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1  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Game crashing on lot load on: 2010 August 07, 15:10:51
I did actually try removing the new lots, and it didn't fix anything. I hadn't thought to try removing the entire downloads folder, since the houses were the only new thing in there, so I guess I'll give that a shot next.
2  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Game crashing on lot load on: 2010 August 07, 01:45:16
I've been playing a new neighbourhood (Tarlia's uberhood, if that makes a difference) for a few days, and was having no problems with it until tonight. Now it has started crashing every time I try to enter a lot with a family. The lots load fine for the first four bars, then freeze or crash.  It happens on lots I've played as well as ones I haven't touched yet. The only things I did between the last time I played with no problems and when the crashes started were fiddling with some outfits in the Wardrobe Wrangler, and downloading some of Emma's houses from Laverwinkle. I can't make heads or tails of the error logs - it's an Exception log, which if I understood correctly, Pescado has said are useless. It says something about Access Violation.

Does anyone know what's causing this, or how I can fix it?
3  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: More Awful Than You! January: Accessories on: 2009 February 11, 23:00:24
I was wondering why no one had judged this so that February's More Awful Than You could be posted, and then I realized that nobody volunteered to judge in January.  So, for the sake of moar awful CC, I'm volunteering myself as judge.

In the category of WTF Wings:  The 2-storey fuschia monstrosity.

In the category of Vicious Weapons: the jeweled claws.  Sure, the actual Wolverine claws are worse quality, but I think the little diamonds just add that special something.

Finally, the Pink Taco award goes to Bipsouille.

Congratulations to all of January's winners.  Now go forth and post a new category for February.
4  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Syberspunke Archives / Re: Sims jumping when interacting with visitors on: 2008 July 26, 11:19:34
Alright, I've got the error log now.  I also noticed while getting it that sims can greet visitors without problems, but the problem starts once they're greeted.

[attachment deleted by admin]
5  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Syberspunke Archives / Sims jumping when interacting with visitors on: 2008 July 25, 19:22:37
I'm having a problem where, if I click on a visiting sim, my playable sim resets.  I then get the pie menu, and can choose the interaction with the visitor, which the sim does with no problem.  This mostly means that I can't queue social interactions after anything else, and I can't use the "join" option on anything.  It also seems to be causing problems with the "Macro>Socialize" interactions.  After the initial jump, I can select them from the pie menu, and they enter the queue, but then immediately drop again, and the sim resets a second time. 

The problem is only happening with visitors.  Sims can interact with other members of their household just fine.  When this bug first started, I was able to fix it once, by making the visiting sim selectable and using the Lot Debugger to fix his work state, but I haven't been able to make that fix work since.

I'm playing with EPs up to Pets.   My hacks are mostly from MATY, plus I have a handful from TJ, and the puppykiller.  The problem seems to be confined to one hood plus its subhoods (Strangetown, if that makes any difference); my other hoods are problem-free. 

Any help would be great. 
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Fears and Wants that don't trigger on: 2008 April 09, 23:16:02
"Buy a karaoke machine" never triggers for me (I'm playing with just the EPs up to Pets), and I've had problems getting "Get fit" to trigger for a pregnant sim, though I haven't had a chance to try it with any sims that aren't pregnant.
7  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: More Awful Than You! February: SKINS on: 2008 February 15, 18:26:22
Is it just the messed-up highlights that are confusing me, or are the nipples on the "contrasty" sparklesim skins actually placed wrong?  Something is definitely wrong with those chests, in any case.
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