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1  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: New patch rollout - ghosts, pools and careers on: 2014 October 26, 20:58:17
You understand that many companies are owned by other companies but run individually? Yeah, Maxis has to report to EA and get the thumbs up for what they do and get a timeline of when they game should be released, but besides that Maxis is off doing their own thing, along with all the other developers owned by EA. Of course Ea can ask them to add things, or bitch them out for taking too long (SPORE), but still, Maxis logo belongs as much as the EA logo.
2  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: New patch rollout - ghosts, pools and careers on: 2014 October 14, 07:29:50
Maxis is game developer of EA. Ea tells them, "Blah blah, make us rich in this amount of time" and Maxis makes the game with-in those limits or gets raped by a pack of wild boars. Ea is the mother company to Maxis. Like ZeniMax Media is the mother company to Bethesda Game Studios. Maxis fucking all their games up is 90% Maxis 10% EA greedy corporate cocksuckers.
3  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: New patch rollout - ghosts, pools and careers on: 2014 October 07, 16:41:02
Those fucks at Maxis seem to have learned a thing or two from their complete failure of a game that was Sim City 2013. Add all the shit in that should have been there in the first place and then rape us in the ass with a hundred expansions and DLC.
4  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Super Mod foundation already? on: 2014 September 24, 10:25:24
Pescado isn't making sims 4 mods?! FUCK! I shouldn't have even bought this piece of shit then. These games don't even become bearable until he fixes the ten billion annoying things the sims want to do.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / what to do with these tombstones? on: 2009 June 11, 04:42:55
So I'm on my 8th generation in a family. At night my sims house is a ghost rave party. I could throw them all into a sims inventory but they'll just get in the way.

Is it possible to drop them off at the cemetary, or will I have to bring them back to life at the science facility and move them all out?
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Share pix / vidz of THE HORROR here on: 2009 June 08, 03:44:24
I've seen this sleep skilling also. It looks like they can skill up anything while sleeping (Dreaming about it or just awesome failure on EA's side).
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 May 30, 16:10:24
I have dyslexia. I don't post often because I am not awesome. All who are not awesome should follow my advice.

Lurk MOAR.
J.M. has a pack of wild boars, ready to climb right up your ass. All will celebrate as they violate you in ways that cannot be imagined by those who haven't experienced it.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 21, 16:08:19
ROFL! That is ridiculous but at least I know how to know. thanks a bunch.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 21, 15:59:31
Can anyone else MARRY their sims? I can't seem to make it happen and it's driving me up the wall? Maybe I have that alpha version? How would I figure that out?
10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Problems when performing advanced installation, on: 2008 February 01, 05:07:13
Figured out what was causing the problem. Sims 2 requires documents and settings to be on the partition that windows is located on. It doesn't matter where the main sims 2 files are, the files that go into documents and settings MUST be in said area or Sims 2 will not load neighborhoods or lots.

Honestly, I think this partition was kinda a waste of time also. It was meant so I could do a quick restore using some back-up program.
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Problems when performing advanced installation, on: 2008 January 31, 16:22:51
So I just got a new comp, and the person helped me made two partitions. One for windows, and another to put all the programs on. Well, this causes major problems for sims 2. Why there is a advanced option, I have no clue, because this game does not install correctly.

The base game and expansions all install correctly, but the data that usually appears in documents and settings on a normal installation appear in the base game folder. This appears to make the game go nuts, because this is obviously NOT where these files are suppose to go.

Any suggestion on how to fix this? Turning this into one partition just for sims 2 will be a lot of work and just slightly ridiculous, all for sims 2.
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Game Cutscenes lag/stutter, on: 2008 January 27, 18:33:16
Well of course you can skip sims 2 cutscenes, but the problem is this is happening with other games that have cutscenes in game that lag to pieces and end up crashing the entire game in the process.

Seems all of them are using a .bik format, also known as bink format. I got the codec for bink, but it didn't appear to help. When I play the cutscenes outside of the game; they run perfectly fine. I think the game company did a complete fubar.

What worries me is EA is starting to use this format. More people will start experiencing this.
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Game Cutscenes lag/stutter, on: 2008 January 26, 16:41:28
This has been happening with sims 2 since BV BUT doesn't occur with any cutscenes except the stupid EA cutscene at the begining.

This is more about it happening with other games.

SimCity Societies (God awful game) lag during the EA cutscene and also doing the main cutscene before the main screen. The game runs perfectly fine while playing. Empire Earth III does the same thing, but takes it to a whole new level. The whole game is full of cutscenes, making it a virtually impossibly to play; I have never gotten past the into to the first part of world domination before the game just stops working.

I know for sure that it isn't a video card issue. I've switched three different cards and the same thing happens. I'm a little stumped on that could be causing this.
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Looking for hack that allows elders to wear adult clothing, on: 2007 September 29, 17:45:36
Happy days! Ugly Thyguy needs to wear his ugly college clothes till he dies.
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Looking for hack that allows elders to wear adult clothing, on: 2007 September 29, 14:58:12
Was twojeffs the one that had this hack? If so, he doesn't seem to have it with his mods over at inteen. Anyone now where this mod is at?
16  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice) on: 2007 September 19, 22:39:22
I've never actually seen a child sim vomit before. o.o
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Can Sound Errors Cause Game to Crash? on: 2007 September 14, 17:41:25
This has happened to me too, and it is utterly baffling. I always end up having to turn off the computer. I'm using a Radeon 9200. Piece of shit, yes, but what's sad is the intergrated card doesn't do the shit that this card does. Sad
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Anybody found the new cheat codes for Bon Voyage? on: 2007 September 13, 12:00:59
One vacation hotel is already screwed up because of a glitch insim has and I need to make it so I can go into buy mode with playable sims on the lot to get rid of the damn insimenators that started spawning like crazy for absolutely no known reason.

Have you tried "Reenable Controls" from the Lot Debugger?

that is impossible to do when you can't enter buy mode. But now that I know that the dorm code works. I'm good.
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Anybody found the new cheat codes for Bon Voyage? on: 2007 September 13, 10:02:05
No one seems to have them yet. That's kinda odd. Gamefaqs had them just hours after Seasons was released.

One vacation hotel is already screwed up because of a glitch insim has and I need to make it so I can go into buy mode with playable sims on the lot to get rid of the damn insimenators that started spawning like crazy for absolutely no known reason.
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Need squinge's no autonomous sleeping mod, on: 2007 September 02, 16:49:45
Yeah, I can't find it anywhere and the graveyard doesn't appear to have even half of Squinge's mods. Does it conflict with JM's macro mod? Does anyone have a mod that doesn't let sims go to sleep unless they are commanded?
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Question (Because I'm that confused) on: 2007 May 15, 20:56:28
Okay, simple question. I just got the pets expansion today. I've had the seasons expansion since it came out.

Do I change any of my hacks? Everything I have is for seasons. Are the pets hacks in the seasons moreawesomethanyou package?
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: STOP with the dormie assignments! on: 2007 April 29, 20:45:35
Gwill, you're experiencing exactly the same problem as me. Until I learned about candles and napkin holders; having a cafeteria was madness. Now it's not as bad as before, I have the most comfortable sofa sitting next to the door, and most of the time they choose to sit down and watch TV, other than going and doing assignment.

Watch out for Ghost with your napkin and candle tables. they tend to eradicate them like all other lamps.
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: STOP with the dormie assignments! on: 2007 April 28, 23:51:22
I didn't realize those tables were eat only!

That will help immensely.

I hope someone makes one that stops them altogether eventually. They can always go do research and amuse me with their moronic tactics.

Alexx: Twojeffs mod nostinkydormie fixes that. Just make sure you have something very fun, and very comforting around otherwise they'll spend day and night doing assignments because of comfort failure.
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Anyone else want the juicer enabled for children? on: 2007 April 28, 23:40:04
The reason this wasn't done is because EA can't comprehend that a child might actually be smart enough to take care of themselves, or they simply hate children and want us too hate them equally (They do not know my hatred of annoying children). Plus the gaming community is terrified of putting something in a game that some MORON child would attempt to do and mangle themselves, then have the parents sue because, "The little sim boy did it, so our lil johnny thought he would be able to do too."

The other is political reason that are preventing us from sending crying babies/toddler, and pets to their fiery doom.

We must protect our children, they might be stupid and hurt themselves!

When it should be...

If they do something stupid; they were STUPID: let's have another one and hope for the best. Because honestly, you have to do something incredibly dumb to die now-a-days or you were just damn unlucky.
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: STOP with the dormie assignments! on: 2007 April 28, 23:23:36
Why on earth do you two not have noassignment littler installed? I  run a tidy little dorm.

I've used that and all the other mods twojeffs, JM, and Squinge. JM's only makes sure the assignment dissapears when the dormie walks away from it (By no means, do I say this is a bad mod. Not having this mod would be madness). Twojeffs is effective only if you have comfy couches and arcades in the dorm but still doesn't prevent because wanting to sit on the couch/play arcade stand right beside Do assignment, because they advertise the exact same thing. Squinges mod conflicts with JM's, so that's out of the question.

Syberspunk has one but it where it should be at MTS2. All there is is a mod that stops assignments at parties, even though I know that mod was available in the same space at one time. I've heard good things about it.
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