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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 1.8/2.3 Released - CAW Out on: 2009 December 16, 20:35:55
I'm wondering how intrusive the new shop mode is? I'm imagining a big SHOP button in the middle of the screen because that's the way EA rolls lately...

I'm running without mods right now, but still debating the patch.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2009 November 05, 21:35:53
Bloomer blouse and sunshine dress
3  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Art Nouveaulicious Collection (Please FIX Broken Links In Your POSTS) on: 2009 January 25, 05:22:24
Yeah, I just noticed the same problem today. If you're able to fix it, please upload! Thanks!

The child version of the hair is the only one that had this problem.  I corrected it in SimPE and uploaded the fixed file here.  This version should work with all clothing categories.  Please let me know if it works correctly for you now!

I just tried it, and it works great. Thanks!
4  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Art Nouveaulicious Collection (Please FIX Broken Links In Your POSTS) on: 2009 January 24, 07:37:05
Has anyone else tried the "Slick Curled Hair for Boys" in the game?  It worked fine for me in Body Shop, but when I tried it in game tonight it reverted to a base game hair.  I have all EPs and all stuff packs except K&B and M&G.

ETA: Okay, I figured out what the issue was.  This hair is only available for the Everyday, Athletic, and Outerwear categories.  Why Maxis chose only those three categories is a mystery to me.  I'll fiddle around with it in SimPE and see if I can fix it.

Yeah, I just noticed the same problem today. If you're able to fix it, please upload! Thanks!
5  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Stuff on: 2008 September 03, 00:13:57
What EPs do you currently have installed? Just wondering to see if my theory is short of the mark.

I have all the EPs and all the stuff packs.

Are you sure you're talking about the Simply Round Column 2 Floor Edition? Cause the smaller one, that's 1 floor high shows-up normally for me too.

Furthermore, the small Column and the Door that brzburns provided turn to 96-byte files after you run and exit the game which means they are corrupted, I remember people getting that when the Store first started, some of their downloads would get corrupted like that and they had to re-download.

Here are the new Spooky objects at The Sims 2 Store - 17 total - I bought all 17 - it wouldn't let me upload the rar file here.  Here's the link - I hope they don't update The Sims 2 Store anymore.  Maybe they won't after The Sims 3 is out.

It's confirmed, these all work. The huge door is really cool.

Things that might need fixing:
    The 2-Floor Column uses the catalog description of the Simply Round Column from OFB.
    The Gargoylite wall lamp costs only 1 simoleon.

Yeah, you're right. The two-story Simply Round Column is missing. I was looking at the single story column.[/list][/list]
6  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Stuff on: 2008 September 02, 23:11:34
What EPs do you currently have installed? Just wondering to see if my theory is short of the mark.

I have all the EPs and all the stuff packs.
7  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Stuff on: 2008 September 02, 22:57:55
Sorry, I ran out of money before I could snag the Your Not Welcome Door.

Oh, don't mention it, you got enough already. Smiley

The door and column don't work in Bins either (and I don't have an EA Store folder, I thought the 3rd patch for FreeTime created it?) and I *think* the big column, which does show up, overwrites the Simply Round Column from OFB. (Simply Round Column is gone, and the new one uses its catalog description)

Hmm I don't have that problem.

I see it listed as "column of duplicate doom" in my game with the correct description. The "simply round column" still shows up in the columns section.
8  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Stuff on: 2008 September 02, 22:31:26
Sorry, I ran out of money before I could snag the Your Not Welcome Door. These are the files that loaded to TheSimsStore\Downloads\Objects.

Ok, then the only things I'm not seeing in my game are the 2 story door and the single story column. But thanks for uploading these. The spooky windows are great!
9  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Stuff on: 2008 September 02, 22:17:19
I had points left in my account and downloaded some lights and the following build mode and lighting stuff:

Build Mode Stuff
Column of Doom
Column of Duplicate Doom
Visitors Unwelcome Door
Cracks in the Pain Window
Twice the Cracks in the Pain Window
Rectangular Cracks in the Pain Window
Forlorn Cracks in the Pain Window
Boarded Up Window
Enter With Dread Door

I just installed these and I'm only seeing the windows and the "column of duplicate doom" (which is a two story column). The other column and the doors are not showing up.
10  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Uni+LS Career LTWs on: 2007 September 14, 23:44:06
Thanks, I don't know how I missed that requirement.  Embarrassed  It seems to be working fine now with all expansion and stuff packs installed.

You need ltwvariety for the BHAV that disables the missing wants.
11  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Unnamed Object Wants on: 2007 September 14, 23:38:54
I'm seeing the same thing in my game. Mine says "Buy <unnamed wantable object category 10096> +4,000 Aspiration." I have all stuff packs and EPs including Bon Voyage installed.
12  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Uni+LS Career LTWs on: 2007 September 13, 18:31:04
I know it says only for Uni and Seasons, but I gave it a try with BV installed. I'm not using the LS careers -- I only wanted the Uni careers back as LTWs, so I only downloaded and installed When one of the uni careers is rolled as a LTW, the career name doesn't display. Instead, the LTW says "reach top of $careerTrack career."

The only other hacks I have installed are two of your BV fixes --  the tour guides and the orchard trees patches.

Anyway, just wanted to mention the problem that I'm seeing. 
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