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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Slacker Babysitters on: 2009 July 19, 06:57:53
The social worker will come if a babysitter is on the lot.  I threw 7 toddlers on an empty lot, had the adult call the babysitter, then kept the adult away for a couple of days.  The babysitter stopped caring for the kids after the first two or three started crying. Every morning, I got a pop-up saying the babysitter needed to leave, but he never did.  Social services came after 3 days, I think.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Share pix / vidz of THE HORROR here on: 2009 July 10, 06:53:10

Is a tux really the best choice to play sports in? And what's with the bare feet, I guess he thinks he's Shoeless Joe?

Hank is a sports legend.  Do they all go work in formal wear? I can't decide if I want to change it or not.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Need Sims 3 Gaming with Sims 2 Content & Custom Content Capability on: 2009 July 03, 22:05:22
I have a pony (or eight). It would be Awesome if Pescado could mod them, though.

I'd like to request cleans own stall and auto changes, to start with.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: They can autonomously cheat. on: 2009 June 29, 19:27:01
So much to beat with a hammer, so little time.

Soon, you'll level up enough to upgrade your objects to self-cleaning, though. Surely, that is reward enough.
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 June 24, 06:07:24
The name of this thread is not a lie! That is a most excellent helpful tip.

It seems obvious now, you'd think I would have hit on it when I was typing in all the variations on edit I could think of. So not awesome of me.

6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 June 24, 04:33:21
Is editme supposed to be gone from the latest version?  I tried it out and am getting an unknown command response.

I don't want to put this in the bug thread in case it's a feature.
7  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Grief, woe, despair and hideous black screens on: 2006 November 26, 22:39:28
The ATI problem with Civ IV was worse than the Nvidia problem with the Sims 2.

If I don't see a problem, it's not a problem  Cheesy. I don't care if it's fixed officially or not, my game works. The newer drivers do work with the newer cards.  My card and my driver are about six months old.

I'm up to 4 1/2 gigs of CC, thanks to PMBD Kiss. Guess I better buy more RAM, it's easier than deleting all the stuff I hate.

8  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Grief, woe, despair and hideous black screens on: 2006 November 26, 06:20:46
Well, if you want the expensive solution... upgrade to a 7900gt, a 550 watt PSU, and add a gig of ram (2g total).

That's what it took to cure my Nvidia problem after OFB. I had a 6600gt running on a 300 w PSU so it wasn't all Nvidia's fault.
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Is there any benefit to being a doofus? on: 2006 November 15, 07:03:19
(He'sa former stray called Grimalkin, not bad for a game that issues townies called 'Goopy')

Grimalkin is Old English for cat (and is actually the name of former cat of mine). So, naturally, my game names a freaking *dog* Grimalkin.   My "yay" quickly turned to a D'oh!

10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How do you kill pets? on: 2006 November 10, 05:09:31
Dang, old age is too kind for some of them. Stupid Maxis EA.
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How do you kill pets? on: 2006 November 10, 03:57:30
Try enabling testing chests and adding a death token (shift+click, select kill for those who don't know). Save, exit, and reenter.

 I haven't tried this on a pet but it works on toddlers...
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: nude skin defaults on: 2006 September 14, 06:39:05
I use SimCriwhatever defaults from MTS2.  I am finding them a bit revolting (mmm, greasy Tongue) but I was really bored with my old ones from Helaene.  I like that there are options to make light really light or tan really tan if one wanted too and the skins have good facial detailing but yeah, everybody has a low level glow. Seems a bit Jelenedra, you know?
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Two Laptops to choose from...Opinions please on: 2006 May 12, 21:22:11
Intergrated graphics are crap Undecided. I really don't think you'd be very happy.  If I had to pick one, I'd go with whichever has the fastest processor (I am not familiar with AMD so I can't tell which is better).
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: New machine, Video Card question on: 2006 May 09, 02:15:21
I'm using a 7900GT and I love it  Cool.  My 6600GT worked great until OFB and then it locked up and died (while I was playing Civ IV in a thunder storm, I must mention in all fairness Grin). I'd bump up to at least the new 7600.

I seem to remember reading that the sims2 can't take advantage of the dual cards but I don't remember where Undecided. Something about it being more CPU driven than GPU.
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why can't I manage employees? on: 2006 March 11, 00:10:39

Now if I can figure out why my video card keeps resetting I'll be a happy camper. Smiley

If you figure that one out, do tell. I've been having the same issue Huh
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Dancing and Fitness - Hack wanted on: 2005 December 15, 04:49:29
There are several free objects that adjust fitness.

Way back in the day, I had a hack that increased fitness through gardening. I miss that hack.
17  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Ethiopian Challenge! Because E-Mail Was Too Easy! on: 2005 December 15, 04:27:25
Screaming starving toddlers are the best reason to play. It's even better when they are stinky, too. If only there was a slap interaction for toddlers and babies Cry.

I think all those years of babysitting have ruined children for me Roll Eyes.
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: my game is messed up on: 2005 December 10, 21:21:24
I had a sim fight his toddler and lose. I think it's utterly hilarious Cheesy.
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Will you morons just stay out of her coffin?? on: 2005 December 07, 23:37:04
They can only fly on normal walking paths. If a normal sim can't get there, neither can the vamp Roll Eyes. Stupid Maxis.
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Toddler blush on: 2005 December 07, 23:23:57
Brynne, I have that same blush and also no idea where I got it. Maybe Simphora, which is closed now?  Or Daha Fashion, who went to TSR?
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: About bringing that Tricou family back to life on: 2005 December 05, 21:16:51
Well, if you have enough other sims in the area, they don't need to marry their cousins, they'll have plenty of choice.  I mean, 6 - 12 sims is not that many to find unrelated partners for.  (Unless you plan on the original six having enormous families!)

Well, I've married in all the townies I intend to for that hood. I've got 15 or so families with 8 or 9 surnames and except for the Legacy family, no more marrying townies. I think it will be interesting to watch how the features evolve  (or don't). I am up to my third generation, a personal record. Yes, I do have a short attent... Cheesy
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: About bringing that Tricou family back to life on: 2005 December 05, 18:58:44
I guess I'm the mean one. I pruned them out of my Tricou family tree. 4 of them are grown up and married off.  Since their children need to be able to marry each other, it seemed prudent.  I believe it was just another wacky Maxis error that they ended up related.
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: About bringing that Tricou family back to life on: 2005 December 05, 03:50:58
Forget mucking around in SimPE, if you are hopeless with it like me. Grab Inge's teleporter bush, Carrigon's memory bottle, and the resurrect-a-mabob.  Pause the game, teleport the Tricou of choice to your lot, make them friends via the bottle and unpause the game. You'll get the pop-up saying the Tricou died on another lot. After that, use the resurrect-a-mabob to bring them back to life.

24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Winrar has hijacked my zip files!! on: 2005 December 04, 03:58:18
Use Alzip! It's completely free for private users, no nagging, no reminders, will handle zips and rars. Also, it has cute little animal icons Lips sealed.
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Attraction Scores? on: 2005 December 03, 05:30:21
I had John Burb dump Jennifer and marry Brandi. They seems very happy and have gorgeous kids.  The Burbs are worth plaing as Lucy turns out very pretty.
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