But what if I make a "Test" family with three sisters (Ann Test, Bea Test and Cat Test) and want to play only with Cat and transform Ann and Bea into townies with the teleport schrub ? Will they stay related to Cat as sisters ? Will they keep their family name ? It will cause any damage to my game or to my saves ?
Ce n'est pas un problem. Par example, j'ai une femme sim et sa fille dans mon neighbourhood. La femme est playable, mais sa fille est une townie teen. Elles ont encore leurs relations intacte. Il n'y-a aucun mauvaises resultats pour les saves. Ce pourrais etre un situation ou la playable sim devrai age et sa fille serai encore une teen, mais cette situation n'est pas un problem pour le game. Je n'expecterai pas des problemes dans la situation vous avez decriver, sauf que les soeurs ne devraient pas plus vieilles. Le nom de famille ne devrai pas changer a cause de ces actions et va reste intact.
(SVP excusez mon trez mauvais francais, et la manque des accents sur les mots)
English summary: There should not be a problem with keeping the relationships between the sisters, or the family names intact, other than the fact that the playable sister will age and the townie sisters will not. I have done this often and it has never caused game errors or save problems.Thirst of all, it's very kind of you to write in french and I understand everything, thank you very much
So I imagine I can make a few families with grand father, father and son, and transform into townies the granpa and the father to play only with the son. I'm right ? By the way it's weird that the townies don't get age...
It's a lack of realism... But it won't be a problem. I suppose that if my playable sim fall in love with a townie girl and marry her, she will become playable too and begin to get older, didn't she ?
I can do the same thing to make downtonies for the downtown, and to make townies for the university 'hood (I read in this topic that I must create young adults and transform them into "townies" to do that), but in what neighborhood must I be ? In my main neighboorhood ? Or in the Downtown one (for donwtonies), or the University 'hood (for the young adult townies) ?
In fact I don't really understand if the townies I will create are exclusive to the neighborhood in witch they have been created... and I don't find the words in english to make my question more precise ::)I hope you'll understand...