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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: How do you keep sims files off your C drive in Windows 7?
on: 2009 November 05, 16:30:12
Yes, it does. They are stored as REG_LINK keys in the registry.
Yes and no. Symbolic links are supported on the NTFS version shipped with *gasp* Vista. However, the special kind of symlink shown by CtDs - a NTFS directory junction - is supported since Windows 2000, and can only be used to link directories. The registry REG_LINK keys are not at all related to the file system, and allow you to use HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT as an alias for HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes in windows registry, for example. I apologize for contradicting you here, but you can certainly use file symbolic links as well: mklink /h. This is the default if you give no further arguments. And you can choose between junctions (/j) and /d directory symbolic links. The latter kind is used by Windows internally to link various system folders to their real locations (for example to relink Documents and Settings to Users). Don't worry, there's no contradiction there. When I mentioned directory junctions, I was not referring to mklink's general capabilities, but to the example you shown previously: Type mklink /J "C:\Users\you\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3" D:\Sims3
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: How do you keep sims files off your C drive in Windows 7?
on: 2009 November 05, 11:16:20
Yes, it does. They are stored as REG_LINK keys in the registry.
Yes and no. Symbolic links are supported on the NTFS version shipped with *gasp* Vista. However, the special kind of symlink shown by CtDs - a NTFS directory junction - is supported since Windows 2000, and can only be used to link directories. The registry REG_LINK keys are not at all related to the file system, and allow you to use HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT as an alias for HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes in windows registry, for example.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch released.
on: 2009 June 26, 22:46:11
I would like to second the request for the Game/bin/bin/regional files, if someone would be kind enough to provide them.
All the game files (except for the executables) can be copied over from the installation disc. For those who can't access the original installation files, here are the localized resources found in the /Game/Bin/bin folder...
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Teen Curfew is a Crock!
on: 2009 April 07, 18:38:40
This might be unrelated, but before I installed AL, I used to get a lot of kid outings; that is, a sim kid (child or toddler) would phone a playable asking for an outing. Upon arrival to the community lot, the kids would still stick around even into late hours of the night. Sometimes, even a baby would be in the guest list, promptly erroring out of the cab. In this state of grace, I could also invite teens into community lots (or spawn them directly), and they would also ignore their curfews, but only until 2am. Undoubtedly caused by tight pants, this ability disappeared after installing AL and updating/cleaning my hacks folder. Now, I still have the occasional kid outing invite, but the little maggots immediately leave the outings at 7pm.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Removing vampire overlay from a single sim
on: 2009 March 21, 13:14:11
Open the sim's character file, go to the 3IDR instance #1.
Find the entries for the overlays (named for example, afhairbald_vampire, and afbodynaked_vampire), and set the File Type, Group and Instance all to zero. That should take care of the head and body overlays.
Removing the face overlay is trickier, since it's applied as a face paint, which means you'll have to fiddle with the material definitions:
Open the TXMT that has a property named baseTexture0.
Delete the baseTexture with the value affacevampire-pale, and re-number the other baseTextures.
Edit the compositeBaseTextureName property, and remove '_affacevampire_pale' from the string. On the File List tab, remove '_affacevampire_pale' from the filename string.
However, the vampire face paint will reappear when the sim changes appearance, so you have to plan its appearance in advance; If you just want to fix the sim's icon, use the batbox's 'Regenerate portrait'.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What exactly is wrong with Mrs. Crumplebottom?
on: 2009 March 17, 11:27:14
Let's suppose for a moment that we could extract all of Mrs.C's resources - the ones scattered among the core files - and put them all together in a package that we could drop into the Characters folder.
Would it then be possible to make changes to Mrs.C - such as change appearance, move in, etc - that would apply only to our overriding package?
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Cutting Hair File Size
on: 2009 March 06, 11:28:31
BINX: These are for catalog entries in CAS, right? Are they also used when sims change appearance in a mirror? That's correct, for example if you look at the interim packages that are created by BodyShop (the ones in the \Projects folder ), you'll find that these are the same as the final packages, except that they lack the BINX resources, and thus cannot be displayed anywhere but the Create Content section of BodyShop. 3IDR: These are a collection of references to other resources Period. What really matters here are the main resources (BINX, GZPS, XTOL, etc...), that sometimes need to reference other resources. They may do it directly, as seen in this example taken from BINX group 0x7F5AC619, instance 0x0CDF5EF4 (in \The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\Bins\globalcatbin.bundle.package): bingroupid = 0x7FFBA28C binid = 0x6CDF5E06 binrestypeid = 0x6C4F359D creatorid = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 icongroupid = 0x00000000 iconid = 0x00000000 iconrestypeid = 0x00000000 objectgroupid = 0x2C17B74A objectid = 0xCC216E44 objectrestypeid = 0xEBCF3E27 (etc...)
Or, they can store those references on another resource (3IDR), and just use the list index: binidx = 0 iconidx = 1 objectidx = 2 (etc...)
How can you find a 3IDR that belongs to a given resource? Just match its group and instance numbers. If you do that, and also change the Material Definition references and remove redundant textures, doesn't that clean up the vast majority of the resource-hogging and catalog-cluttering junk? Everything else should be just 'invisible' data. Seems like you'd have to have a very large number of custom hairstyles before it would become a serious problem.
If total extirpation is not possible, then that may be considered a reasonable stump, yes.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Cutting Hair File Size
on: 2009 March 05, 17:51:46
5) Give all hair correct genetics. What are the correct genetic values for black, brown, red, blond? I don't mean hairtone, I know about 1,2,3,4 and elder 5. I mean, in XHTN, what does genetic=0 mean? Should it be 0 for all four or not???
The genetic binding is done by setting the hairtone guid in the property set to the value of the family guid in the XHTN. The default XHTN's - which can be found in \TSData\Res\Catalog\Skins\Skins.package - have these 'genetic' values: Black = 1 Brown = 1 Blond = 2 Red = 2 Grey = 0 Other = 0 Since hair binning binds your property sets to the default XHTN's, the custom XHTN seldom has any value of its own, except when custom hairtone guids are involved. 7) a) nuke the GZPS for gray hair c) find all TXMTs for gray hair, they have "emhair" or "efhair" in their name, note their Instance numbers
Yes, that's more or less how my tool worked, but since then I realized that the TXMT's were addressed according to this procedure: 7) a) Open GZPS; Fetch the values of all the 'override Nresourcekeyidx'; c) Open 3IDR with same instance as GZPS; Use the previously fetched indices against the resource list, to find the affected TXMT's. Pseudocode: int[] indices; for (n=0; n<"numoverrides"); n++) indices[n] ="override{n}resourcekeyidx")
tgi[] txmts; // tgi = { dword type; dword group; qword instance; } for (i=0; i<len(indices); i++) txmts[i] = 3IDR.items[indices[i]];
7) d) find all 3IDRs that reference the Instance numbers of gray TXMTs from c), note the 3IDR Instance numbers e) nuke all BINXs with the same Instance numbers as the 3IDRs from d)
The problem is that some hairs don't work like that. For example, look at this hair package. The elder/grey GZPS has instance= 5; so you open 3IDR #5, to find this: 00: CRES, 0x1C050000, 0x1311351AFF1E5AEF 01: SHPE, 0x1C050000, 0x84AEAA5AFF135801 02: TXMT, 0x5FBAFC0B, 0xDA51D2B0FFDC13AA 03: TXMT, 0x5FBAFC0B, 0xEC27220CFF93F4D1 04: TXMT, 0x5FBAFC0B, 0xDA7738FCFFFE22AB 05: <NULL> 06: STR#, 0x5FBAFC0B, 0x0000000000000001 07: COLL, 0x0FFEFEFE, 0x000000000FFE0080 08: GZPS, 0x5FBAFC0B, 0x0000000000000004 // 4!? WTF
The addressing scheme here is indices 00-04 used by GZPS #5, and 05-08 by BINX #5 that links to GZPS #4(!) If you delete 3IDR #5, not only will you break the link to GZPS #4, but also this hair will stop working in game (or at least it did when I tried). So my advice is to tread carefully around these resources. Besides that, the quick and dirty way to remove the extra grey hairs is to set the 'hide' flag on the property sets.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Properly raising the dead?
on: 2009 February 28, 16:40:04
If I do the 'Default lang only' for the two new FAMI resources, how will family names and bio show up for, say, a french person who plays the game in french. Yes, I know it won't show in french, but will it be blank or english?
It will fall back to the default text (en-US).
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Properly raising the dead?
on: 2009 February 27, 17:35:13
Theo: My game's in default language and SimPE automatically edits the default language, right? English or english US, not sure, but there IS a default language, yes? I gave that hint because once I had installed a few expansion packs with different languages among them, making it a bit difficult to know what was the default language. To make matters more confusing, whenever I installed SimPe anew, it defaulted to the language defined in Windows' regional settings, which is different from the language installed with the expansion packs. Anyway, I got the names, but the question is, will everything show up in other languages as intented. I clicked on 'Copy to all' or something like that, and it's suppose to take care of all the lingos, right? In that situation it's better to use "Default lang only".
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Properly raising the dead?
on: 2009 February 27, 16:59:43
When you edited the family's name in the STR, did you remember in which language it was being edited? It's quite possible that you changed the text of a different language than the one you use on your game. [...] will deleting SWAF instances lead to regenarating or BFB? I'm not really sure about this. Backup, delete, then tell us how it went.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Cutting Hair File Size
on: 2009 February 17, 21:23:08
Combining adult / YA GZPSz and hunting references in 3IDRs sounds like something it would be useful to automate. While I'm not yet very familiar with hair, I have chased instance / group references in clothing and makeup. If you all would like me to take a crack at automating the processes Theo and Pescado discussed, I would be glad to. Theo, if you already have plans to incorporate this into your color binner, let me know, so I don't duplicate your efforts. Either way's fine with me.
My idea for now would consist of a converter to this packaging method; it would accept a normal [hair|clothing|makeup] package, and then split and rearrange the 3 object types. But I think you should finish the TXTR cleaner as a standalone tool first; It's a lot of work as it is now, and the more you add features, the more it becomes easy to miss the point, very much like what happened with the - now obsolete - binning tool. Also, because I need the TXTR cleaner NAO!
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Cutting Hair File Size
on: 2009 February 17, 13:02:09
For example, take a look at any of the packages in "Fixed TS2 Store", linked here. You'll find a number of differences: - The XHTN resource has been replaced by a clothing-type COLL.
- The property sets no longer share their 3IDR's with the BINX. In fact, there are now twice as many 3IDR's (plus one for the COLL). But this is not a problem, since they're small in size.
- The property set references are no longer offset by 1. In the old packaging, PSET #1 was referenced by 3IDR #2, and so forth. (*)
(*) This explanation may have left you even more bamboozled, but in a nutshell, there are three types of resources involved, and each one has its own 3IDR resource (associated by Group and Instance). It runs more or less like this: — Begin with a BINX; find a 3IDR with the same id. — On the BINX, get the 'binidx' value; this is the index of the line within the 3IDR that points to the COLL. — The COLL (plus its own 3IDR) is used for cataloging purposes. You don't want to mess with, or delete this resource; leave it alone. — On the BINX, get the 'objectidx' value; this is the index of the line within the 3IDR that points to the property set (GZPS). — Get the GZPS; find a 3IDR with the same id. This is the object in hand. Having understood that, we can now start with a property set we wish to delete, and work our way back to the resources that are referencing it, and delete them too. Easy, huh? The old packaging (alas, the most common), combines a non-straightforward association of objects, with the requirement of 3IDR editing - in the event you'd wish to delete a resource.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Cutting Hair File Size
on: 2009 February 17, 09:15:49
You may have noticed that hairs in some stuff packs postedlinked in MATY were packaged using the 3 keys method. This makes 3IDR/BINX identification a lot easier, as well as making the XHTN obsolete. Old custom hairs may also be repackaged using this method.
TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
on: 2009 February 11, 15:54:51
Theo's tool does the same thing that SimPe's original deleter tool does, except that it asks before deleting the associated SDNA's (deleting DNA can be a VBT, if you care about the surviving sim's genetics).
The remaining code is essentially the same, and there's the possibility of it being incomplete, as it knows nothing about the resources created by newer expansions. Since there's no guarantee that the game can remove these un-referenced resources on its own, I actually prefer using the batbox method instead.