As usual, Maxis textures leave a lot to be desired. So I'm evaluating this package more in terms of new meshes.
I actually like Maxis textures, as a rule, and I've been having a hard time finding dressy clothes that don't turn all of my female sims into a freakshow- like the impossibly tiny waists of most of the Sim Chic meshes. If I do decided to purchase this pack, it will be for the nice dress meshes.
Appparently many of us (incl me) like our simmies to look like barbies becausse I always hate how loose the stupid Maxis female clothes look.
But I can't wait to hear more about the new Glam male clothes. Look pretty cool (especially the ones with a tie and a sweater?)
By the way, not a lot of folks actually recolor FFS meshes (clothes) on a regular basis, so I doubt Glam pack will change the situation.