Thanks for that link, Elvie. It helps alot.
Dea, the label may look a little weird because it's in Simlish, not English.
To everyone else:
Wow, I made this for my own twisted amusement. I didn't think anyone else would want it.
Unfortunately, edible paste is not yet safe for public consumption.
The tutorial I used didn't cover cloning anything other than cake and getting this to work required some improvised BHAV editing. I'm a total n00b at that kind of stuff. There are still many problems I have to work out.
For example, when I repositioned the paste top mesh to work with the teen/adult animations, I borked it for the kids. Now every time Alex Goth goes to take a bite of paste, he sticks himself in the eye with the brush.
I suspect kids and adults are going to need separate utensil meshes, but right now I have no idea how to change the Eat Interaction to do this.
So, I still need to poke at this a bit, maybe read a few more tutorials, ask some questions here or at mts2. If I can't figure it out in a few days, I'll turn over what I have, mesh and code to el presidente or whoever wants to make an awesome version.
Other than echo's tutorial on bhavs, can anyone recommend any tutorials or posts that might be helpful? I can haz klew?