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Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2014 February 06, 12:18:11
Sims with Chosen and/or Track on Radar are unable to receive their extra traits from social group influence and degree.
I reported this way back when, but I didn't follow up. They get the pop-up to choose a new trait, but the trait just doesn't get added. Exactly. The trait is different than normal traits and shows with a red outline in the trait list, it is awarded when you complete your Uni degree, or when reaching level 10 of one of the social groups. Was this ever addressed? I just had a Sim reach level 10 of the rebel social group and the adventurer trait I selected never got added.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2011 September 01, 23:55:22
Weird, I decrapify all sims3packs (to date), then install in one hit. Works fine for me, though it can take a while. for /R %%i in (*.sims3pack) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.package) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.nhd) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.sim) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.dbc) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" @pause This is my batch file, saved as s3cBatch.cmd. I have decrapify.exe and s3rc.exe in the same folder, along with all the sims3packs. If you make sure both executables are up to date, then just double-click the .cmd file and voilą. I accidentally all the loops. @SET FILES=*.sims3pack *.package *.nhd *.sim *.dbc *.ebc @FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B %FILES%') DO s3rc.exe -fD "%%G" @pause Scalability FTW! You can add more files to process without needing to copy the whole damn line.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Testers Wanted: Fix for original EP4 body hair not staying selected
on: 2011 August 17, 21:08:34
Anyone not familiar with the problem:
The body hair overlay does not seem to stick for certain Sims, sometimes creating a new Sim in CAS will work or the hair will disappear after choosing change appearance from a mirror. I saw a few posts suggesting to age the Sim up with the editsim cheat, but that trashed my traits so... Can anyone else confirm that this file works?
I was able to get body hair to stick on all the Sims I had problems with after using this, I think the problem was the original ones aren't categorized for every clothing category.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Stuff Collections
on: 2010 May 14, 04:13:15
The first in the "where the fuck are my feet" series for the store items, complete with obnoxious painted text. Pants have been altered to conform more to the shape of the legs and raised to reveal the high heels. Default replacement; includes meshes for both video settings, same vertex/face count as the original mesh.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Stuff Collections
on: 2009 October 21, 23:36:04
There is no EF Bride of the Night according to the store, it's only for adults (afbodypumpkinhead). Not sure what you mean for the "EM vampire outfit", the closest I can think of is Duke of the Manor (embodyregentcoat), or do you mean the vampire tux that's included in Nightlife?
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Stuff Collections
on: 2009 August 23, 18:50:37
I'm looking for age conversion meshes for the following items, if anyone knows where to find them please let me know. -TM conversion of the long in front AM hair (for linking with the AL witch hats, it's the same style) -Teen through Adult male conversions of the modern bowl cut hair (to complete the set for the CM hair) -Teen conversions for the mummy wraps hair set -Elder (body shape correct) mummy outfits -Teen conversions for the Zombie hair set Optionally: -PU or AM Zombie hair conversion to CM (current mesh is referenced as CF) -Slightly adjusted EM knight hair mesh to accommodate elder face (clips through on some templates, normal on adult) Here's a preview of things to come:
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 July 06, 17:52:36
I had the long queue of repeats, all sleeping orders. They all were the same, the status bar filled on all of the icons at the same time. It went away after the sim woke up. This was on a sim that did not have SupCom enabled. I had to go to work, will check again when I get home to see if it still happening. This is probably just graphical corruption from the "serialization" process that can result when you change mods or update mods. If it goes away, the problem is harmless, but depending on what you yank out, it can explode your game unless you revert and "park". It is unlikely that AwesomeMod upgrades will do this since it doesn't blow up my game, which constantly version-changes, but you never know. It's a risk you take when playing with mods. I'm having the same problem with my fresh install, never been run with the my documents folder deleted, so it can't be from an old version of the mod. The long queue shows up when a sim running SC but doesn't have a working action icon ends an interaction or when you switch from that sim to one not running SC. Edit: Ah resetsim [first and last] got the icon to show up finally
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2009 July 06, 10:38:05
Just started a new neighborhood and the supreme commander action icon (that you can select the macro from) doesn't show up. Map view says they're on power idle, but selecting the sim shows a blinking queue. Old bug, reupdate. 7/5/2009 5:03 am is the current one right? That's what I'm having problems with.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The really real system requirements...
on: 2009 June 24, 01:50:50
Runs fantastically on my $300 refurbished HP desktop. Intel Pentium Dual 2.2 GHz (not to be confused with Core 2, this is the budget dual core processor) 3GB RAM Nvidia Ge-Force 9500GT 1GB RAM (a whopping $50 with mail in rebate at Microcenter) Vista Ultimate x64 (it came with Home Premium *) I just left it at the default settings, not full settings but close enough. Sim Detail is at High instead of Very High and I think tree detail or whatever that option is called is at Medium. *Reason number 1 to get a royalty oem pc: no activation for your "upgrade"
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Technical problems with THE HORROR: downloading, installing, and running it
on: 2009 June 12, 06:52:52
Try doing it via DOS/CMD.
CD C:\Program Files .... etc. REN borked_folder die RMDIR /S die
If that fails, CD die, rinse and repeat.
There'll be a file in there somewhere with a dodgy character in the filename probably.
If deleting a file still fails, try ECHO FUCKING>die
Oh, and check the permissions if you're on an NTFS partition.
"CD /D G:\Program Files\Electronic Arts" brings me to the real directory, not the invalid copy. You can't CD into the broken one, not because of an dodgy character but because the folder doesn't contain the "*" file (google testing if a folder exists using batch scripts if you don't know what I'm talking about). I can rename the real one (Changed it to Electronic Arts2) but renaming (or trying to CD into) the second Electronic Arts that shows up in DIR says it can't find the path. RMDIR /S, same error. NTFS permissions can't be set because it's not a real file/folder, it's an invalid entry in the filesystem, Vista throws an error if you try. If you rename the real folder, the contents of the screwed one disappears. Redirection doesn't work on folders, if you actually ran that you'd get a file called die. I tried booting from an Ubuntu 9.04 livecd and was able to remove it that way.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Technical problems with THE HORROR: downloading, installing, and running it
on: 2009 June 11, 19:51:00
I had a similar problem a while back (on Vista) and doing a system restore fixed it. I'm not sure why it fixed it, but it did. Registry thing, maybe.
System Restore only covers system files or extra folders you define, so that wouldn't help in this case. Try renaming them both, then merge the contents.
I get a file could not be found error when trying to rename the duplicate. I did manage to move the TS3 files out of there so I can at least get the game to load now, but now I'm left with a folder that says it's zero bytes but can't be deleted because it's "not empty".
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Restoring the pre-Seasons sky
on: 2009 April 19, 21:55:10
Wouldn't the file you're looking for be in TSData\Res\Catalog\Materials\Materials.package?
The sky is a pixel shader script, not that I have any idea how to fix it.
Edit: Might even be 0xFFEA216A, there's a reference to the sky box.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Run FT/AL/M&G instead of new Store Edition
on: 2009 March 17, 05:59:55
If anyone noticed, the new version of the Store Edition runs as the latest expansion pack instead of a stuff pack like when it was originally released. The Store Edition contains the lighting information for the buy mode objects (the new version adds the art nouveaulicious items among others), but there's no reason for it to run as the latest EP (short of giving you Suckurom when you run Sims2SC.exe). So here's the simple fix to make it act like it did originally, and run Freetime+ instead! Save the following as fixit.reg in notepad then double click to add it to the registry, if you don't own an EP, just delete the text between the comas in EPsInstalled only. (ex. "Sims2EP2.exe,Sims2EP1.exe,Sims2.exe" becomes "Sims2EP2.exe,,Sims2.exe") For 32-bit: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2] "EPsInstalled"="Sims2EP1.exe,Sims2EP2.exe,Sims2EP3.exe,Sims2SP1.exe,Sims2SP2.exe,Sims2EP4.exe,Sims2EP5.exe,Sims2SP4.exe,Sims2SP5.exe,Sims2EP6.exe,Sims2SP6.exe,Sims2SC.exe,Sims2EP7.exe,Sims2SP7.exe,Sims2SP8.exe,Sims2EP8.exe,Sims2EP9.exe"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 SE] "Suppression Exe"="Sims2EP6.exe,Sims2SP5.exe,Sims2SP4.exe,Sims2EP5.exe,Sims2EP4.exe,Sims2SP2.exe,Sims2SP1.exe,Sims2EP3.exe,Sims2EP2.exe,Sims2EP1.exe,Sims2.exe" For 64-bit: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA GAMES\The Sims 2] "EPsInstalled"="Sims2EP1.exe,Sims2EP2.exe,Sims2EP3.exe,Sims2SP1.exe,Sims2SP2.exe,Sims2EP4.exe,Sims2EP5.exe,Sims2SP4.exe,Sims2SP5.exe,Sims2EP6.exe,Sims2SP6.exe,Sims2SC.exe,Sims2EP7.exe,Sims2SP7.exe,Sims2SP8.exe,Sims2EP8.exe,Sims2EP9.exe"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 SE] "Suppression Exe"="Sims2EP6.exe,Sims2SP5.exe,Sims2SP4.exe,Sims2EP5.exe,Sims2EP4.exe,Sims2SP2.exe,Sims2SP1.exe,Sims2EP3.exe,Sims2EP2.exe,Sims2EP1.exe,Sims2.exe"
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Critique of a future possible Sleekness? (looking at a new computer)
on: 2009 March 15, 06:37:34
As for the integrated graphics ... depends on how much of the RAM it can use. Argon is correct about the cheapness of graphics cards, most of which have DDR3 memory: faster = better (probably?)
Integrated graphics suck because they share ram with the system memory, it doesn't matter how much ram you can set the graphics chip to use. By running graphics and cpu memory (it's actually called primary memory; hard drives and other media are called secondary memory) on the same bus (wire pathways on your motherboard between devices) you're actually slowing down both. As for DDR3, that's part of it, but it has more to do with the location relative to the graphics chip (closer = better; the path for integrated is longer and there's other traffic). Remember that (theoretically) Vista 64 bit can access more than 4GB of RAM ... can more memory be added to that motherboard?
64-bit can access 16.8 million terabytes of ram (2^64 reserved addresses. 32-bit is 2^32 which is why they can't access anything past 4 GB, because there are no more reserved addresses left), it's not possible to reach that number now just because ram modules that size don't exist. 64-bit computers with 16 GB of ram exist and can be bought/built currently (Dell?). If you're wondering why your 32-bit system sees slightly under 4 GB it's because some of those reserved addresses are used to identify devices on the computer (keyboard, bios, sound card, etc.) If you ever want to reuse an old hard drive you can find enclosures for around $25-$50 that basically turn them into usb drives. Here are some examples: (for SATA drives) (for older IDE drives) EDIT: The SATA one mentions eSATA, for anyone curious it's just a special SATA cable with a plate that connects to the motherboard: Its as fast as if the drive were internal, usb2 is slower.Or you can find a 1 TB hard drive on NewEgg for like $100 (internal) (external)
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Critique of a future possible Sleekness? (looking at a new computer)
on: 2009 March 11, 07:33:43
ZT Systems? Never heard of them.
While it does have Nvidia graphics, integrated still sucks (expect to be stuck with low graphics settings) so you'd have to get a video card for that PCIe x16 slot. You can find a Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT with 1 GB of ram for $60. If you have a computer store near your house (Microcenter is a good one) go there instead, a lot of times they have refurbished computers that go for a lot cheaper and they have a new manufacturer's warranty. You're gonna need at least a 400 Watt power supply if you get a video card. Whatever you do, don't get a $20 power supply, the salesmen try to pawn them off on you and they're absolute crap. My heart nearly stopped when the one I bought blew up, luckily everything was ok after i took it out but after that I only got the higher end ones (lifetime warranty yay!).
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: store edition - can't get rid of it
on: 2009 March 06, 21:47:50
I'm going through my entire PC trying to find anything from store that is lingering and found two files in pre-fetch. I'm not savvy on these things and wondered if anyone could help me identify these three files and what they are for.
Never. Touch. Prefetch. Windows will clean it out on its own, if you see any tutorials telling you to do anything with prefetch they're based on the wrong assumption that it will increase performance (it actually does the reverse). I was just doing some basic relationship changes in relations. I spent a whole evening doing it and when I went into the game nothing had stuck.
I thought that's been a problem for a long time. (since Freetime, earlier?) You see, this is where I have a problem with store. people download it thinking it's just a download manager and it isn't. It recodes your game and renders it unplayable if you uninstall store. I have written to the approipriate people to complain about it and they refunded me the money for all EP's bought with store.
Will look for those files as simPE still thinks I have something newer than M&G
Run regedit and go to "HKLM\Software\EA GAMES\The Sims 2" and look for references to the Store Edition or sims2sc.exe, assuming you've already uninstalled the store edition, it's possible some entries were left behind and that's why simpe is complaining.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Decostumized and Updated Exchange and Other Maxis Stuff - (Updated 2009/01/02)
on: 2009 February 06, 05:07:45
These ones apart from the bear and the bunny painting which you've already done. Argon has decustomised the Fiona download (Maxis valentines day underwear) but not the others that I can see. Eh? I distinctly remember doing the glasses, maybe they didn't get uploaded. I was angry with the wigglers for being L&P when they were released so they haven't been very high on my to-do list If I find them I'll upload the glasses, but it'd be in my stash of files from a couple hard drive formats / years ago so I don't make any promises.