I am not awesome-this method is not working for me. I have pets, and the only custom material I have installed right now is the Pets director's cut.
Whenever I attempt to create a new neighbourhood after renaming N001, the game quits and the invisible "Pets" neighbourhood becomes visible (I can't do anything with it though). I get a whole new N001, defaut townies and all.
I, too, must be unawesome. The same thing has been happening for me. Multiple times. Have reset and retried using empty templates and renaming.
BUT wait, right in the middle of posting this this reply I went back and did yet another re-read and lo and behold --- I am truly unawesome. I must confess I read the directions wrong.
This may have happened to you, too, Zerthimon. Did you perhaps change the name of N001 in
.../My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Neighborhoods instead of
C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\UserData\Neighborhoods?
Although it pains me to admit it, that is what I was doing wrong. As soon as I fixed that little problem it worked beautifully! So Thank You Jordi!