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TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: AwesomeSpec building in TS4?
on: 2015 April 23, 21:49:13
Since writing requires going to the mailbox to get published, and licensing songs also requires going to the mailbox, it's good to have the inspiration/creativity room be the first one off the hallway/closest to the front door and mailbox so your sims don't waste time.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Piss and Moan about IP thread
on: 2013 July 02, 20:46:04
Ever since installing Island Paradise, I have a lovely glitch where my sim resets every day at 5 am. That's with all CC/mods taken out. lol sims.
There are also routing errors but those seem pretty standard with every new world they make.
I guess, uh, the islands are pretty. Yep. That's my plus for this game.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Seasons Impressions?
on: 2013 March 10, 01:09:57
Believe me, if it's only ten posts down the page, it's not disrupting the forum to post and bump it to the top. The whole reason Necromancy is bad is because it's stupid to have stuff resolved a year ago bumped to the top with new dumb questions. That's not the case here. It would be retarded to post a new thread on this when the Seasons thread is less than halfway down the front page. The forum is so dead you should be celebrating anyone who bothers to try to add something, especially if they're someone who was around in the good ol' days and can write in complete sentences, instead of being ragingly bitchy to anyone who posts anything.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Seasons Impressions?
on: 2013 March 10, 00:21:47
I am pleased that in my celebrity household, in the summer all the paparazzi catch on fire and take turns trying to put each other out/burning to death. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. I haven't made it to winter but I hope the new paparazzi all freeze. My front yard will be littered with tombstones!
I'm sure that, much like this thread, they won't be allowed to die in peace. It's not necromancy if it's still on the front page of the forum. Never has been, never will be.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Seasons Impressions?
on: 2013 March 09, 22:40:21
I am pleased that in my celebrity household, in the summer all the paparazzi catch on fire and take turns trying to put each other out/burning to death. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. I haven't made it to winter but I hope the new paparazzi all freeze. My front yard will be littered with tombstones!
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Mailbox problems with AM installed
on: 2013 March 07, 06:22:49
Ah, yes, I have had this problem too. I worked around it by not ever using the mailbox, lol. Stellar fix on my part. Whenever my sims come back from vacation they have like a dozen omni plants in their inventories that cannot be interacted with. Also if they have omni plants in their inventories, occasionally other things in their inventories will get stompinated/go missing mysteriously, which never happens to omni-plantless sims.
Seems to be successfully resolved with either the latest patch or University Life, both of which got installed earlier today.
eta: I spoke too soon... it happened again about a sim-week later.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Newly-placed lights won't light up.
on: 2010 November 29, 03:20:21
When I first build a house, all the lights I place work. If I go back later to add more lights, for reasons such as 1. I forgot some lights, 2. I have more money to get BETTER lights, or 3. I built more house, the new lights don't turn on. The sim THINKS they are on, because they don't have the "It's dark!" moodlet, but I can clearly see that they are not, from the fact that there is no light. All the old lights turn off and on like normal, but the new lights don't. They have the option to "turn off," so I can see that the game thinks they're on, but they're not lighting up, which I would like so that I can, you know, see things in my sim's dark house.
I have TS3/WA/AMB, fully updated, and am running with AM, store content, and a few scattered pieces of CC, most of which are houses. I searched the forum but couldn't find anything on a similar problem, just the problem where lights don't bleed over to other stories/lots correctly.
Does anyone have any idea what is going on and/or how to fix it? Has anyone else experienced this problem?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Objects I miss
on: 2009 June 11, 11:55:03
This isn't an object, but I miss Physiology. My sims are so tired all the time now! Also, I dislike new coffee. The "buzzed" and "crash" things may be realistic but they are also ANNOYING.
I also miss some career and lifetime points rewards, like the edumacation bookshelf and the lie detector machine (it was lolworthy).
And, of course, the exaggerated facial expressions/movements the sims would make. I feel that Sims 3 sims are much more static than Sims 2 sims, which is taking away some of the delight.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Technical problems with THE HORROR: downloading, installing, and running it
on: 2009 June 10, 01:38:05
I'm having the same problem. I started off with Reloaded, and it would overheat after about an hour... applied the framerate limiter from this thread and overheating issues stopped. Upgraded to Razor and installed Store crap, and now my game goes less than five minutes before exploding. Thanks for pointing me to that thread. I hadn't considered that it could be a framerate issue. I'm still not sure that's the only thing that's going on, but after limiting the framerates I was able to play for a whole two hours, which seems like an epic amount of time after only being able to go five minutes. But then it shut down, right when I had stopped saving every few minutes. Huh.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Technical problems with THE HORROR: downloading, installing, and running it
on: 2009 June 09, 12:43:20
If you're comfortable going inside your computer, open the case. Check and make sure your fans are running. If they are leave the cover off and see how long it runs. If it runs without shutting down then you most likey have a overheating problem and need to buy a case fan
I tried that before, but I tried it again (and had been REALLY cranking the air conditioner so the room was ~15F less than it had been before, in case that would make a difference), but it lasted around the same amount of time. I'm wondering if it's a power supply issue, but I don't understand why it would ONLY come up when I play TS3, not TS2 or when I'm video editing or any other supposedly intensive task.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Technical problems with THE HORROR: downloading, installing, and running it
on: 2009 June 09, 09:19:13
My game only runs for 10 - 20 minutes before my computer shuts down. I thiiiink it might be an overheating problem but I have no idea how I would tell if that's actually the case, or fix it if it were. My computer has never done this before, so I'm a bit confused about it. The game runs perfectly fine up until the computer turns off. I have the Razor copy, patched, running from a no-cd crack, and my computer exceeds minimum specifications. It's died all five times I've tried playing since install (my poor sim has only managed to live one sim day so far). Any suggestions?
eta: Just tried it again and this time it lasted less than five minutes. Argh annoying.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Adding/cheating business perks
on: 2009 April 13, 21:55:30
I have this thing called Dolphin's Business Adjuster by Dolphin26 at MTS2 and it has an option to give yourself all of the business perks. It's not the most refined cheat ever, but generally if I'm trying to cheat-add the perks, I'm not really going for finesse.
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Transparent grills/plants Apartment Life
on: 2009 April 11, 04:49:20
Graphics card or game graphics setting issues? I've seen other threads here where people have resolved the issue by turning on square pixels, putting things on lower detail, or adjusting other graphics settings on the game, and I think they've also resolved the issue by updating or rolling back drivers. I don't know that they had the problem with the grills, but I do remember plants mentioned. It's weird that they look normal in the pictures even though they're screwy in the game. Huh.
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Undefined Transition with cash registers
on: 2009 April 07, 23:46:34
I have had this problem as well (or something very similar -- I don't recall the exact error). I don't play businesses often so it's never gotten annoying enough to force me to do a binary search, but I suspect tight pants. iirc, I think there was some option on the BRY master controller thing that would temporarily fix it, though it would just happen again a minute later.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: wut EPs are teh bestest?
on: 2009 March 29, 09:01:22
I like Seasons and Apartment Life quite a bit because I enjoy the farming and apartments (and AL also has the cool thing where you can put multiple paintings on a wall and move them up and down, which I obviously use for covering walls in ridiculous amounts of paintings). I don't often use the new thingies other than furniture added with Pets or BV, but Pets in particular had some fun furniture sets (and it is very cute to see toddler sims, who are pretty useless and boring, cuddling with a pet). As far as Freetime, I didn't think that hobbies would be all that interesting, but them and the secondary aspirations are actually fun. And whichever EPs came with new careers, I'm pretty sure my sims roll LTWs to those. Oooh, and the Education career (which came with Seasons?) is pretty awesome because it has the GOLD BOOKSHELF which has very fast skilling rates for everything.
TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
on: 2009 March 22, 15:10:55
I dare you to build something on THIS foundation.
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. DEATH TO EMMA Apartments. Tiny, cheap, and so cramped you could DIE. Rent (furnished of course!) is between 2904-6376 + 375-697 per week. Community area has tv, computers, skilling items, and bathrooms for guests (I do not suggest having many guests in your tiny apartment). I have all EPs and SPs. Easily converted into a deathtrap. (Also they are dark. Because I forgot lights. Whoops.)     Death to Emma Apartments! (right-click, save-as) Residential Version (In case you want to make changes, such as adding the apartment mailbox. I never do because it works without them, lol. It's not like the landlord NOTICES your rent isn't being paid.) And then, because I already made it and might as well share, FOUNDATION BASE to build your own!
TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis house of Phail: March 09
on: 2009 March 07, 00:55:21
This is my third try at this house... all my other attempts were too sprawling, so I shamelessly ripped out the second floor. $103,000 wanded. Suitable for a family of six, more if you put floors on the second story. I didn't decorate too extensively because I was trying to keep the cost down. It's easy to lower it a bit more by going in and ripping out the extra fun things. As is, it houses my only pleasure sim, who is kept very happy getting drinks from the bar, bouncing on the couch, and going swimming. I did use a CC floor for the pool area because the matching tile is so pretty, but the other crap in the package can just be stripped out with the clean installer, I think.   Top-down view:  You can see that the areas you may not want guests to go (upstairs, the kitchen, bedroom area, and pool & nursery) are easy to lock. Closer top-down view so you can see the rooms:  Pool room:  Study:  Living room:  Master bedroom:  Dining room:  Download HERE (right-click, save-as).
TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis House of Phail: Feb 09
on: 2009 February 05, 04:46:14
I am loving everyone's remodels of the house so far, and since I am particularly digging the cabin-type versions, I decided to do a cabin apartment re-do of the house. I moved one midbiscus and then that big tree in back about a square or two each, but other than that, kept all trees in the same places. The light cabin is meant for three sims and is $18324 (furnished) + $1400/wk, and the dark cabin is good for two and is $19793 (furnished) + $1124/wk. Both are wanded, of course. The light apartment has lockable kitchen/stairs, but the dark apartment doesn't. Both have all basic skilling equipment. I have all EPs and SPs.  First floor:  Second floor:  Light apartment:   Dark apartment:   Download HERE (right-click save-as).