I'm having problems with part2 and part3 I used 7zip (but so far everything else is great)
in part 1 Lot124 and Lot93 are fine
in part 2 Lot124 and Lot93 are bad/broken files (won't extract) (when I opened them in simPE they were empty)
in part 3 Lot93 is bad/broken file (won't extract) (when I opened this lot in simPE it was empty)
Lot124 is an empty lot in Veronaville
Lot93 is Wan family lot in Riverblossom Hills (when I loaded Riverblossom Hills the Wan family lot is empty and the sims are on the lot (I went in and exited without saving)
I just replaced the bad files with the good files and i'm going to check if it helped or broke the game
Edit: I just loaded the game and the Wan family seems finr and the house showed up in the neighbohood view