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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 17, 22:27:12
Thanks all again. Well maybe my plan wont work but i can testafy that all is seriously well with my computer. I do not need to re format anything at this time. I have the protection soft ware securom denied. Yes I am experimenting just to see what happens. So far nothing has happened.

Warning aside, your plan won't not work.    If I had thought it would, I would have said so.  You can't disable Securom by messing with your registry permission.  it simply doesn't work that way. The registry is simply a big database of settings.  It doesn't do anything on its own.  At the very best nothing will change.  If Securom requires to make modifications to the registry and is denied access, you'll get errors and the game will barf.   At the worst, if you mess up, your OS won't boot. Securom has been around for quite a while and many people, much more knowledgeable and smarter than you or me have bent their energy towards defeating this copy protection.  And they did it.  You really think that you, with your obviously limited knowledge, will outthink everyone, including the designers of Securom, and defeat the program buy twiddling with a couple of permissions?  Hmmm. 

That is a very good point. I do not think I will mess up my OS as all is fine. Btw I do have all the tools to do what the sticky at the top says. Have had them now for a while. I Just am not in the mood to use a cracked copy. Thanks to the creator of the copy, Who ever it was. Kados to you. NO Barfing of Game at all, plays great no problems actually it runs much better then it did before I did this.

As for all the insults and the barbs, oh yeah and the stick poking. It is like  water off of a ducks back.  The sticks have been broken and tossed in the fire for burning.

As for to much time on my hands not really. I have the patience of a Saint, but I can say I am not one. Read context yes I think I can. However there was so much Jabbing that it is hard to really understand what the posters were saying. I did get all of your drifts and I take all of that into consideration. I do thank you for what you really were tring to say.

My system has not kicked me in the face yet so I must know something. Yes I did come here for help. There is lots of room for ideas in this noggen.  I guess you all think that things are written in stone. Not in my book there are more answers out there to one problem then one can ever imagine. It dose not hurt to try something even if it fails, at least you tried. I am not one to bury my head in the sand because of anyone or anything. It has been my utmost pleasure typing to you all today. I am very grateful that you found my post interesting. As I found all of your answers. Thanks again and good luck to you all. Enjoy your life here on this site and hope you all learn something new the every day.

2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 17, 18:49:28
Ok thanks evey one Smiley  I am out of here. I will still go on a quest to see if I can disable securom. I will search under rocks and look in every corner for the answer of No you can never ever disable it  or Yes there is a way and here is how.  Love the bunny and the pancakes. Thank you all for your help. bye
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 17, 18:28:23
Ok I didnt thinks so. Love the bunny that is too cute.
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 17, 18:06:43
Last resort?  And here I thought it was the tried and true method.  In all my searching on the net, I have found no other clearly written step by step guide for removing SecuROM from a BV installation.  I hope you don't have to reformat your computer because you fucked with your registry.  Reformatting computers because of SecuROM is a debunked myth.  Reformatting computers because you borked it beyond repair messing with something you shouldn't have is more common, and likely if you don't know EXACTLY what you are doing.

Thank you for your info my computer is fine no I did not as you say fuck it up. I am a bit computer savvy and know how to do lots of things with my computer. why is every one so afraid of the registry? Oh I agree yes you can fuck it up. No I have not just with that one perticular soft ware and really nothing has happened to my computer or game or anything.  Actually I only have but one file and that is the file that states the name of the software. There are no longer any additional files that where with it. They are all gone. Just one lonely file sitting in my registry with the name securom. no additional why to see the other files from securom.  I do have all the files of other programs and all files that belong in my registry. But anyway thanks.
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 17, 17:31:58
Thank you I have read that. I actually copied and pasted that info a while back. That will be my last resort. Thank you all it has been fun. Most thanks to those that have actually given me some information. As far as the reformating info lots of people might think that is what you have to do. Glad to know that is not the case and is not necessary to go to all that trouble. Thanks much.
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 17, 17:01:35
You are seriously misinformed.  I strongly suggest you read the first thread stickied in this forum that tells you how to remove SecuROM without having to reformat.  And playing with the registry is a very bad thing if you don't know what you're doing, and in all my years in the computer field, I never heard of anyone disabling rather than removing stuff from the registry.  Probably because it's a really bad thing to do.

And a work of advice -- if you don't like the advice you're given, don't keep demanding new answers.  The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Read more, talk less, and do engage your fucking brain first.
I have read that the only way to get it completely off after un installing lets say a game  is to do a full format of your hard drive. I understand that it is confusing about this protection software. I agree with removing instead of disabling. I was hoping that it could be done. Guess there is no real answer to this. Well I can tell you this if you try to disable it by using the security section of this perticular program, nothing bad happens. I have tried that much I can still play a game that has it.
Thanks for you info it is greatly noted. Thanks
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 17, 16:46:39
Right.  If it was simply a matter of disabling secuROM, it would probably have been discussed here already.  There are a lot of us concerned with this issue.  However, it is generally a bad idea to fool about with the permissions in the registry, especially if you don't know exactly what you're doing.  In any case, if there is a bit of malware on the system, why just disable it when you can get rid of it.  That's like closing a garbage bag and putting it in a corner of the living room because it's easier, rather than taking out the trash.  Counterintuitive=fail.

As far as my spyware programs I have not had it detected it as malware or rootkit.  However that more then likely is  not unusual as  securom is very tricky. I agree with you about a simple matter of disalbing that it would have been discussed and someone would have figured it out. That is what I am tring to do is figure it out and see if maybe it can just be disabled with out un installing the software. If you have not ever seen what I am talking about and if you have xp or vista. go to your registry and then go into HKey_Current_user. Then go into software and click on any of your software. then look for the word permission and check it out. Maybe it will give an idea as to what I am talking about.
I agree the best way would  be to un install and then reformat or just delete the protection program from the computer. If I am correct with that.  Thank you for posting.

8  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 17, 16:28:04
Do you know of what I am asking??? Do you know how to use the registry??? I have googled it and have searched but nothing concrete. To the post above this one. IF you un install the software that has securom with it. You will have to do a full reformat of your computer.  I would just like to know if anyone has ever used this section of any software in the registry  and if they ever did a disable, and  did it keep it disabled?
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 17, 16:03:01
To the poster that suggest this.   No disable, only remove, then use cracked exe to prevent it coming back.  Or just don't play BV.
 Thank you for posting. I do understand that with some games this type of protection soft ware comes along with the package. I also know that with any software listed in the registry there is a section that the software will automaticly allow full control for the administrator. I find this permission section a bit confusing and was hoping that I could find someone that has knowledge of how to use this permission area.

This site came highly recommended to me. I was left with the impression that if anyone knows any thing about computer information, game information etc.  This is the place to go. I am not looking for chitty chat or anything else Just looking for information about my question.
So again Please if you know of what I am asking please reply. If you do not then please pass on this post.
Thank you to all that have posted. Most thanks to the ones that actually gave some information about my post.
10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 17, 14:35:05
Thank you for the correct spelling. Frankly my dear I do not give a F__k. If you do not know of what I am talking about in regards to my post do not reply. If on the other hand you do then please give me some information. I am not here to be trolled or hi-jacked I just have a question.

Thank you to the first poster, that posted but I am not interested in a cracked copy at this time.  I just would like to know if I can just some how disable this software in my computer but not remove it. Thank you both again.
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Securom and denying it permission from the registry, anyone know how? on: 2007 October 16, 23:39:59
I am wondering if any one knows how to use permissions that is found by right clicking on the file in the registry and choosing permissions. I have noticed that administrator rights can be denied or allowed full control. I have also notice an advanced security settings with these administrator rights. I am not sure how to work these.
I am interested in knowing how to worik the permission section of the software folder. Mostly will this do anything to disable it.
Thanks in advance. Smiley

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