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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2013 March 15, 04:18:58
Try the fix now.

Crash with pets giving birth has been resolved.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2013 March 13, 01:37:45
That is correct. It's the same issue Nienor reported with having kittens. I wasn't aware I had a dog in the neighborhood pregnant until I installed MasterController. Any animal attempting to give birth immediately takes you to your desktop with AM installed.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2013 March 12, 08:25:48
Okay, I've done more digging and I can confirm the crash is due to a dog trying to give birth. I installed Twallan's MasterController to locate the pregnant sims. In that save two female humans and one dog are pregnant. With the removal of AM at 6:26AM when the crash was occurring the dog was no longer listed as pregnant and two new puppies were in the population demographics.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2013 March 10, 10:20:15
Haven't seen any further reports of this issue, and don't have Uni yet so would not be able to reproduce at this time. Is it reproducible, or random? Is it Main-Hood, or Uni-Hood? Can it be averted by a resetworld? If it's avertable through some form of user action, that helps to locate where it is.

It occurred right when I upgraded to 1.50 and is a main hood Sunset Valley crash. It cannot be averted by resetworld, that just delays it a few sim seconds. I haven't figured out the exact cause. The pre-uni save file is below if you think it will help any. It starts at 4:45AM and the crash occurs every time at 6:26AM. Resetworld delays it to 6:32AM. It might a inactive giving birth causing it, I'm not entirely sure though. The game goes past that point just fine with AM out of the mods folder.

5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2013 March 09, 06:21:38
Disabled Story Progression behavior in University Worlds.

Any luck with the crashing issue me, Nienor, and PrinJess reported? I can upload the save if necessary.
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2013 March 05, 04:13:25
That's nice. Care to give the links indicating which are alpha and gamma?

The ones that say "alpha" and "gamma" in them.

Just wanted to add I got mine from the alpha mirror so it's not out dated. I removed all other mods and it still crashes every time at the same time. If I reset the world then it crashes at 6:32AM. Something is firing that takes it down. Possibly the carpool or could be one of my inactives attempting to give birth if such is causing crashing.
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2013 March 04, 06:41:41
New Awesomemod is causing my game to crash. It happens every morning right at 6:26AM. I can't get past that point with AM installed. If I remove it then all is fine. Hopefully some core events are scheduled around that time to help narrow it down. The crash address is the same each time so it's not random.
8  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: TS3 Recompressor on: 2012 December 21, 07:39:52
Could it be these are items you had installed before we had to decrap stuff? I know it sucks but you might just be better off reinstalling everything, I just spent the other night doing this. #stupidgreenhouse

I can't recall. Were we able to install store crap without decrapping when the store first started? If so, that's probably the issue. And it seems decrapping the DBC's doesn't fix anything. I guess I'll just bite the bullet and reinstall anything dated prior to the Barnacle Bay release date. Thanks for your replies.
9  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: TS3 Recompressor on: 2012 December 20, 08:07:55
How are you installing these? When's the last time you re-downloaded s3rc? Those version numbers in the OBJDs refer to the version of the OBJD, 0x00000016 and 0x0000000C are updated for snow and whatnot. I just learned that one. In gerneral if you install them via the launcher they should all show up as store content, packages will show up as CC. As far as I know there's no way around that. You could try changing the .package extension to .dbc and place them in you DCCache folder?

S3RC is the most recent. The items giving me grief were installed via the launcher years ago. It's any item prior to and including Barnacle Bay that has the issue and they all refer to the 0x00000015 OBJD. With the Ambitions patch these items vanished from my game and the only way I could get them back is to setup my resource file to read DBC files from my package folder and move them there. I still installed newer items via the launcher and they showed up fine so anything after Barnacle Bay is in the DDCache folder and works as expected. I have them in my packages folder now as DBC's but if I drag them back to the DDCache folder, they show in the catalog as blank thumbnails with no store or CC icon and I cannot use the items. What is extra weird is there's a few items after Barnacle Bay in the last DBC with these broken items and they show the store icon and function regardless of what folder I stick them in. I don't think it's the DBCs that are broken. I just can't figure out what the difference is.

Update: Re-decrapping them and putting them back in the DDCache folder now results in them entirely vanishing from the catalog again, no more blank thumbnails.
10  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: TS3 Recompressor on: 2012 December 19, 14:11:16
Does anyone know what flag causes the game to show a item as a store item in the catalog? I have this issue where anything decrapped prior to Ambitions is showing the CC icon vs the store icon. Said items are also being replaced by base game items if they are used in a lot despite decrapping the lot where as items showing the store icon do not. I noted the version at the top of the OBJD is 0x00000015 vs 0x00000016 on newer items that work as expected. I tried manually changing this but it made no difference. The second version noted is 0x0000000C on items that work and those that do not. I attempted to note any other flags in the OBJD that seemed to be the store flag and found nothing. I even attempted to re-decrap these older packages which changed the group from 0x01 to 0x00 and no dice. I'd like to manually fix these items vs hunting the Sims3packs to reinstall them. Halp?
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims 3 Pets- Whats borked thread on: 2011 November 21, 00:55:22
There is a xml mod at MTS to lower the rate of the gnomes if it is becoming bothersome and you wish to keep the salt lick. It was one of the first thing's I got because the default value is overwhelming as you have noted.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims game keeps crashing - needs moar RAMs? on: 2011 November 06, 22:50:54
say did you ever got this weird Error when all your sims get sick and die ?
day all running around my town smell bed with green smelly fog around them
looks like a virus -- they keep infecting each other and die one after another lol

This happens when your computer does not have a powerful enough processor or enough RAMs to keep up. I do believe the motives of inactives are reset or at least managed in some way over an alarm cycle. If the simulation engine is behind, it does not get to them before they die.

Could someone translate this into something readable, please.  My stupid-to-English translation fu is weak today.

<owl noises>
So you're the one making these noises? That is good to know. Now I understand why my dog keeps barking at the door all day. <winky winky>

I ordered my new PC parts today! I'm so excited, can't wait! <insert overzealous 12ness here> I am tired from the crashes and error 12 when trying to save my game. Now I will finally be able to get pets too! <more happy 12ness>

So, have you ever got this weird error where all your sims get sick and die? They are all running around my town smelling bad with green smelly fog around them. It looks like a virus. They keep inflecting each other and die one after another lulz.

Is this part of the game or perhaps a new update in AwesomeMod? Maybe this guy outside my house managed to get in here and plant a virus in my game?

<symptoms of paranoid personality disorder>
<shocked face>
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Long save time on: 2011 October 29, 15:03:19
I admire your patience levels to let a program sit for an hour and a half unresponsive, I would have axed it after 5 minutes. This is not memory related, it's likely your town is just burnt toast. How about doing something logical like trying a fresh town and see if it still occurs? And for heaven's sake, find your End Process button.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims 3 Pets- Whats borked thread on: 2011 October 25, 16:57:38
Is it just my graphics card or do the new rabbit holes have high poly counts? I get massive frame rate lag when I try to move the camera around them. This does not occur in the other towns.
15  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: I broke the apt. door. on: 2011 October 02, 14:32:51
Because you tried to fix your issue, I decided to help. Here's objects.package. Plop it into Program Files \ EA GAMES \ The Sims 2 Apartment Life \ TSData \ Res \ Objects. It is patched to the last available patch. I hope it helps.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sim menu lag with custom content on: 2011 June 12, 02:18:32
Mine does this too and I am on 32 bit XP so that is not the cause. It has also been doing it since ambitions for me. I assumed it was one of the mods I have running too many code checks every time the menu is generated. I haven't been annoyed enough by it to go through the trouble of figuring out whats causing it yet. If you do, please leave a note here.
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Game/Bin sub-directory structure missing in Generations? on: 2011 June 03, 03:08:16
It's normal. They are all linked to the base game files now.
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Generations: What Sucks, What's Fucked, and What Did EA Get Right by Utter Luck on: 2011 June 02, 04:32:38
They do all teh work to make it so that you can PAINT a usable object on the ground (sims can play in the sand on any sand terrain on a usable lot), and then they go and make it children only. Ridiculous.

I doubt it was much work. If you noticed, each texture emits a different sound effect which indicates the game stores the texture type already. All they had to do was enable an object to be spawned on the sand texture and viola. It being for children only was simply lazyness. Just another example of where you give EA way too much credit.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Random jingle on: 2011 June 02, 04:05:25
No patch did anything. It's the result of the professions being progressed in inactive households by Awesomemod or Twallan SP.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Black loading screen after reformat/reinstall on: 2011 February 11, 07:42:21

Are you an assburgers? You sound like you might be an assburgers. What is your philosophy about dropping Latin into random forum conversations? HMMMM?

I don't follow how you arrived at that conclusion. It's possible I was wordy or you don't know the back story behind cwurts. Do explain.

First off, the only two times I recommended 3booter were in cases in which the game was not getting past the loading screen. Which is what it does, not to mention it can't hurt to try.
Second, "hence why?" Really?

Once again you are spreading false information. The 3booter was created in the early stages of the game because it would randomly crash at the loading screen with Awesome mod in. It is not going to fix a blank loading screen nor a repeated crash. Obviously if you had lurked moar you would have known this. Instead you choose to sling nonsense around repeatedly and now you're acting butthurt because I called you on it. Also I stand corrected on my use of "hence why". It's not hard to admit when you are wrong, you should learn how.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Uninstalling Worlds Sanfu on: 2011 February 11, 04:35:03
The launcher is notorious for leaving things in the DDCache files and refusing to remove them despite claiming to do so. Have you tried dragging that folder to your desktop then seeing if the world has vanished from the list? Don't delete it as this will delete all your launcher content. Considering it still loads it correctly with the world file gone out of InstalledWorlds, are you certain you haven't put the world file in the Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Worlds location as well?
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Black loading screen after reformat/reinstall on: 2011 February 11, 04:25:38
This post turned utterly useless after the first sentence. You've been shitting all over this forum with useless replies and waving your cwurts fan boy flag. GTFO. I can only hope Witch starts moving your posts to intermingle with those of that thing you've expressed your undying love for.

Other than his inexplicable appreciation for Cwuntz, KT's posts have been fine.  I do not see this "shitting" of which you speak.

Perhaps shitting was the wrong word to you. KT has given help that was incorrect or useless more than once and that to me is shitting. It just appears to be trying to up it's post count and has no idea what it is saying. It recommended 3Booter to a problem that clearly has nothing to do with the game not booting. It has also done this in another invalid case. Incorrect advice just provides nothing but run around for a game that already has more run around than a game should. Plus the avatar and cwurts love is giving me a rash.

Also I am not lacking a sense of humor. If anyone has no sense of humor it's cwurts. I'm almost certain if one of his sims autonomously fart he is mashing the halt all traffic button on his firewall and heading into a panic induced coma. This type of uptight behavior is definitely not associated with one that has a sense of humor hence why the act he puts on is not funny in the least bit way.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Black loading screen after reformat/reinstall on: 2011 February 10, 19:21:30
Don't believe anything you read over at the BBS. Also you don't just get BSOD for no reason. I've used this forum anytime I've needed help and they've always been spot on and fast about it. Have you tried using 3Booter?

This post turned utterly useless after the first sentence. You've been shitting all over this forum with useless replies and waving your cwurts fan boy flag. GTFO. I can only hope Witch starts moving your posts to intermingle with those of that thing you've expressed your undying love for.

To the OP: This is clearly a corruption issue. Either the source of one or more of your EPs is corrupted or your hard drive is corrupting it on transfer.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New Patch 1.17/2.12/3.8/4.5/5.2 on: 2010 December 01, 03:10:16
How about changing the "nummaxactivelotoptions" in the options.ini file in your my documents folder vs fiddling with the graphicsrules.sgr? Works for me.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 November 07, 18:11:36
Something really weird happened while playing last night. For whatever reason, the game found it to be a good idea to push upwards of 70 sims to Aquarius. There were about 20 there when I showed up and went upstairs, which I quickly learned was a mistake. After awhile all these sims were outside, in the doorway and lobby. The sound of 70 sims yelling about hunger, energy, hygiene, disgusting sim was enough but then a vampire showed up so they all started vomiting. I had piss puddles for blocks around Bridgeport. Shortly after my PC sounded like it was choking to death and the clock stopped moving as did daylight, just the sims kept yelling. Then they all started dying but no grim reaper came. I couldn't get my sim to do anything and the elevator stopped responding so I was stuck. Eventually I had him teleport down the street after which made the clock unlock (it jumped 2 days ahead) and story progression started working again but the game was extremely laggy and I noticed sim pictures were generating as squiggly lines. I quit to main menu but the interface and background was missing so it was all black with icons. I just quit the game entirely because my PC was having a stroke. Meltdown 101, EA style. Point being, don't wish more sims in clubs, it's not healthy.
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