That link is too awesome for me. Is there a shorter tutorial about which files need to be deleted via SimPe after readying them in-game?
I'm decidedly non-awesome, but I think you're supposed to delete the relevant entries under Sim Description (SDSC) and Sim Wants and Fears (SWAF), in the NXXX_Neighborhood.package. You'll want Display Filenames turned on (under the Extra menu) so you can find the right Sim Descriptions easier. (Of course, you can also use the Sim Browser). To find the right SWAF entry for a specific Sim you need to load that Sim's Description and click on More, then "Open Wants & Fears" (note that More also has an "Open Character File" option that'll tell you what .package file under the Characters folder of that neighborhood belongs to that character, which is the last thing you delete, and that can't be deleted from SimPE. You'll have to find the folder and delete the file manually.)When you've found the correct entries, right-click and choose Delete (it won't actually be gone until you save the Neighborhood.package, so you can right-click again and choose Restore if you accidently picked the wrong one). Obviously, you'd want to make a backup of the Neighborhood before you go deleting things.