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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread on: 2012 September 24, 03:10:52
A few requests for supernatural ep.

In general I think spells in this expansion is way underwhelming, it will be AWESOME if the awesome mode can beef them up and potentially add some new spells

1. Greater Fire blast - this should set the sims on fire and with a good chance to kill the sims.
2. Greater Ice blast - this should have 100% chance to freeze the sims solid, which should last forever until fire blast is cast on it, in addition, the spell should FREEZE all motives the sim shouldn't age while frozen.

3. Charm/Curse energy - in additional to hunger, hygiene and bladder, new spells should charm/curse energy, the charm version should cost a lot of magic so it won't be OP'ed
4. Teleportation
5. Curse of Age - curse the sim to age to next stage
6. Charm of Youth - reset to day 0 of current stage
7. Bless - remove negative moodlets
8. Remove major curses - cure lycanthropy and vampirism
9. Fly - similar effect like fairy. be able to fly instead of run for 24 hrs.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Consignment store wont sell items on: 2010 December 23, 12:39:56
hey man, go fuck yourself.
this is not your private forum, i was stuck and was asking question.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Help! skills stopped gaining on: 2010 December 23, 08:28:35
"fixall" fixed it all!
some bad skill ref seems like there were 900+ of them.

AwesomeMod is fucking awesome!
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Help! skills stopped gaining on: 2010 December 23, 07:43:59
ive tried everything.

saved a copy of the family then start in a different town.

removing all mod/ cc

becoming a vampire again

Other sims have no issue gaining skilll, just this one!

please help!
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Help! skills stopped gaining on: 2010 December 23, 05:52:56
All the sudden all my skills ceases to improve. (tried several different skills like sculpting, body, charisma etc).

I have Late Night, Ambition and World Adventure with latest patch and AwesomeMod (of the latest version).

No other custom content besides some EA downloaded item set.

This is a fairly recent clean installation and fairly new family neighborhood.

My sims became a Vampire a while back and i changed back using the cure potion from science lab.

I tried cleaning the cache... it didnt help.

6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Consignment store wont sell items on: 2010 December 22, 21:36:22
i figured out why.
the consignment store was broken because some of my previous items were in negative days of sales (due to a bug that items not sold after 5th days wont be returned but instead goes into negative value).
i went to cancel all my previous consignment thru "cancel consignment" then re-do the consignment, then the shop starts selling again.

seems to be a known issue....
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Night Life : sims ONLY uses Taxi (refuse to use vehicles) on: 2010 December 22, 21:33:43
whats a good way to "unstuck" stuck items in inventory?
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Consignment store wont sell items on: 2010 December 22, 12:59:07
i have like 50+ items in the store, and they wont sell anything. it has been like a week already.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Night Life : sims ONLY uses Taxi (refuse to use vehicles) on: 2010 December 21, 05:02:37
Yes and yes

is this one like the grocery store bug??
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Night Life : sims ONLY uses Taxi (refuse to use vehicles) on: 2010 December 21, 03:35:11
somehow my sims now only uses Taxi and not use vehicles at home, i sold my car and bought a new (different) one and set it to use as "preferred" vehicle and sims still uses taxi no matter what.

anyone had encountered this before? how do i fix it?
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: How to trigger gardening opportunity? Is there a mod to improve the chance? on: 2009 June 21, 12:19:50
Nevermind, i see you have to enable debug interaction... hehe
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: How to trigger gardening opportunity? Is there a mod to improve the chance? on: 2009 June 20, 17:37:43
I have done following:
have over 50 friends in the neighborhood.
joined culinary career twice and reached five-star chef (now still 5 star chef)
invited the boss come to my home every other day, discuss work/gardening/cooking etc etc (starting with Emma, then after she died of old age, another 2 generations of "boss" of the Bisto restaurant)
interacting with other co-workers in the restaurant.
constantly gardening (have harvest 1500 life fruit, over 300 of eggs and cheese)
constantly waiting for phone call to ring and pick up whenever possible to make sure i wont miss any opportunity call
i got some random opportunity but never never the second gardening challenge (for steak plant etc).
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: How to trigger gardening opportunity? Is there a mod to improve the chance? on: 2009 June 20, 12:37:31
wow 143 reads and no one has the answer? Sad
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Boss at Science Lab is MIA. Is my sim the boss now? on: 2009 June 19, 12:11:45
My sim is at the top of the Political career (Leader of the Free World) and still has a boss. He still gets raises every 2-3 days, but I have to keep throwing fundraising parties to get bigger raises. On average, I get between $40-$85 per hour for a raise each time. Is it typical for you to reach the top of your career and still have a boss? Or is this unique to certain careers?

it is true, it is true! the "company" exists!!!
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / How to trigger gardening opportunity? Is there a mod to improve the chance? on: 2009 June 19, 09:44:25
im going insane waiting for the gardening opportunities to come, is there a mod to improve the chance so a sim can actually get it before he have to eat his 100th meal of ambrosia to stay alive?
16  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Zombie Apocalypse: BRAIIIIIIINS! on: 2007 April 05, 08:30:43
so much for preemptive strike lol
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The scarecrow on: 2007 March 28, 17:00:39
They must either be smoking something, or just be warped. I have seriously wondered about the creaters of the Sims 2. They call it a wacky sense of humor, etc. But I find nothing humorous about their purposeful creation of the impovershed, the mismatched, the colorless, and the truly ugly; all when they could have created sometihing elegant, colorful, and beautiful -- or at least something balanced somewhere between the two extremes.

I also don't appreciate their sadistic fetish about killing off my Sims. Especially killing them with things that should normally be wonderful parts of life, like sitting in front of a warm fire on a cold night, or gathering around a Christmas tree to celebrate. I customize and mod everything to bits -- all so I can play a decent game, pleasing to my eye, without burying most of my Sims before their very short lifespan has been fulfilled. If I wanted some adreniline pumping slaughter, I'd buy a shooter. I play the Sims to relax and enjoy myself.

Come to think of it, I remember being told in Sims 1 that the price of having eternal sims, was some chances of accidental death in the game. Well, now my Sims are NOT eternal, by purposeful design, and STILL MaxisEA adds *multiple* new ways for them to accidentally die with practically *every* expansion.

Think about it for a moment. If you have all the expansions up to and including Seasons, and you play without a protective mod in your game, what are the odds your Sim will never live long enough to become an elder?? He/she can die from kissing too long, sitting in a hot tub too long, eating spoiled food, sitting by the pool too long, running with a scissors, catching a random plague, getting hit by lightening, getting hit by hail, getting burned up while cooking or sitting in front of a fireplace, taking an elevator ride, getting burned up from being too close to a Christmas tree or outdoor Christmas ornament, running on the treadmill to long, getting hit by falling sky debris, fixing a broken appliance (even if the Sim is skilled to the max), flying a kite, drowning in the pool, or too much whoopee. And if he is sloppy, he can even die from a sudden attack of flies. In addition, female Sims can also die of pregnancy, even if their hunger never goes into the red. (I may be forgetting some other peril, there are so many.) And all that isn't even counting the chance to become the undead because of a wandering vampire autonomously biting him or her.

Trying to avoid death in this game is like constantly dodging a bullet, if you don't have protective mods. Ridiculous ....

Chill! that's why they give you the resurrection phone, its just added difficulty to the game, thats all
18  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Zombie Apocalypse: BRAIIIIIIINS! on: 2007 March 25, 02:39:20
Im interested in installing this hack, but im wondering if it is possible to register the attack action as "hostile" so defense systems such as the sentry bots can be triggered to attack zombies on your lot?

19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: "Application will now terminate" fixed, but kinda iffy? on: 2007 March 19, 05:59:16
i havent reallly encountered the exact same problem like you did.
but i did encountered the situation when my application keep crashing at neightborhood selection screen.
go to your teleport folder and delete everything in there.
this may fix it, i think its when the game try to transfer some stuff from somewhere to somewhere else and crash the the stuff getting stuck ended up getting loaded everytime you enter the game.
Please let me know if it work or not
20  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: dog half-buried and unable to interact after play with water wiggler on: 2007 March 13, 02:12:33
i think it has something to do with echo_community_sleep.package
its conflicting with pets
you should look for a updated version on google
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bathroom envy on: 2007 March 12, 05:41:46
the sims hate everything in the bathroom, my sims constantly contemplating how much they hate the ghostbuster wallhanging i put in the bathroom. they even dream about it every night until i remove it from the bathroom.
22  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Indoor Plant Fixes on: 2007 March 11, 21:18:00
strange, i have played a LONG time no and the only time my greenhouse plants get overwatered is when someone actually water it.
if a sim never manually water those plants and completely depends on the sprinklers then the plants never get overwatered.
i once use the weather control to make it rain for a few days, and none of my plant get overwatered as long as the sim dont water them.

i usually just plant them outside when someone need training in gardening. also attracts more bugs so my sims can turn into plantsim Smiley

MOD EDIT: Modify is not quote.
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Journalism career reward on: 2007 March 09, 17:28:03
what about snapdragon? is it better or worse than snapdragon
24  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Terrible crash when using Stuck object remover to remove stuck penguin on: 2007 March 09, 17:26:32
2 sims years as 2x 4 seasons

the penguin just stand there with no animation
i tried force error on it and it doesnt work just keep generating errors

the penguin is still there
25  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Business Controller: Business Runs YOU! on: 2007 March 09, 09:55:31
the gardeners i used are humans and plantsims
all with gold badge in garden
they just walk around and talk to the plant, but they don't seem to tend at all
even when they are not doing anything
most of the time they just walk from plant A to plant B back and forth back and forth
a friend of mine has the same problem in his game.
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