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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sims 2 for Mac help on: 2008 August 28, 01:16:39
yey, it worked when I installed BV + crack. thanks for your help! Grin
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Arrred games? on: 2008 August 26, 20:02:12
Make sure you have a good firewall, and never, ever allow anything you've pirated to connect to the internet.  Do not expect the game company to provide you with technical support.  Also, make sure you turn on the encryption protocols to "forced" in the preferences section of µTorrent, and you should be fine.  Have fun!

How can you do that for Azureus / Vuze?
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sims 2 for Mac help on: 2008 August 26, 19:58:47
I'm pretty sure this is what I downloaded. It's base game through seasons. I found a crack for BV for Intel Macs, but I honestly have no idea what I have or what I'm doing, so I haven't downloaded that yet [link is here] There's also a PowerPC one, but I know I don't have that.

I own the base game and three EPs [plus two arr'd EPs] for PC, but I don't have a Windows license to use with Bootcamp. I don't really mind waiting for EPs, because I didn't even get my first EP until 2007, about a year and a half after I first started playing. I don't use stuff packs either; I have enough CC haha Tongue

I'm not sure I really understand Pseudo. Root is the same as system administrator, right? Which I already am [I think]. Are the risks big enough to potentially make my computer a big fiery ball visible from space? Or just create annoying little glitches?
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sims 2 for Mac help on: 2008 August 26, 00:13:17
I'm running Leopard OS-X, and I have the mac version of TS2.
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Sims 2 for Mac help on: 2008 August 25, 14:37:16
So, I just finished ARRing the Sims 2 and five EPs on my new macbook. Body Shop works fine, but I can't get the game to open even though it has a no-cd crack. Or I guess I can't figure out how to use the crack. When I try to open the game, it says to insert the disk. When I mount the crack and double-click the icon in the crack window, it quits unexpectedly. I'm pretty sure I installed everything right, but I can't figure out how to make the actual game work. I'm sorry that I'm such a total computer n00b, so feel free to ridicule and macro to your heart's content, but some help [in terms that I can understand] would be appreciated as well :]
6  TS2: Burnination / Taster's Choice / Re: Testers wanted: Color Binning Tool 0.2.twentysomething on: 2007 November 19, 02:41:18
I've used the tool before, for my own recolors. Today I started binning other creator's colors which they didn't bin, and it's not working. Angry I keep getting this error that says it can't move the original file, because it's being used by another process. The new binned file saves just fine, but the hairs aren't binned, they're still in custom . . .

Please help, this is really bothering me that I can't bin these hairs!  Huh

Edit: opps, I didn't see that someone had already answered my question twice  Tongue
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