch says - do it on your own risk.
13  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Nanny will not stay at work problem on: 2008 September 12, 08:44:36
 Grin  Yes, which other choice I have - I want to play BV.

I have the base game, Uni, NL - and BV. No other EPs, and in NL I didn't have this problem at all.
14  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Threee Lakes Hotel ate my sims? on: 2008 September 12, 08:40:41
Yes, you can, but you will lose all the redecorations you made in this island.

Enter the game, and from the main hood view - click on the Vacation sign at the upper line. You will get the pictures of the three islands.

Highlight the certain island (in this case -  Three Lakes). In the right side of it you will see a trashcan symbol. Click on it, and this island will be deleted.

You will find your sims in their house (and the guests - in their lot).

Now you can create again the vacation island, but you will get the original one.
15  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Nanny will not stay at work problem on: 2008 September 12, 08:19:10
Yes, I had it, since I installed BV (still without the patch). When I remained with the toddler and the nanny, not one - two carpools came to take her. As I have the Merola's Mind Control Mirror, and can control other uncontrollable sims, including NPCs - I cancelled the action, and deleted the carpools (moveobjects on).

But once I left the game while the parents were at work, and when I enterred the lot - the nanny was gone. I had to summon the mother from work with the Inge's teleporter, and 5 minutes before they were supposed to get back from work, I deleted her (moveobjects on) , just not to allow the Social Worker to take the toddler.

The BV patch fixed it partially. No carpool comes, but I have to delete all the time the car controller sign from the nanny's queue. Each 5 minutes she stops to work, as if her job is done.

The Mind control mirror doesn't appear anymore on Merola's site. If you want it - e-mail me (see my profile), and I'll e-mail it to you.

Meanwhile, ask to adopt a toddler, and you will get back your toddler.

Edit: Don't forget to download the last EP patch, may be it will fix partially the problem.
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Einstein Effect on: 2008 September 12, 01:07:51
The option to choose 3 townie kids to raise with your controllable sims is redundant, because I do it now to all townie kids with the "moveinall" hack. In this case, the game generates more kids, thus all my new-borns can have new friends.

But, if I send all the teen townies to college (and I did) - my hood is empty of teens for good. I can match my teens only in the college. This issue needs an urgent fix.

I agree with SimBliss about the common aging - I am against it too. I imagine myself playing Brandy Broke during 28 sim days, until she is elder, take her out to some community, and meet the old Cassie, or Komei, or Brandon Lilard - it will ruin all my pleasure of the game.

The more EA tries to simulate the real life in the game - the more they ruin the fiction; and the fiction is the cause we play this game, isn't it?

17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bon Voyage on: 2007 September 25, 01:23:48
and where can i download the simulator?

Lol, you have it - it's the game itself. I suggested you to outwit it...Smiley. I do it in all my community lots, like Bowling, 50's cafe, University Gym, etc. I chose the ones I want to visit, and then paste them instead of the original ones.
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bon Voyage on: 2007 September 24, 22:50:04
May I suggest you to "trick" the simulator?

Choose any hotel you want, click on it, and package it to a file. You will find it in the Packaged Lots folder.

Enter the Packaged Lot folder (My Documents/EA/TS2/Packaged Lots), and change the lot's name.

Install the renamed packaged lot.

Enter the game, put it on a free space, redecorate it as you like (buy and build mode), and package the lot again.

Delete the present renamed from the lot bin, and move there the redecorated lot. Now you have a hotel lot, which you can put in any vacation hood you want.
19  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: No Disc? I just put it in there! on: 2007 September 24, 22:26:08
But there is another problem, which I didn't have until now.
Seems that each time I "touch" any item in my Downloads folder - i.e. deleting hacks or objects, adding hacks or objects -  I have to restart the computer, otherwise when I try to activate the application, the comp freezes.

I am not familiar with that issue.  Does the freeze occur immediately after trying to run the game, or does it happen when you try to enter a lot?


For instance, If delete or add some hack file, or some object file, from the Downloads folder, and  then I activate immediately the aplication - the application is not activated, and there is a complete freeze of the computer.

But, if I delete or add a hack file, and then restart the computer - no problem at all when activating the application.

So far, no problems at all in entering lots.
20  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: No Disc? I just put it in there! on: 2007 September 24, 18:10:03
Thanks, B,  it helped.  Kiss

But there is another problem, which I didn't have until now.
Seems that each time I "touch" any item in my Downloads folder - i.e. deleting hacks or objects, adding hacks or objects -  I have to restart the computer, otherwise when I try to activate the application, the comp freezes.

Oh, well...I can live with it too.
21  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: No Disc? I just put it in there! on: 2007 September 24, 16:29:53
ZZ, I have only Uni, NL and Glamour pack - no Pets, and no Seasons - so for me it's a new feature. Smiley

I have another (may be similar) problem: when I start BV through the short cut - my whole computer freezes; can't click even on Start/Shut down or Restart. I have to reset manually, restart the comp, and then play the game only from "All Programs". No big deal, but it sucks. Undecided
22  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: No Disc? I just put it in there! on: 2007 September 24, 06:39:09
Restart the computer, then try to open the game with "Start/All programs/EA/TS2/Seasons, and not with the short cut on the desktop.

Edit:  I just received my copy of BV, and on the right upper side is written: 'PC DVD ROM - only DVD compatible'. Is your CD rom a DVD rom too?
23  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Pet stuck in permanent pregnancy. on: 2007 September 24, 06:34:51
Neither can I, I have the InSim it just won't fix a borked pet pregnancy, anyways i found the problem, a teens_woohoo_and_more hack, I took that out and it's smooth as cream! I hope thiss helps anyone who sees it, teens_woohoo_and_more hack is a conflict in the Pets expansion pack!

Well, I never downloaded the "kitten killer", and for sure will not do it in the future. But I have the same pregnancy stuck, or pregnancy cancel. So I have different  hack-conflict, probably the Life Stories stuff.
24  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Pet stuck in permanent pregnancy. on: 2007 September 18, 05:14:40
Kiko, did you try The InSimenator? There is a new version, which is compatible with all EPs, including Pets.

I read this in the "information" section:

"• Pregnancy stats - This option pops up a message that gives the name of the father, how many babies the sim is having and how long the sim has been pregnant.
• Accelerate/Decelerate pregnancy - Accelerate pregnancy speeds up the pregnancy and decelerate pregnancy slows an accelerated pregnancy back to normal.
• Suspend/Resume pregnancy - Suspend pregnancy pauses a pregnancy at any stage indefinitely and resume pregnancy ends the suspension.
• Abort pregnancy - This option ends an accidental or undesired pregnancy immediately."

You have to download the SIM version.

Personally, I can't "live" without the InSim...Smiley.
25  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Pet stuck in permanent pregnancy. on: 2007 September 17, 17:31:41
Simwardrobe has a very good program, named "hack conflict". It stays on your desktop, and you can activate it each time you download objects or hacks. It checks your Downloads folder for conflicts.

I had to delete almost all my Life Stories collections, which I downloaded for my game, because most of the objects messed up my game.

Look for 'Programs'.

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