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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Neverending Pause
on: 2010 June 23, 16:50:19
And you have to close down and reload everytime, yes?
What specs are you running, Parrot?
I do in fact have to close down, and reload. My specs aren't excellent, but they work fine... That is when the game doesn't freeze. Windows XP sp2 2.16 GHz processor Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB of RAM ATI Radeon x1600
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD 4.0.87 (AMB) TEST THREAD
on: 2010 June 14, 20:48:27
Also, skill books are missing in libraries, so I used the regeneratebooks command and the text strings are missing on some of the skill books (fishing, guitar,& painting, IIRC). That probably is related to some other book mod if no one else is experiencing it.
Are you using Twinbrook? I'm pretty sure that this is a known issue with Twinbrook.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Simbots are awesome
on: 2010 June 06, 23:11:06
I'm also sure it is the Simbot's head. I used test AM on a test hood, to make androids, and it worked! But my point is that when making the androids, I had to change my simbots into adults. Before I changed the hair they looked like the picture above.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: EA Data Logging - Ambitions & Patch
on: 2010 June 02, 23:04:25
That's odd, on my machine it's a safari document and won't let me read it.
Edit: I opened it manually with Notepad. Kind of hard to make out, but it seems to track very random details, such as when my sim was hungry... Luckily, it doesn't seem to track any details about downloads, or any other potentially harmful data.
I'm tempted to edit the file to display "Stop spying on me!", but I doubt it would get to them anyways.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Avian Valley Project (Good Builders Requested!)
on: 2010 May 16, 19:44:29
I'm going to fix the fishing spawners. Actually it was on my list of things to do, before you even said anything, because I noticed that the spawners are where the fish show up. This is opposed to what I thought before, which is that you can only fish if you are directly in front of a fishing spawner. A stupid mistake, but not a terrible one.
However that aside, the reason it is in the Horror is there is no proper place to ask for help on a project, and this wouldn't fit in Pudding Factory because it's not publically beta yet.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / The Avian Valley Project! No longer accepting help!
on: 2010 May 16, 16:18:17
I am creating a world called Avian Valley. It is supposed to be a small, densely packed river town, with a slight Louisiana style to it. It's been slowly progressing, so what's the problem you may ask? The problem is that I am a very slow builder, and I have irregularly sized lots (To represent older zoning.) If I were to build all the lots myself, The Sims 4 would be out before I posted it. I need a team of skilled builders to help finish the town. In order to ensure that the lots will fit into the neighborhood, I have exported the world and posted its zip down at the bottom of the page. When you are done building your lots, export them and post them in this thread. Also, please post the houses' addresses to minimize confusion. I don't want five people building houses on the same lot, and me at a loss of which one to place. I am allowing CC for this project, but I want the amount to be as little as possible. I have a list of all CC I currently have in this neighborhood below. Try not to exceed this list, but if you feel you have to, let me know what CC is required, so I can list it when I post the neighborhood. Free Store DBC's (All by Yecats) -Old Town Set (Try to use this one as much as possible.) Regal Living Set Lunar New Year Set Collectionne Stancke Bayside Set Free Store Sims3packsHogan's Deep Fried Diner Set 10th Anniversary Flamingo Free Store packagesapril1 Set MTS downloadsCharlieSteal's Huge Uber Watch Flat-Panel Note that this neighborhood is in pre-alpha stage at the moment, and any glitches you encounter (especially road flickering) will most likely be fixed after testing. Also note that all credit for houses will be given where due. Here's the link:
Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: TS3 Recompressor
on: 2010 April 23, 16:05:53
Basically, I have a CAW world that currently uses some of the Store DBC files found on this site. I am only using a few sets for when I upload, but that doesn't really matter.
I recently decided to decrapify my CC and saves.
Before I load up the world, to work on it, I would like to know if I should decrapify it as well.
Edit: Well I found out I do in fact have to, but it is impossible to. So I have to replace all my CC objects, which have reverted to basegame objects, manually. I'm a little pissed, but I didn't use much CC to begin with anyways.